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Everything posted by SolarisHK-CZ805

  1. Which ones were bannable? Tbf someone knew I'd come back, and they knew me well. They also knew that I lost my acc so yeah.. They gave me one of their alts which they don't use it.
  2. My number does not speak mathematics It speaks violence 9×(10×√(9×5)+9)×64^(36) Recorded this as being rich in nuclear superiority.
  3. Sixteen Eighty-five + 17 more years
  4. Will commit the unboxing Once I have enough tokens for an offer that has atleast 10 packs that is
  5. In-game I once used a legendary Fractured Heat Armor to myth an item, I forgot the name, but yes I did used it to myth another leg. I was selfish back then back then and didn't care that much so just blame me...
  6. My legs! Anything to fix this issue btw?
  7. It's prolly an error Don't complain anything about the Philippine nature or This thing shows up in your room
  8. w h a t i s n e c r o p o s t i n ?
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