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Atomus once had a clan (The dumbest Supermechs story you might ever read about)


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Before reloaded happened, I created a bunch of clans.

The main points of interest being these 3:

Fire Cleansed (Ranks 1-3. 9 members)

Bloodfiend Congregation  (Ranks 1-7. 12 members)

SimpleON (Ranks 3-12. 20 members)

Fire Cleansed was the highest ranking clan ive ever created, we never made it to the top ranks before, but we've gotten really close...really close. Every since reloaded they left the game and havent been on for 1200+ days. It's so weird to see them at their lowest point, rank 20, no wins, nothing, just old mechs, abandoned. 

Lets get back on topic-

I got in a discord call with one of the members of Bloodfiend and asked them if they knew about reloaded, they actually had no idea about it, so I broke the news to him and told him his rank 3 mech is completely useless. All I heard was silence until he eventually screamed;


Just how he said it im not sure..i tried to hold in my laughter and said "Yea man, you gotta restart"

He started screaming for about 10 minutes before calming down. Some time between reloaded and legacy I gave up ownership of Fire Cleansed because I predicted that maybe it wouldn't be worth it after the update, I had the SimpleON clan on discord as well during this time, we tried to stay together through it, so i decided to merge the other 2 clans together. With what few members we had left, we managed to get the max amount of members into our fourth clan, we were gonna try to be the first ever clan to grind and prepare for whats to come. But oh how I was so wrong, because reloaded..scrambled everything. I had hoped that our legacy items wouldn't have gone to waste, but it rendered everything useless just like how that one member I was talking about previously had predicted. (His last login time was 1004 days ago). Our clan got completely seperated from one another and now they are all gone over the years. I am all thats left...so much for that!

Edited by Atomus
spelling (see edit history)
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On 12/6/2021 at 5:01 PM, Atomus said:

Before reloaded happened, I created a bunch of clans.

The main points of interest being these 3:

Fire Cleansed (Ranks 1-3. 9 members)

Bloodfiend Congregation  (Ranks 1-7. 12 members)

SimpleON (Ranks 3-12. 20 members)

Fire Cleansed was the highest ranking clan ive ever created, we never made it to the top ranks before, but we've gotten really close...really close. Every since reloaded they left the game and havent been on for 1200+ days. It's so weird to see them at their lowest point, rank 20, no wins, nothing, just old mechs, abandoned. 

Lets get back on topic-

I got in a discord call with one of the members of Bloodfiend and asked them if they knew about reloaded, they actually had no idea about it, so I broke the news to him and told him his rank 3 mech is completely useless. All I heard was silence until he eventually screamed;


Just how he said it im not sure..i tried to hold in my laughter and said "Yea man, you gotta restart"

He started screaming for about 10 minutes before calming down. Some time between reloaded and legacy I gave up ownership of Fire Cleansed because I predicted that maybe it wouldn't be worth it after the update, I had the SimpleON clan on discord as well during this time, we tried to stay together through it, so i decided to merge the other 2 clans together. With what few members we had left, we managed to get the max amount of members into our fourth clan, we were gonna try to be the first ever clan to grind and prepare for whats to come. But oh how I was so wrong, because reloaded..scrambled everything. I had hoped that our legacy items wouldn't have gone to waste, but it rendered everything useless just like how that one member I was talking about previously had predicted. (His last login time was 1004 days ago). Our clan got completely seperated from one another and now they are all gone over the years. I am all thats left...so much for that!

This isn't dumb just sad 😢

sorry that happened to you

Edited by Dark conon mech (see edit history)
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