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Ace Red Baron

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Everything posted by Ace Red Baron

  1. game doesn’t load anymore ….
  2. arena is so slow check this picture out zero players!
  3. I have the same problem no storage please do a portal for all as a compensation …. Thank you ! @Asther
  4. Am not getting anyone in the arena ? its doom day !
  5. Did you get a free egg or paid 335 that the worse deal ever and they call it a sale omg
  6. Hi don’t have much infos about your situation ? You Can try by restarting the game as you learn by your own mistakes also post a picture of your mech so we can help you with your built …
  7. Can someone let me know is it to late for free Easter egg ?
  8. Wow looks like it’s all garbage they need change that servers ?
  9. Fortunately or unfortunately have you any news about this game Sm ? I don’t care BD 2
  10. wish we had tokens in the egg ? There no more news from anybody ….. maybe we should all get life !! there even to busy to post any more news for upcoming event ? As per Easter ….
  11. Absolutely ignoring all of us there all to busy playing on free discord the forum is now Obsolete no post no announce no Easter sale it’s bitter Will included are freindly moderator that are never here for us As a reminder that we do exist here and not on discord they won’t even answer because there not here anymore so you all should move discord and close the forum it with be a lot better @Alexander@Fluffeh @Riot @Raul Happy Easter !!
  12. Happy Easter Best !! we’re is the Sale there no discount!! game need a refresh
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