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i need a raid 5 build STAT


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Importante : i am not expert of raid is possible to i have wrong .


For raid i generally advice using a heat mech ( don't use overload heat bomb, is useless you lose so many hp, in raid i recommend you to use the normal heat bomb and not overload version, ) i recommend you to have a heat long range weapon .

For modules using the 3 forteress is decent but you have a matrix, i will advise you to use it while waiting to got the 3 forteress, for energy and heat modules i recommend you to using this combinaison  :

2 combined storage unit 

1 overload preventor 

1 Energy mass booster

1 Cooling mass booster 

( you can added module if there is any weight left .


Edited by Electro (see edit history)
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