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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by Tesla

  1. 4 minutes ago, Marija said:

    Im starting to distribute accounts slowly, you should receive it within the next hour. Please make sure to check your application.

    A few information about the account: Each should have about 10 million gold, be level 200 and have 300 epic cards + 250 mix boxes. Please make sure everything is there, if something is wrong feel free to contact me.ย 

    Some other commonly asked questions about the accounts and similar:

    1. You cannot upgrade arena shop.
    2. You cannot go to arena (real battles).ย 
    3. The tokens you have/earn, you can spend on what you want, usually I recommend expanding inventory.
    4. You are allowed to paint your mech.
    5. If you run out of boxes and still havent received the item you want, let me know in the application or react to the post I will make during the week to ask if someone needs a top up.ย 
    6. You post your mech in the application you created, dont create any new ones.ย 
    7. You have until next Friday to play, make a mech etc and post it.ย 


    i have a question, you cannot go to to arena but what about campaign?

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