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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. Bem-vindo ao fórum, caso contrário, por que você fez 3 vezes o mesmo tópico ?
  2. I improved a art that i had done, and also if i didn't do it digitally this time if it's because ... i've never done a melee weapon on digital and i didn't do well ? The failled digital art :
  3. Importante : i am not expert of raid is possible to i have wrong . For raid i generally advice using a heat mech ( don't use overload heat bomb, is useless you lose so many hp, in raid i recommend you to use the normal heat bomb and not overload version, ) i recommend you to have a heat long range weapon . For modules using the 3 forteress is decent but you have a matrix, i will advise you to use it while waiting to got the 3 forteress, for energy and heat modules i recommend you to using this combinaison : 2 combined storage unit 1 overload preventor 1 Energy mass booster 1 Cooling mass booster ( you can added module if there is any weight left .
  4. All resist module are premium except if i use defense matrix for decrease the number of premium item used but i lost a lot of hp and resist .
  5. Well it look like a topic that i had made . So... Extremely free to play .
  6. Nice, i can start my second mech Now let's fight !
  7. *secret best weapon confirmed*
  8. Oh i see, i sorry for that . Its look a better like that but there is something are worried me, we agree that having 10 premium items is easy for everyone and maybe create a "chasm of difference " between lucky or ptp and ftp But otherwise yes it's look better than a few dozen suggestion offering the same thing but 1 item for a another item...
  9. I am against for several reasons : 1 - When we start a new account we have 100 tokens and with that we can buy a premium box, with the trade system it would possible to have premium items and therefore generate unlimited premium item . 2 - It would be break the game, people will be able whatever they want, personnaly i have 3 premium items that i do not use, with that i would have already practically finished building my first mech in just 4 months of play ( i am free to play ) 3 - Not all items are balanced and it may still be in several years, for example, i trade a purifier for a vest it was like trade a old phone that can only call for the newer and more advanced . Its not for disrespect you but the trade functions is not a good idea .
  10. Could you show your mech and inventory ? physical is very large in terms of build like scope, Ftp (Free To Play), hugger...
  11. This is what i saw Edit : oooh ok i understand now
  12. The easter don't give 6 epic or legendary item instead of 5 for the premium box ?
  13. Rocket launcher* ( it's a joke, it's depends on your build ) ( * corrected )
  14. is my real build but for the moment i have no weapon without need energy ( exepte vandale rage but i don't really consider it a weapon )
  15. yes it may strange but the windigo is a heat torso with orange colour. ( maybe for respect the colour of the finale boss ) Edit : we just looked the stats and the the background color to confirm that windigi is a heat torso .
  16. I bring back an art that i had already done but with some modification and legendary sprite .
  17. from a fortune box ... It will serves as mythical food .
  18. More diversity of challenge, here is a proposal idea of challenge : a mech is presented (same for everyone) and you have to finish the level with this mech, no revive or hp bonus with premium .
  19. there were already offers of forteress around april / may but it was 2000 tokens ( those which recently went up 3000 tokens ) so maybe there will still be forteress sales but at 4000 tokens .
  20. Probably a bug, can be try to contact the support about that .
  21. yes i think it's better to save for a offer guaranted a forteress or quad core .
  22. Gg, it's starting well for the moment . can you give me your luck ? i need that for my mech .
  23. Good luck ^^ ,i hope you will got some useful premium item .
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