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Posts posted by Dr.Doofensmirtz

  1. 7 minutes ago, SC2A said:

    1st: quite low hp, maxed teleporter, more cooling

    2nd: more heat, range 2 hole, no res, same to 1st at hp

    3rd: range 1 hole, dead to heat / energy


    1st: use massive feet, remove heat engine and put a cooling mass, remove that tele and use lv10 common one(or lv1)

    2nd: upgrade moduels to lv 40, use recoiler instead of hammer

    3rd: ignore, it's shit and you cant fix it lol

    last: stop the rank cuz ur not deserve to it


    avoid using heat mech to fight against energy and heat( even heat mechs can kick your azz)

    soviet if i dont deserve the rank then how did i acheive it? arent you still a r12 noob?

    Just now, adc said:

    all bad, done

    wdym all bad

    give good advice

  2. 10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    because you are top player now. hostage of the 3v3 nightmare for the not full developed mechs for that season. At the moment you reach R5 you no longer can drop to R6 on any season. Sure at R5 it will match you up with R6-R7 but also R5-R3 and maybe R2-R1. That happen to me when I crossed on 3v3 first time just to get the box and see what I will get. Sad season of been bullied 🤣🤣🤡 You have been initiated.🙃 Keep it up with high head.🏄‍♂️

    thanks oki. also, i saw u with your test builds de-ranking last week. i attempted to say hi but u immeditely quit. if u want to inspect me, i am SavvySalmon. plus, im the one and only MasterChief

    also i just re-read your message and realized im screwed. my third mech is awful and my second mech is mediocre at. see my build help/changes topic :V

  3. 19 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

    Caution: This is a long topic. Reader's discretion and proper handling of GOAT or Long Topic allergies is heavily advised. You have been warned.



    "What is a GOAT?", you may be asking yourself as you look at this topic's title. Well, a GOAT is a concept that's been a part of SuperMechs for a very long time now that's well-recognized by the older side of the loyal pilot population and very well capable of confusing the hell out of pilots that have only just heard of it. This topic should bring you up to speed with this strange ideology of life if you are one of the pilots who are new to the idea or new to the game in general. BUT before we begin, I should clarify one thing..

    A GOAT is a GOAT, not a goat. The key difference between the two differently type versions of the same word? One is a mech lifestyle and the other is a 4-legged, furry headbutting machine of a farmyard animal. We're talking about GOATs. Got that confusion all cleared up? Good. Now then, let's begin.


    Part I: The History of GOATs

    With every ideology, there's a history behind that ideology. The ideology of GOATs is no different from ideologies out in the real world in that regard, even when it's really just an ideology in SuperMechs. However, like with all other ideologies, you must dive into the deep lore to get the full experience and reach peak enlightenment. Unfortunately, it's hard to say where the GOAT ideology originated but for the sake of simplicity, let's just say that it all started from an event. What's this event I speak of? Let me tell you a little "story".. Or loose description, I suppose.


    A very long time ago, during the Tacticsoft Era of SuperMechs (a time before the Gato Era, the time we're currently in), there was a special and unique event that took place within the SuperMechs community. Pilots of many different mechs, ranks, and notoriety partook in this curious event. This event was the GOAT Tournament. Though the name of the tournament sounds rather odd, it's quite fitting when you consider a special thing about it. Stay tuned to learn more.


    This tournament is unlike anything you would normally see in SuperMechs, however. Why? There were specific conditions for the kind of mechs that could participate, which was a way for make the tournament balanced between pilots with godly inventories and those who have scarce ones. I won't dive into those conditions since I'm saving the good bits for the next part of this topic. I don't want to ruin the best part before the reveal, after all. Haha....... Ok, all flatlined witty jokes aside, time for us to get back on topic. 


    The tournament was structured after what you would expect out of a tournament -- All participants get split into pairs, each pair engage in combat, the winner advances to be paired with the winner of another pair in the next bracket, the loser is eliminated. Rinse and repeat for every bracket until there is one pilot remaining. Nothing special or surprising there. I'm unsure of the final standing rewards of these tournaments since I haven't participated in said events but if there's one thing for sure, these GOAT tournaments always had one reward waiting for the winner -- The GOAT mech perk.


    The GOAT mech perk was something to behold, emphasis on something, and something that all pilots strived to get. The perk isn't any different from any other perk in terms of functionality, in case you were wondering, so it was just for cosmetics. You could say that it's comparable to the Pumpkin mech perk with how it changes your mech's appearance, except instead of the perk-equipped mech's torso being a pumpkin, it was a.. What's the best way to put this.. The perk turned the torso of any mech, that it was equipped to, into a "mech goat". Yes, you heard me correctly. No, that's not made up, that's an actual thing that happened. I wish I could provide an image to show the perk but that's something that only a player with the perk or was around at the time of the tournament could do. It'll likely be shown in the comments by someone, anyway, so there's that.


    Unfortunately, since Tacticsoft's departure, there hasn't been any public GOAT tournaments, at least as far as I'm aware, correct me if I'm wrong. But just because there hasn't been a tournament like that/those in a long while, that doesn't mean that they won't ever make a grand return in some way or form for GOAT lovers to do what they do best -- Be a GOAT or a goat GOAT with fellow GOATs in a friendly contest to the death to see who's the best GOAT of them all. 

    Now with that history lesson out of the way, I'm aware that I haven't told you about what a GOAT actually is. That's purely intentional. Why? It's because of..


    Part II: The Way of the GOAT and How to be One

    .. This whole section that's dedicated to the explanation of GOATs. So, what is a GOAT? The term "GOAT" refers to a kind of mech that is composed of epic level 1 mech parts or any level of common / rare mech parts. Does it matter as to what kind of mech parts you use? Nope. Does it matter as to how much of one part is used on your mech? Not at all. Can it be composed of parts that are epic level 2? If you have any part that's not an epic level 1 or lower, you're not a GOAT. Seems easy enough to understand, right? If so, good, you're partway to being a proper GOAT.


    Once a pilot has created a GOAT, what exactly do they do with that GOAT? It's simple, really. They engage other GOATs in one-on-one battles, regardless of if those battles are friendly sparring matches or a deathmatch to prove one's superiority over another. It may seem terrifying and to think about and complicated to get started with at first, but once you get your first steps down, you'll be aggressively assaulting other GOATs like a professional in no time at all.


    With the basics now down-pat and your GOAT in possession of a pride-worthy uninterrupted killstreak, you're surely ready to become one of the ultimate GOATS, right? Not even close and by a long shot. How so? It's always one thing to be a GOAT that's capable of headbutting the opposition to death and becoming an icon that people recognize and respect.. But to become a true GOAT, it takes much more than having wits and strength alone.

    It takes passion and dedication.


    When you have a passionate connection with a hobby or a lifestyle, you're bound to enjoy it more and do things more as second-nature. In regards to GOATs, there's no exception to that. With becoming a true GOAT, you can't just simply think about things during a battle nor can you simply go in swinging with no thoughts at all. You have to move away from thinking about strategy and instead put yourself in the mindset of a GOAT. Don't consider battles to be just another battle, consider every battle to be a stepping stone that pushes you closer to your goal of reaching GOAT-vana. Instead of thinking about the rewards that lie at the end of a victorious battle, think about the rewarding feeling you're getting from the current experience. Don't simply pick and choose between items, embrace all items equally and wield them to their fullest GOAT potential, regardless of if it's a common drone or an epic chaingun.

    Follow these steps and, with time and practice, you will become a truly ultimate GOAT. 



    Still here, huh? If not, I don't blame you for not reading through the topic. If you are, congrats, you just learned about GOATs to some degree you'll likely never use.. But hey, knowledge is power and with power, more is better.

    Anywho, that's all for this lesson topic. Let me know what you think and feel free to correct any mistakes that I've made (all humans make mistakes, so we gotta help each other out with fixing 'em) in the comments below. I hope y'all have a good day/night and remember:

    Stay safe and praise the power of GOATs, pilots. 



    Yes, I'll be reading comments, so don't worry about me overlooking something. 













    bro i enjoyed reading that so much

  4. 7 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    I wish you the best of luck, now it's 3v3 season so hope you've got a decent third mech

    wait what. my 3rd mech is okay :V its garbage. i've been really working hard on it lately tho.

    it has 2.1k hp, and decent heat stats, but horrible energy stats. frantic claw phys mech.



    I DID IT




    i was better than them and they rage quit

    and then im going to go on a loss streak lmao

  5. 8 hours ago, OvalQuilter said:

    Yep. Imagine all players gonna farm non-stop everyday.

    Or make infinity ads, Gato gonna get rich.


    8 hours ago, Perry the Platypus said:

    me: no

    i think we should remove fuel

    well, fuel is interesting, because gato makes money when you buy tokens, and if people buy tokens to refuel, gato makes money. either way they're making money.

    but once a month would be great

  6. 11 hours ago, Perry the Platypus said:


    i've seen that before... masterchief?

    yeh man, u didnt know?

    2 hours ago, Lord Gorgon said:

    This all thread is irrelevant.


    Thank you. 🥖

    wassup big G? long time no see. also i think this thread is helpful to those who dont know what the meta is

  7. 36 minutes ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    You are "Rechargable Battery Mech", all people cant have these stats so easily, the most important in that case is Resistances to reduce the damage and have a balance between those stats (energy and heat depending on what class of mech you have) 

    its a phys mech. i also have a max myth maximum protector lmao

  8. 2 hours ago, AionionWindWeaver said:

    If someone spend 24 hours doing nothing but grinding the game nonstop to the point of you can lit the phone or the PC on fire from the very first second, you do not need all that gold and resources you got from campaign anymore, they need Serious help from a Therapist.

    i dont need serious help from a therapist, i just have too much free time.

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