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Nefertary Meriten-Mut

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Everything posted by Nefertary Meriten-Mut

  1. No. You have to complete the entire ad on your mobile (reward of 2 tokens included). If you use the desktop version on your computer, the same will happen. You must make at least 1 ad on your mobile to enable it on your computer. The point is that with a browser like Chrome it´s faster, with the desktop version you will have to close and open many times ...
  2. That has happened to me for many months on the computer. The solution is: make the first free tokens with your mobile, if you make at least 1 ad with your mobile, then you enable it on your computer. Another thing, with the mobile sometimes you have to try many times, the notice that there is no reward available will appear, try until it appears.
  3. Well ... is what I just wrote. Gato Games doesn´t prohibit you from having alt accounts. So don't tell me not to waste my time, because I'm not the one requesting that alt accounts be banned. (although we all know that it´s used to manipulate the Arena). It always seemed to me that the IP ban, in addition to being imprecise, is an injustice if more than 1 member of the family or people who live together use the same computer. I believe that there are things that can never be avoided such as manipulating Arena with alt accounts, trolling or smurfing. You can't fight it no matter how unpleasant is. But it´s only a game.
  4. No. The new TOS from Gato Games. The old TOS of Tacticsoft banned alt accounts. The new TOS doesn´t prohibit them. The new TOS from Gato Games not only doesn´t ban alt, but assumes that each player will have more than 1 account, when it says that you cannot use your alt accounts to transfer resources.
  5. Phys continues to be dominant. With the new "anti-phys" torso, you will lose anyway, although fair that is, you will lose by less difference. The anti-phys torso will also leave less HP on your mech, so if you are a heat user (for example), you will be weaker compared to other heat and energy. What you see in Arena is that trolling has increased considerably. Now there aren´t only the classic troll phys, but also troll energy and a kind of troll that was not very popular before, but is now more and more frequent: the heat troll (heat build that carry 1 or 2 weapons that need energy, but that carry very low energy level). .......................... The difference shows about Frantic, to the point that I think Frantic will disappear from the game. Frantic was never a problem on the high ranks. Of course it was annoying for some players in the middle ranks. But it´s a cheap weapon, relatively easy to obtain that greatly helped the f2p player who has no other means of obtaining Spartan. So the whole Frantic thing was a "poor versus poor" showdown and now everyone is left with nothing. I hope some of you will learn the lesson and be more united rather than against each other. Because when a f2p player faces another f2p, in the end they both lose and the one who wins is the p2w and the administration.
  6. @SawzAll... Gato Games will not do anything because according to the new Terms of Service isn´t prohibited to have multiple accounts. You must read the "fine print". In principle, what is not prohibited, is allowed. Only transferring resources from one account to another, eg transferring tokens, is prohibited. Nothing says the TOS about Arena manipulation using alt accounts. So it would be a waste of time to protest or report the use of alt accs. ................................... The logic indicates that alts favor Gato Games, as it increases sales if the player is a p2w or the time you spend viewing ads if you are a f2p player. Besides that outwardly, what is shown, is that the game has a significant player base. We know that it´s a makeup, but whoever sees the game from the outside, does not know it. So, I wish you good luck, you will need it if you want to protest (and get any results) for the alt accounts.
  7. * Work or study: 8 hours a day. If you work and study: 10/12 hours a day. * Take care of your home, your family, your friends or your animals, do the shopping, order your things: 6 hours a day. * Play Supermechs (1 account): titan, clan war and Raid: 1/2 hour. Daily missions: 1/2 hour (minimum). Make free tokens and campaign: 1 hour. Total: 2 hours. * You have 6 to 8 hours left to eat, sleep and bathe. Tell me if a person who works or studies and lives in a house has time to attend to more than one account. Either you sacrifice work and / or study or you do nothing at home.
  8. If the problem is the manipulation of Arena, keep in mind that there are entire clans that work for other clans. Certain players have their main account in the main clan and the alt ones in the subsidiary clans. So the matter of Arena manipulation is the matter of all manipulation on the game. In the end, when you are told that the game has x number of players, what there is is x number of accounts, but the players are not that many. In the end, they have a lot of free time to dedicate for the game and to attend so many accounts. They are the n.n. (neither study, nor work).
  9. Los escudos viejos que consumen energía o calor serían totalmente absurdos después de recargarlos. El daño de arma ahora te dejaría sin energy o calor en la segunda ronda. Creo que es por eso que los escudos no se volvieron a emitir. Pero, podría ser un escudo con otro costo que el de energía o calor, pero ¿qué sentido tiene si ya hay módulos de resistencia?
  10. Para mi no hubo cambios ..... la modificación de los torsos de platino incrementó la resistencia al phys, pero su uso disminuye 200/300 puntos de HP ... ergo, puede que sea un poco más resistente al phys, pero ahora estoy más débil frente a la energía y el calor. De cualquier manera, hay una diferencia de 1000 HP entre mi calor de energía libre y los 4000 HP de energía física libre, así que incluso si tengo 45 puntos más de resistencia, es lo mismo. Conclusión, con los "nuevos" torsos de platino soy más débil frente al calor y la energía (porque tengo menos HP) y sigo siendo un saco de arena para el físico. Aclaro que uso mi torso libre de energía. Quiero decir esto.... Con el torso que uso habitualmente: Con Platinum (más resistencia física, menos HP y el balance de calor no mejora). Soy más débil contra las acumulaciones de energía y las acumulaciones de calor y todavía no puedo afrontar la física libre de energía.
  11. When I was NANCYKAT ... my bad! I should have stayed there ... I didn´t participate in forums or that there was a ranking list, nor did I know that there was a weekly tournament (although I knew that every week the game was restarted).
  12. ...you would be a good political campaign manager. What I´ve seen since Gato took over are good intentions and many promises, but the matter seems to be much discussed and the changes are not seen. Admins (Alexander) promised us a change before the end of the year (oh sorry, deadline is January 3, we´re in the extension period). It didnt happen yet. According to what I see on the Arena there is more and more phys build, because the supremacy of phys is notorious, I would say scandalous. So when most buyers leave the credit card building phys, then you change the priority. I don't see much interest in any balance at the moment. I'm not a weak player, on the contrary, I´ve some of the strongest heat builds in the game. But even with that, every week I find it harder to get to rank 1. 4000 HP free energy builds and trolling have ruined the game. About trolling, I´ve built a crap energy troll and it works better than with balanced energy. To see how bad things are, building troll is more profitable than making a balanced mech.
  13. Since for the administration what matters is to obtain more money, if the purpose is met, for them the game is fine. So as long as their profits are stable, why would do anything to balance the game? Free energy phys with 4000 HP that have made ball heat & energy builds bother you? And well ... if it bothers you, buy more and build a free energy phys ... that's the way they think! Your reasons may be very legitimate to you. But they don't ask you why you do it, the important thing is that you do it. Happy New Year for u too!
  14. "In any case", a lot of science, but you did it anyway.
  15. The administration has no problem with that, because more alt accounts potentially means more money for them. However, this, along with various other craps like the imbalance in favor of phys, trolling, VIP players who have taken over the game, and cheat, has caused many of us to lose interest on the game. Because I don't think I'm the only one who has lost interest in the competition. At first you get angry, then you try to do something because you still have hope and when you realize that you have lost your energy on it, you throw in the towel and let them do what they want. But there is also a lot of hypocrisy about this, because every day in the Arena I see people who complain about all this, but they continue to buy with doggy eyes. If you buy, is because you endorse and agree with the state of the game.
  16. Last night the neighbor brought me a homemade wine was spectacular (almost champagne), but today I woke up with a hangover. I live in the countryside and here is customary to eat lamb on New Year, but since they know that I don't eat meat, they bring me the wine ... lol. So today I´ve to behave like a miss and eat soft because I'm still giddy from the wine.
  17. I think the same TOS (updated version) solves the issue: Here it says "establishing Users for the sole purpose of transferring Game Resources to Your other accounts." That´s, you can have multiple users or multiple accounts, as long as you don't use them to transfer resources. It doesn´t state anything regarding the use of alt accounts to manipulate Arena.
  18. Leave it as is and put 1 single use. This weapon, which can sometimes be a headache on pvp, is very useful for RAID. Leave it with just 1 use so it will not lose its value for RAID.
  19. So much happens on this game ... and maybe it's not just this game, but most of the games that are of this style ... promises that aren´t kept, scandalous imbalances to sell more, cheaters and "favorites" that are protected and untouchable, trolling, bug exploits, AP manipulations ... In the end you come to the conclusion that you cannot fight against everything and everyone, there are things that will never change. What you see is what you get. If you try to draw attention to something that is wrong, you become public enemy # 1. You just start to understand over time that this isn´t a competition game, is a game of who fits better. It is´t to be taken seriously and of course, unless you are the son of an Arab sheikh and don´t know what nonsense to squander your money, it is better not to put real money for any internet game. Better to play dumb and not commit to anything.
  20. It's not as difficult as it seems to deal with the Arena Shop issue. When I organized the Tournament of the Best Loser, I simply arranged the pairs alphabetically and simply swapped players whose Arena Shop was similar. It isn´t as difficult as it looks. Also most, I would say 70% of players have Arena Shop at maximum. What f@cks more to do another GOAT is that you have to take the time to study all the new weapons, because there are some that even at the epic level are too OP. Another thing is that who organizes the GOAT must be an experienced player and skillful to make numbers, since is very difficult to realize that the rule that there is no update on the items is fulfilled. And the first days, when you have 15 or 20 videos to watch in 1 day, in addition to pm that arrive and you have to respond, it takes a lot of dedication to organize.
  21. The GOAT was created by El Metre and I believe that any new edition of this Tournament must be done giving the credit that corresponds to its creator. El Metre organized 6 editions of this Tournament with a lot of support from the players. But the most important thing about the GOAT Tournament is the spirit in which it was created and that should never be lost. The GOAT was created to equalize everyone, those who pay and those who don´t pay. And so that those f2p who cannot aspire to the first places because they lack the best items, had the opportunity to demonstrate their quality as a player and obtain a unique Prize that nobody can obtain by buying, only by winning the GOAT. Never lose the true spirit of GOAT, which is the healthy and fun competition that isn´t based on how much you buy, but on your true skill as a builder and player.
  22. The forum is very good. I'm studying it and trying to take advantage of what it has. By the way, I already fixed the Discord problem, although I don't know if I will have time to participate. However, I want to make a "destructive review" .... I don´t like that everyone can see the profiles I visit. In fact I disabled the option that I myself can see who visits my profile. I don't know ... it seems to me that people like to browse the member profiles, but we don't like that everyone knows what we have been looking at ... in my profile they can see calmly because I don´t know who is looking or who looked. Regarding this, I´ve the forum link under "favorites" and I open it from there, but it always opens to Alexander's profile, so @Alejandro must think I'm chasing him.
  23. Justly. If someone were to hack into systems and steal accounts, they would not do so with any known account. Those who make systems to steal, do it because there are people who buy, and nobody would be so stupid to buy a known account. I guess they go for mid-range accounts that have little or no activity. Fortunately it seems that these hackers haven´t landed here. But I have read on forums of other games that they do. Here all the times that accounts have been stolen are scam artists who trick players into giving them the password.
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