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Legacy Players: Shields


Legacy Players: Opinions about legacy shields  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Legacy Players: Do you think shields matter any more on SM reloaded?

    • Definitely
    • Probably
    • Not Sure
    • Probably Not
    • Definitely Not
  2. 2. Legacy Players: Would you part with your legacy shields?

    • Yes, if I got something cool from it (example, random premium item or specific premium item)
    • Yes, if (hypothetically) I got a cool cosmetic (for example, if we made that slot a cosmetic slot and released new cosmetics)
    • Maybe, if I got tokens, gold, a legendary power kit, premium pack, etc.
    • Not sure
    • Nah, I want the shields to be reloaded or brought back so they can be used
    • Nah, I'll keep my shields

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Legacy players: do you think shields matter in this game any more?

Would you be willing to part with shields if you got other rewards?

Please vote and/or comment.

This poll is attached to my idea about using the shield slot for something else like a drone or feet cosmetic, but I just wanted to get opinions.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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