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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Ad1tya

  1. to cannibalistic extra-terrestrials
  2. First of all, Welcome to the community Second, Don't run a counter, You'll be hated by the community and that's a bad first impression If I talk about the mech, the weapon set-up is decent, Would recommend you to add more hp on it Also, If you can, Use massive stone feet, you dont have to worry about mobility since you have all 3 utilities Massive stone feet are def better Yeah that's all from my side
  3. Banned because you have a perfect like/post ratio I ban myself for ruining Mano-san's like/post ratio
  4. Banned because I'm still little (and I'm still cringy)
  5. Banned because me when me when I when me when I when
  6. eradicating Xi Jinping (yeah its kinda offensive for the Chinese out there but who cares, its a shitpost topic anyway)
  7. Me imagining Diablo running dual crashers, bulldog, lightning cutter
  8. causing Explosive Chronic Diarrhoea
  9. Definitely worth it if we talk about tokens even though the drop rates would be pretty rigged you'll get decent amount of food and if you're lucky, you'll get L-Ms which actually have some value and utility
  10. Banned because I didn't even notice that it was my 150th post Thanks for the heads up lol
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