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Q/A before i quit


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On 1/2/2022 at 10:08 PM, AftoKrator_ said:

tbh, as a 16 year old, SM and this forum is on my top 5 things i care about in my daily life. probably 4th place actually. 

number 1 is school/grades/health obviously. number 2 is avoiding my mom's temper (very complicated... and hard). number 3 is anime. 4 is SM. and 5 is my friends on discord. 



also, what clan are you in? like the most recent one. 

bro same, only its my dad. except for anime tho, for me its reading.


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I care about my hobbies a lot ,school and health thats about it

On 1/3/2022 at 3:08 AM, AftoKrator_ said:

tbh, as a 16 year old, SM and this forum is on my top 5 things i care about in my daily life. probably 4th place actually. 

number 1 is school/grades/health obviously. number 2 is avoiding my mom's temper (very complicated... and hard). number 3 is anime. 4 is SM. and 5 is my friends on discord. 



also, what clan are you in? like the most recent one. 

hopefully you guys are all well with the pandemic

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No, maybe was a different person.  I think if not wrong there was an oki doki not capital when I started this game with my niece. Sure, you might be got in contact with her because I created this account with her to play with her nephew an old player of this game.

This is OKI DOKI birthday. Tuff words for some people saying I was a liar in the old forum according to the account speed progress farming. Yup and still progressing a bit slower but close of what used to be with low wins and constant farming. Now 192 myths and of those I have 182 at L50. Hard work just to say. 🙃 Just in 9 months I was L250 farming legally. 👍


picture is from 8/6/20

old forum. I joined back on 5/18/20 I think 

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10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

No, maybe was a different person.  I think if not wrong there was an oki doki not capital when I started this game with my niece. Sure, you might be got in contact with her because I created this account with her to play with her nephew an old player of this game.

This is OKI DOKI birthday. Tuff words for some people saying I was a liar in the old forum according to the account speed progress farming. Yup and still progressing a bit slower but close of what used to be with low wins and constant farming. Now 192 myths and of those I have 182 at L50. Hard work just to say. 🙃 Just in 9 months I was L250 farming legally. 👍


picture is from 8/6/20

old forum. I joined back on 5/18/20 I think 

Sheesh,I only gained extra 34 levels withn 4 years, I haven't done a lot work compared to you.

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rank 10-7 is where I stuck the longest

10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

No, maybe was a different person.  I think if not wrong there was an oki doki not capital when I started this game with my niece. Sure, you might be got in contact with her because I created this account with her to play with her nephew an old player of this game.

This is OKI DOKI birthday. Tuff words for some people saying I was a liar in the old forum according to the account speed progress farming. Yup and still progressing a bit slower but close of what used to be with low wins and constant farming. Now 192 myths and of those I have 182 at L50. Hard work just to say. 🙃 Just in 9 months I was L250 farming legally. 👍


picture is from 8/6/20

old forum. I joined back on 5/18/20 I think 

Do you spend tokens when out of fuel in campaign?

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Yes and no. I advanced the levels will pure regular free fuel. I was calculating the amount of arena shop advancement and my focus was more on fuel and regen instead of the other options to fortify my mechs. In order to move faster on level up it does require fuel and regeneration for that fuel. If arena shop is low on those 2 items, then the progress will become slower. 

Also, the timing how to pass level one to another it is important. The percentage on a particular level it does get harder as higher you go in normal way except at some points.

Let say you are at level 199 crossing to 200. At that level the percentage of progress for a 1-time grind let say in OD6 "BEST PLACE TO FARM" on level up will be I think at 0.3% per 7 fuels, over 9.6k gold and 19k XP. I forgot but just do the math and to reach 1% of that 100% to cross to level 200 it takes very long on farming. Calculating that percentage and using properly the fuels you can target 100% and still not crossing and by that time you need to ensure your fuels are at 7 as last run to cross and you will be granted full fuel regen. Every level needs to be observed properly and make moves to lower farm areas sometimes to get the full crossing.

Players don't get it, but I focused on level fast to get ton of gold fast enough to move mech power and develop ton of parts. Now, all depend on your focus on the game. Some go for power to start and move up with a mech or two as fast possible increasing resistance and damage in arena shop.  

The early level does change really fast grinding and those are easy to move up till level 70-80. In a month or 3 weeks you can have an account at level 70 farming all day around. 

What I did was to time the fuel regen before bellying up and consumed. You need to observe how fast regen and how much fuel you have and during the day check on your phone and in few min, you have a fuel drained and starting the regen from zero. 

I have the ability to use comp and phone for grind when I can, but I am busy in life and my pvp is very limited so the best approach for me was grind hard from start.

Also, to answer your question again I forgot that yes and no. Someone asked me same question and I had no idea about the fuel purchase with tokens since I was playing for free with my niece. When I was around level 218-226 range, I do not recall when, but I think I added comment in the old forum when I did, I was curious what was that thing of fuel buy and one time I wanted to test why players were waiting tokens on that having free fuel regen and tested 2k tokens of fuel at a particular level on that range.

Also, there was 1-3 items I decided to get on summer that came with fuel during TF administration and that added extra 100 fuel or so per item. The rest was pure grinding for free.

In my other acc O.D. FARM I was able to reach level 250 faster in 8 months flat. I had the understanding better to farm and O.D FARM is a younger account. 

Forgot to mention that leveling up will grant you the extra fuel since arena shop do not complete the full amount of fuel. To get the full you need to max arena shop and pass beyond 225 level or so "I do not remember well" and by the end your max of fuel will be 95. 

In order to speed up the process making parts I was making rare parts from common and epics from rare. Why? OKI DOKI account was terrible and still terrible granting epics one of the reasons I save them. No just the game was not granting basic module for ener/heat but granting basic parts was horrible. Many players that started with me they became top when I was basic R10 but I had my ways to keep grinding and advancing then fortune boxes started to grant goodies and with my farming I advanced faster and surpassed them on level and power. 

There are basic in this game but the most important it is the grinding level you do not the parts alone plus fuel for a free to play. For P2W with old accounts silver box can do whatever to buy ton of boxes and get gold and move up faster with money on hands.

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26 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Yes and no. I advanced the levels will pure regular free fuel. I was calculating the amount of arena shop advancement and my focus was more on fuel and regen instead of the other options to fortify my mechs. In order to move faster on level up it does require fuel and regeneration for that fuel. If arena shop is low on those 2 items, then the progress will become slower. 

Also, the timing how to pass level one to another it is important. The percentage on a particular level it does get harder as higher you go in normal way except at some points.

Let say you are at level 199 crossing to 200. At that level the percentage of progress for a 1-time grind let say in OD6 "BEST PLACE TO FARM" on level up will be I think at 0.3% per 7 fuels, over 9.6k gold and 19k XP. I forgot but just do the math and to reach 1% of that 100% to cross to level 200 it takes very long on farming. Calculating that percentage and using properly the fuels you can target 100% and still not crossing and by that time you need to ensure your fuels are at 7 as last run to cross and you will be granted full fuel regen. Every level needs to be observed properly and make moves to lower farm areas sometimes to get the full crossing.

Players don't get it, but I focused on level fast to get ton of gold fast enough to move mech power and develop ton of parts. Now, all depend on your focus on the game. Some go for power to start and move up with a mech or two as fast possible increasing resistance and damage in arena shop.  

The early level does change really fast grinding and those are easy to move up till level 70-80. In a month or 3 weeks you can have an account at level 70 farming all day around. 

What I did was to time the fuel regen before bellying up and consumed. You need to observe how fast regen and how much fuel you have and during the day check on your phone and in few min, you have a fuel drained and starting the regen from zero. 

I have the ability to use comp and phone for grind when I can, but I am busy in life and my pvp is very limited so the best approach for me was grind hard from start.

Also, to answer your question again I forgot that yes and no. Someone asked me same question and I had no idea about the fuel purchase with tokens since I was playing for free with my niece. When I was around level 218-226 range, I do not recall when, but I think I added comment in the old forum when I did, I was curious what was that thing of fuel buy and one time I wanted to test why players were waiting tokens on that having free fuel regen and tested 2k tokens of fuel at a particular level on that range.

Also, there was 1-3 items I decided to get on summer that came with fuel during TF administration and that added extra 100 fuel or so per item. The rest was pure grinding for free.

In my other acc O.D. FARM I was able to reach level 250 faster in 8 months flat. I had the understanding better to farm and O.D FARM is a younger account. 

Forgot to mention that leveling up will grant you the extra fuel since arena shop do not complete the full amount of fuel. To get the full you need to max arena shop and pass beyond 225 level or so "I do not remember well" and by the end your max of fuel will be 95. 

In order to speed up the process making parts I was making rare parts from common and epics from rare. Why? OKI DOKI account was terrible and still terrible granting epics one of the reasons I save them. No just the game was not granting basic module for ener/heat but granting basic parts was horrible. Many players that started with me they became top when I was basic R10 but I had my ways to keep grinding and advancing then fortune boxes started to grant goodies and with my farming I advanced faster and surpassed them on level and power. 

There are basic in this game but the most important it is the grinding level you do not the parts alone plus fuel for a free to play. For P2W with old accounts silver box can do whatever to buy ton of boxes and get gold and move up faster with money on hands.

it sounds straight forward just grind

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correct. For a free to play is grind and that include a pay to win. No matter what you are slave of grinding to move your account up on power. As an old person who play electronic games since the 70's I always did the basic to become strong. I was always in arcadia on top spot in all my local areas games and used to compete and get local rewards and used to play giving me free tokens or better say opening the door and add free plays for me as an attraction people around me and to make them spend the money. Those days was the way to play and have fun with locals or crossing towns and cities. 

You want to become strong, farm. I am not an old player here but now I have 192 MYTH parts and 182 L50 at this moment in OKI DOKI acc and in my OD. FARM I do have 171 Myth parts and over 140 at L50. 

Sure, don't follow other people ways. I recommend you play according to your conditions on life and do not look other people advancements over you because if you do you will be frustrated. Just play your way and have fun with it and sure if can get some advice to set up something can be good. I do that for me. People are top on R1. I play at R3 or lower. I have power for R1 and be R1 every season if play for it. I don't have time to play serious and from start my basic was not to compete instead to level up and make parts for fun fights configurations not thinking in to win and get rank and as my intro in this game I stipulated those comments.

I did compete as test playing serious last year for 3 months only to see my capabilities against the best and pro players of this game and I was able to get full R1 stars every season and get my top AP at 268 and no more because I dropped rank to R5 to help on war. I was spot 1 for solo medals. I do not care about medals etc or be an R1 regardless of if I focus, I can reach those levels and do proper set up to my mechs for combat thing I don't do generally speaking. 

Play as you feel not as others ask you to play telling you it is a waste of account or time. It is a game and just have fun with it. Make good friends that match your thinking and feel with comfort to talk to them and can have fun.

I was solo player mostly now half of the account life. No clans. The reason I needed focus on my game and learn on my own not following the crow and their points even are logical and with common sense instead I do experiment one after another at all rank levels for my learning and entertainment. I test whatever taking losses every week. I do not care; it is the fun to try even knowing you will lose making an no sense mech. You can see the difficulties and try to win knowing will lose. I have done this since I started, and my niece also did when she played OKI by herself. 

No matter your progress level and for how long instead enjoy the ride step by step what you do for your fun in this game. 


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46 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

correct. For a free to play is grind and that include a pay to win. No matter what you are slave of grinding to move your account up on power. As an old person who play electronic games since the 70's I always did the basic to become strong. I was always in arcadia on top spot in all my local areas games and used to compete and get local rewards and used to play giving me free tokens or better say opening the door and add free plays for me as an attraction people around me and to make them spend the money. Those days was the way to play and have fun with locals or crossing towns and cities. 

You want to become strong, farm. I am not an old player here but now I have 192 MYTH parts and 182 L50 at this moment in OKI DOKI acc and in my OD. FARM I do have 171 Myth parts and over 140 at L50. 

Sure, don't follow other people ways. I recommend you play according to your conditions on life and do not look other people advancements over you because if you do you will be frustrated. Just play your way and have fun with it and sure if can get some advice to set up something can be good. I do that for me. People are top on R1. I play at R3 or lower. I have power for R1 and be R1 every season if play for it. I don't have time to play serious and from start my basic was not to compete instead to level up and make parts for fun fights configurations not thinking in to win and get rank and as my intro in this game I stipulated those comments.

I did compete as test playing serious last year for 3 months only to see my capabilities against the best and pro players of this game and I was able to get full R1 stars every season and get my top AP at 268 and no more because I dropped rank to R5 to help on war. I was spot 1 for solo medals. I do not care about medals etc or be an R1 regardless of if I focus, I can reach those levels and do proper set up to my mechs for combat thing I don't do generally speaking. 

Play as you feel not as others ask you to play telling you it is a waste of account or time. It is a game and just have fun with it. Make good friends that match your thinking and feel with comfort to talk to them and can have fun.

I was solo player mostly now half of the account life. No clans. The reason I needed focus on my game and learn on my own not following the crow and their points even are logical and with common sense instead I do experiment one after another at all rank levels for my learning and entertainment. I test whatever taking losses every week. I do not care; it is the fun to try even knowing you will lose making an no sense mech. You can see the difficulties and try to win knowing will lose. I have done this since I started, and my niece also did when she played OKI by herself. 

No matter your progress level and for how long instead enjoy the ride step by step what you do for your fun in this game. 


but I can't imagine being serious in a game though unless esports

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sports are fun and want to prove yourself physically general speaking. Is logical you want to go as best you can. Some are very serious on video games and get angry losing a fight. They want to crush everyone for a virtual medal and prize at any games like there is no other life living in fantasy land. I let them keeps their fantasies of greatness. 🤣🤡

Now, some people enjoy the virtual world and is something fun to achieve as hard work to be there. It is all depend in the way people see it. I see some players working hard in their plays with great limitations. As an example, my former mate and clan leader SIN is a player I respect because he worked hard and played smart. With constant limitations not getting the parts to be stable he was always getting R1 and actually get R1 really fast like first day in the play on every season. Another player I respect too is warrmachine for same reason. They played with limitations and playing really smart for top spot, and both are being countless time on top AP and very consistent on it close to get medal. 

Some others like Big Dawg are a player I would like to see one day with a solo medal being consistent on top 10 since I play this game as solo player. Sure, others but will be fun to see some of them getting like my former peer Leaf that recently left the clan for education or kitty or Azrael including Scourge and Diablooder players that reach R1 first day or second every season just to say. 

Players that are cool to see as well like Mechzilla that always since I play it has been a top dog top 3 solo and Taedium another top 3 dog of this game consistent at least till recently and sure are others. Anyway, there are so many there are very cool to see to get medals and have fun to play them in the future when I move back for few months to play serious for R1 box.  Sure, not now because I do not care, and I just click without think or just test for fun.🤣

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17 hours ago, bongcloudmagic said:

Sheesh,I only gained extra 34 levels withn 4 years, I haven't done a lot work compared to you.

i started this account in spring 2019. i'm now lvl160-something. 26 divine/myth about half half. 

i don't grind as much. i barely even farm. at most 3 hours of real farming per week. 


but, for my alt.... my first account (legacy in i think 2015 ish)

it's been like almost 7 years and i just got to lvl 69 a few days ago. 

besides my legacy parts, i only have 2 mythicals. a mighty cannon and windigo. ofc, that's all because i still farm it occationally... like 1 hour a week. 

Edited by AftoKrator_ (see edit history)

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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