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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. possibly this set of module if you have a maximum protector . maybe replace the massive stone feet by a massive lava or shocker feet for add a damaged armor dissolver. however i could be wrong .
  2. I could myth my 7th item.. "see the stats if the lightning scope will be level 1 mythical..." 155 energy cost ? mmh.. that just a "detail" like the others..
  3. keep the legacy item ( for collection, you are one of rare player to have always legacy item in 2022) but you should use the reloaded item only, these have highter stats ( except the commons items and maybe rare item ), also maybe farm od6 or od8 for earn more useful items .
  4. In my secondary account ( maybe i should stop to precise that because that now my only account that i'm active ) 2vs2 campagne normal cleared also, my 6th maxed item
  5. Upgrade tte energy mass booster and maybe remove the teleporter and add a damage armor dissolver, otherwise the mech seem to have not some many fault but the normal modules could be replace by the doubles version of course .
  6. in my secondary account from a fortune box: Oh !! in addition it is the element that i prefer.. Nice .
  7. I advice you to keep the anguish in case it will be useful to you or this got a buff later .
  8. I see..shared accounts is sometimes not very convenient when other users of the accounts merge or update unwanted items. edit : about the "otherwise the first mech" i begin to writting a thing but i decided to not to do but i forgot to remove it , _ ,
  9. The drone is a strong value, probably more than "secondary" weapons (weapons which are just to make the other principal weapons and the build work like the rock recoiler which allows you to use ranged weapons despite inflicting damage very good damage too). Otherwise the first mech
  10. it seems to me that from memory it is something like that. The principal default of this type of build that is very heavy ( with only the side weapon it use 249 weight so that take 1/4 free weight of the build ) and you can have a problem for module, lower energy heat and resist stats than normal but for ftp that not have so many double modules that pretty decent.
  11. Oh i see, so that will seem very "funny"(how to use it), you and the opponent you will constantly moving with that. Then I hope it won't be a corner taker to make the most of the 4 pulls without recoiling and therefore bring the enemy right next to you in 1 shot, but for once it's quite innovative. ( I just thought about it but claw could definitely take advantage of this with their high hp and lack of movement ability other than swords and utilities).
  12. The fanart look cool ( that a detail but make the "orange" a little more lighted, that look a brown or a darker yellow color ) 2 push and 4 pull uh.. so that have 2 pull ? or unless you reversed with recoil which is for the user of the weapon, pull is for the opponent . Also what it this weight ? If we considering this item weights 50 kg so that is statistically weakess than sacrifice cannon but the destructive mortar could better use in few build. it's hard to say, I would say that it is neither good nor bad..but I prefer to let a person with a better knowledge than me on the item stats say his opinion.
  13. The cooling and regen damage is probably not very useful on a physical item, the hurlbat and dustmaker have that this type of damage but they practically not used . Otherwise the stats seem to be op in my opinion, is 10kg heavier than a magma bunker but does 200 more average damage, have a double of them could be maybe finish the ennemy in 3 turns . But that still just my opinion . Nice edit, looks pretty good on paper, maybe try it on a mech ?
  14. Apparently according to this, windigo has always been a explosive torso . ( a take this screenshot from a video from dwights, the video from 2017-2018 ).
  15. my 5th maxed item on my secondary account . My first time that i'm r10
  16. For the type of mech that depend, what item you get . Physical seem not very decent in the begin because you need to have good module but that also the type with the most potential . Explosif is the best element for the 1vs1 campagne and the raid but is the element that the fight who takes the longest to finish fights . Energy is not very adviced for campagne..probably the worst element for that but that also a element "unstable", with the energy it's all or nothing, that can be the best element if the opponent in arena have not effecient energy stats but you can lose if the opponent have energy free weapon or have just so good stats. Also in the game you can maybe have a premium item, i very adviced you to keep these, a premium item can be only get direcly in legendary but you have so low way to get legendary . That not really a better weapon, that more precisely the build that change where weapon effectiveness depends on other weapons you are using ( except someone ) but i will show you some example of free to play build : in short use a melee weapon like rock recoiler/annihilation with 1 or 2 medium range weapon so like nightfall with 1 or 2 damaged armor dissolver with 1 or 2 frantic brute/night eagle for a physical mech . and for module you can modified it if you have not all of these modules
  17. That very probably the drone that have finished the opponent . The claw have not existed at the start of reload, possibly an oversight or unforeseen errors in relation to this, in fact the claw can use the sword for jump towards the opponent ( not only for finish the opponent ).
  18. You can maybe build a boiler mech with the heat bomb, flaming hammer, corrupt light and savagery, also windigo is a decent ftp torso and better than archimond or brutality for a heat build .
  19. My favorite food for mythify my item . My favorite food : Quenelle de lyon ( it is a French culinary specialty of Lyon ) and also.. some berries and more precisely strawberries .
  20. I understand what you are saying, venturing into the unknown is very difficult so I will give you "some" advice, however these are just "simple" advice (from my experiences, it is therefore not global) therefore surely not to be used for high level constructions, also to know i'm just only r11 ( on my secondary account ) so my advice is not reliable : stats adviced energy Regeneration/cooling average stats adviced : ~330 energy cap/ heat cap average adviced : ~610 Hp minimum stats adviced : ~2500 Resist : you can use matrix, that very decent but use the 3 different forteress is better . About weapon synergize I see that you have paired 2 type of mech, the hugger and the scope but it is generally advisable to specialize in a specific range but that is not a reason not to put a melee weapon on a mech that attacks at long distance. Other The torso is perfect, there is not better. Same for the legs, the massive is the best legs for so many build . The drone.. there is no better, that very good The combo Heronmark+ terrorblade is literally a set of weapon ( with space invader or red rain) used for one of the best builds in the game (currently): heat hugger, I advise you to keep this . Because from the lack of use of the distance controller it is advisable not to use it, perhaps replacing an basalt armor dissolver ( maybe use the broken version ) instead. In truth for your first construction it's really not bad
  21. you weren't obligated to say it, we're on the flex thread, not a topic on a build judgment topic.
  22. Not entierely in my opinion, to maximize one or more items quickly it's the best option, then the premium boxes it depends if you're lucky but you're not safe from getting only 5 epic cards. I consider the option of buying power kits a safe and effective way to progress even if it may be less good if you get a useful premium item in a premium box.
  23. The end is so true I was worried at first then but finally it ended in another way..
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