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local melee weapons fan

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Everything posted by local melee weapons fan

  1. dayum... currently broke atm so not gon' buy this or even that epikk 1k tokens offer but would (since me lukky af and need goodies modules) if got tokens
  2. weight is kilos?... no no it should be 69 milligrams
  3. usually food garbag like golem and a few other legendary kapped torsos but I once regret foodin' windigo... kan't really blame me tho lmaoo hate that torso since had a video game trauma as a kid in arena (legacy edition I think since it looked a bit different) he removed my energi and it was shockin' bakk then but it's like smth that rare wepons can do ez... did it early on when it was epikk lmaoo and also kinda helped me know that that incident kan be a not so funni joke now... *sees a thicc truck irl* "windigo users frfr"
  4. ayo yeaweyweyew anyways... frantic users frfr + are ye gummybear certified?
  5. my current mekk is my dream mekk lmaoo... like its looks where it become pee yellow to signify phys and overall range but "modules could be better" everytime I die to a heater or a hysteric energi obtainer + need a few myths and dual nightfall if ya can't see it's 2nd lmaoo thicc ahh hammer blokks it... just need all fortress then a qcb and an overload preventor then bam fully max... will take a lol o' premium findings lmaoo this also my dream mekk since I hate energi mekks when we enemies
  6. decent offer?... ya get better when ya gummy bear certified
  7. officially bakk and deez are pretti kool schiesse this song is in my language (bisaya/cebuano/mother tongue to some fellow pinoys...) but it's actually a comedi song anyways this also a banger and new divide and in the end
  8. *has 16,777,216 accs *trades to have 80 superb charge engines
  9. masiv ston fet better ngl... that schiesse good if mobility but oh hell nah in jump needed
  10. ayo did ya delete yo pfp? I rememeber it was an asthetic smth dunno (me forgerful :PPP) + ayo idani rf local fan here from not so long ago... were ya that dude who puts mems on his intro?
  11. dudes tellin' me that it do be 8x xp when it's only double
  12. I always liked ettin looks since it's like an angy dino but just rememeber that it's only common and rare
  13. aye fnf pfp spotted... opinions overly obliterated, facts (told but not checked) fairly flushed, statements still substandard, words whoppingly whomped, reviews really retaliated dayum... best I had was 3 and would've been better but sus if grim kobra was legendari
  14. ye right fo' thinkin' I think ya dumbass... only dum dum currently but this prob a misunderstandin'... like ya know w'all talk differently and have em different meanins'
  15. m8 I have trauma from y'all frantic users... especially dual in arena m8 they deal common rarity damage from a round or deal max scope dmg from a round... grrr I have nightmares from y'all where I lose 50% hp in 2 attakks
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