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Everything posted by AftoKrator

  1. lol my first myth was annihilation because i really wanted free tokens from doing 300 dmg.
  2. tho i think the better way would be 3 divine emps all at once since they actually do dmg after draining. win win solution. drained and do dmg
  3. hmmm. exactly. back when i first started my alt / now main account, i only thought about dmg. to the point where i was using mythical weapons and an unupgraded torso and legs up in rank 14. and then, some dude who had a similar thought with dmg first killed me just by a few hp and i realized hp is important too. so i maxed my torso (which was an MPV at the time). and then legs shortly after. it was only recently when i thought of upgrading modules. Here's how i think most newbs think of it: it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too onerous to upgrade all 8 of them (modules) at the same time and they give little stats after each upgrade. probably because that's my way of thinking a year ago
  4. hmm. still good if used correctly. especially paired with a divine swoop and divine sorrow. i almost got triggered by some stupid troller this morning. my phys mech with 500 cap and 250 cooling died to a dual corrupt light build (with the stuff i mentioned above too ofc). tbh, really depends on how you use it. i usually use corrupt light + hybrid cannon. simply because i have one so why not use it. windigo. windigo got a buff a while back. even if it's slightly lower of absolute heat stats, zark is too heavy and not as worth it when it comes to other stats. really lovely hybrids. (not the monkey on claws. the other two). ------------------------------------------------------ also, why are we necroposting in here?
  5. I heard Gato is publishing a new game this year, BattleDawn 2: Terra Reborn. Is there a specific release date or is it already out? can't find much about it on google. also saw somewhere that the alpha edition will be out in May.
  6. AftoKrator


    link don't work
  7. still liked it better when they had the exact number instead of percents
  8. Really not sure if i should divine MPV first or LPV first, but since MPV dropped first for me and i'm desperately in need of heat stats, i guess i'll do MPV first. 17th divine. and 2nd L-M divine
  9. well, yes. but you can make 6k with prem account.
  10. don't. self-killing snipers are no good. maybe usefull if you got 6k hp.
  11. AftoKrator


    nightmare, other than hp, is a lot better and versatile than brutality. nightmares can still be spotted from time to time in higher ranks. brutality, pretty much never. it just looks kinda cool, otherwise, not good at all.
  12. the fortress sprites are always so blurry. wait, what's the limit?
  13. well, the thing is, you can't really compare it like that. it's almost like saying why doesn't corrupt light do the same amount of heat dmg as malice beam's energy drain. they're meant to be different and serve different purposes.
  14. do you not upgrade factories, or are you just not there yet.
  15. ........... i'm kinda speechless right now. i'll tell you what..... some of the things you said in that post was acceptable and potentially useful, but some stuff in there are really breaking my heart. ( ). Here's my take. Lets start from the top. Ultrabright. It's E-M. It's easy to get. It does good dmg. It's ... decent. Big Daddy. Awkward name... Does need a slight buff, maybe a little more than Mortal Bullet. But people still use it. Seen it quite often in higher ranks. Abomination. L-M. Used quite a lot in past META builds. Good dmg. Decent (in comparison to current META) Reckoning. L-M. Weight is a little bit of a problem. Energy free which means it can be used for Heat META build. The one with shotgun, 2x res drain, and space invader. Savagery. E-M. Decent to low dmg. Other than Sorrow, it's got pretty good boiler stats. Long range. Infinite uses. Easy to get. Very useful in multiple situations and builds. Seen sometimes in higher ranks. I would give it an A+. Vandal Rage. E-M. Strange range spacing. Not useful in most cases, but still good for cooling drain. Just think about it. How many weapons in the game can drain cooling. How many of them are E-M and super easy to get and upgrade. (Backbreaker don't count) Terror Cry. Pure dmg in mid-range similar to Reckless Beam. Have 1 push so can be matched with far ranged weapons. Decent. Bloodweep. You know why people don't use it often, because it doesn't drop that often. Duh. Even if they do get it, you don't get that instant gratification sort of thing like you do when you use a real res drainer. It doesn't matter if it can do better in the long run, people's patience have a limit. Plus, the point of a phys mech is to KILL. Preferably as quickly as possible. I'd still give this one a B+ tho. (I would want one. 90% for fun. 10% because i'm actually interested in using it in battle) Night Eagle. E-M. Basically the only weapon that can pull and do decent dmg. Might Cannon is too hard to get. Backstabber doesn't do much dmg. Purifier. Not saying it's good in any way. I just like the fact that something like this exists. THE END. I might add more.
  16. Even tho Zark have really exceptionally good heat stats. i would still recommend using windigo. Zark is just a little too heavy. Although Windigo's heat stats are a little .... not as good ...... , but it's much lighter and have slightly more hp and have better energy stats, especially regen. AND it have more phys res. Yes heat res is useful, but you can match that up with a fortress later on. Physical fortress give less res, so a torso with more res will be helpful. Also note that physical mechs do a lot of dmg so res and hp are the only way to counter pure dmg. I guess you can fit some more utilities like grapple or charge if you get room if you use Windigo, but they're not that important since your mech covers all the ranges.
  17. don't you need a brightroar for ene hugger?
  18. don't use claw for food. claw is good for other builds and it's also L-M, meaning premium item. it's harder to get and worth much more than other legs in terms of absolute cost (a term i made up. basically direct conversion of an item to tokens or other currency based on it's usefulness and rarity/drop rate). from your build, i recommend mything either corrupt light or massiva feet. yes, lava feet is better than dynamite boots in almost every way. plus, you got a recoiler so you don't need to worry about range 1 and 2x stomp. also, don't waste paint. (i always hate people who do that)
  19. i don't usually go around buying solid paint, so this is all i can do.
  20. just made a clan to show you how it works click the gear. NOTE: you can only do this if you are the clan leader.
  21. use massive lava feet. 7 more hp is better than 0 more. plus, it gives res and does res drain. also, your mech right now is at 999/1000 kg with devouring paws that only weigh 119 (i think). rollers weigh 134. you'll go overweight.
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