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Monke King

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Everything posted by Monke King

  1. Hey no one’s rapped for a while Let’s start rapping and give this thread a smile!
  2. I don’t know maybe Viking hammer and valiant sniper? Maybe you can add in that emp
  3. Damn it took me one hour to read all of this. It looks like your on a heated discussion. I don’t know about meta but I think all of the builds are fine.
  4. I’m basically opposite of u
  5. I got 6 premium packs with all epics in a row
  6. I’m too lazy to do daily missions… I will do them quick
  7. This might not be a question, but just so you know there’s a rap\roast battle going on. It needs more people so please join in on the fun!
  8. I got rank 15 because I though it was better than rank 12
  9. You might have never lost But I never give up Im going to win this one and create records upon records
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