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Everything posted by SolarisHK-CZ805

  1. A scope build escaped from an ongoing battle in a city, which a rogue nation was trying to occupy for weeks. The pilot, though has a powerful scope build, did not want to fight and instead fled. Authorities has taken hold of the pilot and is now being held in a base to stay. Photo of the mech, which is taken very closely. If you do have any answers to why the pilot escaped from the battlefield, please leave a comment below.
  2. Finally, someone from another country with islands. It's 12:01 AM now....
  3. It takes a long time, probably months You should keep the base
  4. I am against your opinions unless it meets the current situation, like this.


  5. 7:32 PM in the Philippines, is there anything wrong here?
  6. Warning : The following content comes from a sci-fi strategy game called "AstroNest - The Beginning". Expect for some spoilers, if you do not want any spoilers I suggest you to stop looking into this post.
  7. Base is pretty effective for getting legendaries, and for gathering gold if you do not grind campaign much or if you have less fuel as well as powerkits if you found something good then you can upgrade it with the powerkits that you have kept. As for disabling, it might not worth disabling the base when mines and factories are upgraded high enough, besides, you would've spent so much to upgrade them and the HQ. (Warning : Every single bit of this post might be wrong, if you do see any inconsistencies of my post please do tell me.)
  8. This is what I am scared of, well for the very least
  9. A mech was spotted in the middle of a street at 3 AM by a local. Locals said that this mech has wandered in the streets every 3 AM to 5 AM and was sometimes seen spinning. This picture shows the mech standing :
  10. Was he also the creator of WU? Just asking
  11. My mental is now gone because brain damage

  12. VideoCutter_VideoCutter_2e0ef9bf5856c580da1237c2ef5173a7-360p.mp4 Can I sleep for 2 hours?
  13. Bro had it glitched like ice cream Call the maintenence team
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