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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. Important : i am only rank 12 my advice are not reliable . maybe currently privilege a mech for now : The second mech will need change ( and got a physical drone..)
  2. Fortune box : Nice I would take this with pleasure
  3. is simply a variants of the heat meta 1 vs 1, maybe i think ( i am at rank 12 do not consider this advice to be reliable ) replace a quadcore by a overload preventor can be better .
  4. Stelight


    or a nine of inverted :
  5. have 3 Infinite use weapons is useless, probably remove a corrupt beam . also the windigo is literraly a strongest Zarkares
  6. maybe add resist module and try to have a better torso like windigo, naga or nightmare, the ones i mentioned are the best not premium torso . Also i recommend you to have a better energy regeneration .
  7. It's just the frenetic is one the most hated weapon in the game also i think a night eagle could be good
  8. It's depend of this build, recoiler is better than the viking hammer for the range but have low push so for the 3-6 build recoiler is better, for the viking hammer he need be with the piercing fox for the second range and this recommended for 4-8 build .
  9. It's depend on the case, sometimes is better to have a long range weapon and sometimes is better to have 2 weapons with the range 3 - 6 .
  10. I propose a build, it does not come from me but from a player who rank 1 one time However i don't know enought about meta to say if this meta and in what season is viable
  11. Downcast terror Campaign : Not much hp... Weakness than minions Finally... It took me exactly 17 tries to beat him.. My progress : Funny moment : Thank game... And maybe what you would see... What I get. From a fortune of the cyber goat level (I farmed) From a level box, useless I think.. The exact opposite, is the best heat legs. From the Bigboy fortune box, it ws worth it.. My mech now : Good luck to you ( merged) Melancholy destruction Campaign Ramboy insane defeated ( forgot to take a image again ) Terminator hard was beaten Now my progress : For the arena I manage to progress finnaly as long as I don't encounter a hammer spammer : teg i tahW ( is inverted ) Yes I can change my frantic by that! Not bad a hammer for push Again a frantic.. Seriously ? Again a top weapon So it what my mech look now : maybe you see yes i remove the drone because in farm so in automatic the bot liked use the drone before a sniper can deal 500 damage in the first round . That luck be with you ( merged, yes again) Quiet trip Campaign...? Absoluty nothing new `\_(ツ) _/' My progress : A progressed a little in arena What I lose... Wait no! Perfect, 3 energy item tidy in c, r and e order A laughted about hammer... Nice drone box Bruh... .. I will return.. Wait what?! So.. Nice anyway how a mixte a scope mech with this ? Now my mech.. Good game for everyone and good luck ^^
  12. Archimond ? Not bad for a "starter" account too bad he doesn't have very good stats for a premium item . Good luck .
  13. 1 - have better torso, you may already doubt it that zarkares is not the better options You can use the windigo,nightmare or especially naga ( i only have quote not premium torso ) 2 - replace the "c-e ash creator " by a lightning recoiler . 3 - have a second malice beam or a hysteria . So it give that :
  14. before starting topic i will talk about the item for those who do not know these weapon . The backfire scopes assemble 3 weapons : - Lazy Falcon ( physical ) - Half Burnt Scope ( heat ) - Electrocuted Scope ( energy ) Is basicaly the Falcon and variants but with backfire but in return they have unlimited use, have resist drain and lowest cost . But the biggest probleme is the 383 backfire ( average ), we can think that with unlimited shots its balances but no for some reasons . 1 - If you spam these weapons your hp is lowering senselessly . 2 - Generally in fight we can use 1 at 2 time the scope what come back has sacrified ~765 hp, might as well use 2 different snipers 3 - With the flaws i said it was heavier of all scopes . With that we can add the difficulty to have more 2700 hp in free to play to can use backfire scopes . So that why i suggest this changement : Unlimited use ---> 2 Uses Backfire : 380 --->270 ( average ) Physical damage ( for lazy falcon ) : 775 - 1.243 ---> 652 - 1.125 Explosive damage ( for Half Burnt Scope ) : 637 - 1.022 ---> 598 - 961 Electric damage ( for Electrocuted Scope ) : 637 - 1.022 ---> 598 - 961
  15. more seriously me too i don't know
  16. Oh i see.. so i will give for later : - Have resist modules : is makes a strong points of a mech especially with a monkey torso, i advise you to equiped it when you will got it . - Have a better drone : when you have any energy drone ( e-m or l-m ) replace your snack ( the drone ) by that . - I see you have 2 combined storage unit also if you got a overload preventor use it, csu ×2 a'd Overload is a decent configuration for 3 place of modules ( you need to equip other heat or energy module like energy engine/heat engine )
  17. The configuration that i recommend also you can show your drones and modules you have ?
  18. If you combined hysteria + malice beam so i advice you to use lightning recoiler ( you have one )
  19. that what i felt afterward, it look like a dagger ( why the emojy change... ) Corrected : ( maybe a little short always ...)
  20. It will depend on what the game wants but for now the physical seems the more appropriate with the cockpit piercer but maybe i will get another item who could make me change my mind about the build .
  21. oops thin.. personnaly i got 1starter legendary in 2 different account,my main account a efa and this account the cockpit piercer, i hope you will get a sniper/scope soon .
  22. I see some pack oppening base video and the chance look weakness than premium pack close from 1/7 ( or 15% )
  23. I had free time so I decided to start I new account that I will share my progress. So let's start ! Edit : the title have got a problem i think ... ( merged) Departure gratifiyng Campaign : For Ramboy it goes without comment... Beat on normal and hard mode Terminator had the idea to add teleporter but he still lost. Cyber goat not better.. Also i beat molotov but I forgot to got a screens shot My progress : I didn't preoccupy so much my base for the moment. Here is my rank : Item i got : From the fortune box of Ramboy ( is predetermined) My level 12 box ( that why I blurred to avoid spoiler) I hope I didn't make anyone jealous My level 16 box The game would want to take me to the dark side... My level 20 box ( maybe I forgot) My mech : Good game everyone
  24. What rank and what does your mech look like ? It not for disrespect but just looking the build is not enought to tell the build is viable or not, also need to be tested in game . You are sure ? Asked top player what mech is "meta" for them and gather the build is not as easy as you think because must have in several copies of certain item something is obviously senseless in a game of chance .
  25. Gg for maxed it also you can post in this topic, it's made for that :
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