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local melee weapons fan

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Everything posted by local melee weapons fan

  1. I have variants, all quite great in terms of damage top weapon, but will pull, so I'm not spartan carnage physical and mighty premium, not really a scope what am I?
  2. kat said meow just got a stroke... confusions hit everyone
  3. this offer feels great since it's like double but additional 60 fuel and also cheap but maybe next time in like a month and a few days dunno
  4. except I didn't upload any sm and my last 8 month old vid is a rickroll
  5. kinda like this glitch/cheeze/bug/feature soooo... I don't really wanna fix this since I play lots of sm idling daily but there's times where I'm gone fo' a while
  6. 3 legendaries 1 pakk but I ain't an energi mekk owner sooo ima slowly start 1
  7. 3 legendaries in a box but 1 is smth I don't really need... other is an amazing jump weapon for an energy mekk if I make 1 and other is just an epic but higher rarity (cannon set complete... I have sacrifice cannon, it's heat and this now noice)
  8. ayo who were ya...? ima check attack log aye that blodwep and yeaewyewyweayay will change it after a dayum gud weapon like nightfall is found (I ain't have much) + savage will be changed to smth like... dunno just used since it's my only good alternative top wepon (srry if my engrish quite bad) scavenge lmaoo I like how unrepaired lazer cannon is so well hidden... that's wut I highly meant by "a few weapons"
  9. HAL sooo halal mode also springs... very light like repulser light but sucks in stats dunno forgor it's stats that weird hammer that looks like a brick is it's tip that glows when used
  10. nono... it's a quandale dingle reference where he said goofy ahh like "I crashed my goofy ahh uncle's nissan to a children's hospital"
  11. my not really a friend but was on a reddit pic's crush once said "I need some space" so I build this mekk specifically for what she said... a build that pushes and pushes (need advanced repulsers) to give some space against those huggers who wanna hug to lessen loneliness... and if they're on their edge? no worries, we got ya covered with a get outta here cannon where leaving is done cool hahehohaha soo corni
  12. I dunno flair needed but I spammed + to craft more but it didn't for a while until it suddenly made like more than 100 commons while 99 is limit for kraftin at a time (these are boost pointz since this item create is new)
  13. my overlord den boss is bigboy and ramboy is like 1st boss or smth
  14. all me top weapon are alread' 4-8 tiles o' range
  15. royal flush laubcher here have a royal flush and win this poker hand
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