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Lifeblood Deep

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Lifeblood Deep

  1. Thoughts: First mech: Health is average at best, and energy is pretty much a disaster. If you happen to fight an energy mech, you're done. Second mech: This time, both the regen and cooling are concerning, and you are going to kill yourself quicker than you kill the enemy with those 2 Rock Polishers. The health is way too low. Third mech: If you are going for a double recoiler mech, then instead of EMP use Overloaded EMP, it is both lighter and more suitable to the mech's range. Regen and Cooling here are acceptable, but the health is especially concerning. In short, these mechs are unusable if one is to try for higher ranks with these.
  2. It is quite possible that you don't get any relics from season box.
  3. The Flaming Hammer is used to lower the enemy's cooling, and to shut them down, if your mech does not intend to do this then I advise you to leave it at epic and find another suitable melee weapon for yourself.
  4. i want to yeet all frantics into the great atlantic both hot flash and malice beam can be replaced with egg cream i hate the explosive retreat it can just go delete the people who use purifier their brains were cooked in an air fryer people who use stormweaver i hope that you catch a fever them theres the battery armor you might as well be a self harmer if you dont use resist drainers you are basically a no-brainer for if you dont drain them all you might as well fight a wall sincerely, Lifeblood Deep P.S dont take this seriously
  5. The reason why it is so high damage is because of the backfire?
  6. Basically, a charge with backfire, I feel that if you want a charge, there is only one option, so I made this. Thoughts?
  7. The enemy player can't see the animation though.
  8. I don't know, that's just a name that he came up with.
  9. I got it from the newer one with a working combat system, that also loads faster: https://supermechs-workshop.vercel.app/
  10. Ok, I see what you mean with your first point. I did misread it, but transferring it to gold would be more balanced. Offers should still be for everybody to benefit from. Skill difference is simply a difference in experience in the game. Your skill should not define what you can and cannot do.
  11. 1. This will increase player AFKing sessions, and people will set it overnight, and abuse it. 2. This is a UI upgrade, will be very useful. 3. Again with the first suggestion, if this is implemented AFKers will abuse it. As much as I want Smokey to go away, this just seems like something that people will abuse. 4. This seems like a good idea, but will be much more beneficial if you can just transfer them to gold for yourself, because not every clanmate wants to give away arena tokens to a random clanmate that they have never met. 5. This is an interesting one. While this can bring back spice into the game, late game players (usually) have over 40 million gold, meaning that they can reset over 40 times. While this is an interesting idea, resetting campaign means over 500 tokens, and easily exploitable with enough resources. 6. Clan Raid seems like a cool idea, to bring more variety into clan events. Sounds good to me 7. All players do have access to ads? 8. What is classified as 'strong'? Is there a certain threshold? Limiting certain players from ways to get better is only going to drive them away from the game. 9. That is a bug, so yes, please fix them. 10. You're welcome. Cheers
  12. Apart from it being a bit heavier, it is superior. It deals more damage, does more resistance drain, has no backfire, but gives a little bit less heat but that is made up for, as it is energy free and Broken Devourer is not. It also deals max heat and cooling damage, which the Broken Devourer just doesn't do, and it costs less heat.
  13. No, it really doesn't. The regen and cooling are also concerning.
  14. Note to self: Avoid rank 10 - 7 I absolutely hate energy mechs Malice beam, Hot flash, all of it. And my terrible RNG gives me no Energy Engines to deal with these problems Makes me >:((((((
  15. Same here, I usually beat 5 and leave 6 and get around 50 - 100 tokens Is the MPV or LPV better? My only L-M module Oop, pasted it twice.
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