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Super Mechs Legacy


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I'm definitely not the first or the only person on the forum to suggest a legacy mode/game for Super Mechs. I have way more memories about Super Mechs before the massive overhaul of the game, introducing new items, a revamped campaign, and suddenly all your current mythical items cannot compare to how they exist now. I absolutely loved it when Super Mechs was more revolving around strategy, not to say that it still isn't, but I'm mainly talking about Bullets, Rockets, and Shields, mechanics that actually made you build your mech carefully and strategically, making sure your mech had enough ammo to fire a weapon, etc. Perhaps at this point we cannot persuade the developers to add bullets and rockets back into the game, but would it be too bad of an idea to experience the joy of looking through the shop with mythical items and drooling while imagining how cool and strong your mech would be with that Lava Scope torso? 

My main point is to say, that although reviving the legacy version would definitely be some hard work for the developers, there would still be a massive handful of players that would enjoy playing Super Mechs in a version where a high-tier mech had about 900 hit points.

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That would definitely be a pretty good idea for those remaining legacy players out there. And i know that this have been mention a lot of times, but wouldn't it be great if there is like a SuperMechs Legacy or something like just a seperate minigame or something inside the current SM. But as far as i know there are still many peeps like me (probably) who loved the older version of SM


On 3/11/2021 at 2:34 PM, tygerlee78 said:

I absolutely loved it when Super Mechs was more revolving around strategy, not to say that it still isn't, but I'm mainly talking about Bullets, Rockets, and Shields, mechanics that actually made you build your mech carefully and strategically, making sure your mech had enough ammo to fire a weapon, etc.

If you think about it, there really isn't that much strategic battles in the current SM. I mean just look at CleverName, basically winning all his arena or other matches by completely overpowering the enemy (from watching his replays) (and please dont take this as any offensive means, i am just trying to give an adequate example). In terms of combat, the current version of SM is more about collecting items, see who have more L-Ms, who upgrades and max things out faster, and completely overpowers the enemy instead of actually using our brain. Especially considering the fact that pay-2-play players have a much higher chance of winning due to the higher chance of getting good items. 

In general, it'll be great to be able to bring back the old version of SM as it will be much more ... "educational??" (maybe since strategic war requires more brain cells). 

Discord: Aftokrator#9688

DeviantArt: Azorsia05 User Profile | DeviantArt

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