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Ace Red Baron

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Everything posted by Ace Red Baron

  1. For the moment Sm is down need to address your comments by email
  2. Maybe there a game reload they need to do maintenance it happen all the time i believe they got rid all the hackers that had the shields
  3. Should send us some tokens its troublesome As compensation for are patients
  4. Please help !! Cant play doesn’t load looping for ever 30 minutes now
  5. OK Oky your to busy ! Awesome juggling at work I see you’re prioritizing ,at home all is good No more covid test I Got my hernia operation and now walking Gaming is fun when you have time play and relax Am 3 weeks off so am planning on playing even more then usual Wife brings my coffee ️ every morning and here I go 3 hours of pure fun Loving wife thank you So yes let me know when your ready for greatest come back in SM history CHEERS Star ️ Lord
  6. Wally thanks for sharing your memories to all of us those were wonderful memories and interesting details of events you related here . your right when so say enough is enough Maybe there to much Shabba blood in me some times when you don’t succeed good to forget all of it keep on farming and Cheers Star ️ Lord
  7. OKI That righty these were fun times at Candela every week we got the tokens and everyone participated in raising tickets members we’re challenging each others for most wins ,those were the days and amazing times … long time ago players now like to reach for the top more players are going for the medals so the game shifted now clan( Candela ) for this reason are broken and more fun in medal hunting so be it Am sure only thing working in this game are medal All Candela members are still playing and got there medals and a few couldn’t stay on for different personal reason OKI show me your medals honour… Star Lord when you happen to stop I notice that player base is slowly moving Down
  8. Favorite video from you tube all heat items
  9. - 2 6 8 why so many player stop to play
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