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5 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

The top weapons on The physical mech are trash. Do not up them. Wait till you get a better top weapon. One that reaches Mythical.


Your second Mech is alright, yet that torso is what ever.  Get a better torso.

dont worry, i need collect items to transform it into legendary but i dont have much epics and rares. stay patient also i open always premium box for 75 tokens to get some epics or legendaries


5 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

The top weapons on The physical mech are trash. Do not up them. Wait till you get a better top weapon. One that reaches Mythical.

ye, spartan carnage is smiliar to rapid destruction but better so its very hard to get a legendary tier
premium boxes has small chances for legendary, damn

Edited by Michal_Gorski2022 (see edit history)
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