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Posts posted by GuningSnipping

  1. On 4/14/2022 at 10:54 AM, Ruben said:

    should I food crimson rapture



    Dude wanna food the most important raid item 

    On 4/13/2022 at 9:58 AM, Electro said:

    I could myth my 7th item..


    "see the stats if the lightning scope will be level 1 mythical..."


    155 energy cost ? mmh.. that just a "detail" like the others..


    what are you complaining about?  just because it has 155 ene cost? it called balanced  

    6 hours ago, Electro said:

    From a level 140 box .


    This will serve as mythical food, however i don't know if i should mythified for the next the sparked runner (just for a little more stats), the emp (but I might be blocked because of the energy cost will have been increased) or wait for mythified my modules (it could give me a lot of stats I think, and in case if I get double mods I could replace the normal ones that I upgraded to my 2nd mechs, however it will cost a lot of exp and gold to upgrade them ...)




    i would rather add massive shocker feet than those worthless low hp legs

  2. 15 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

    well, the thing is, you can't really compare it like that. it's almost like saying why doesn't corrupt light do the same amount of heat dmg as malice beam's energy drain. they're meant to be different and serve different purposes. 

    well yes but you can't denied the fact the ultrabright is bad and it's needs a buff 

  3. 22 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

    ........... i'm kinda speechless right now. 

    i'll tell you what..... some of the things you said in that post was acceptable and potentially useful, but some stuff in there are really breaking my heart. (

      Reveal hidden contents

    i'm just saying that because i'm being honest. ofc, i don't expect you to understand or care about how i feel. neither would i care about what you would think while reading this. 


    Here's my take. 

    Lets start from the top. 

    Ultrabright. It's E-M. It's easy to get. It does good dmg. It's ... decent. 

    Big Daddy. Awkward name... Does need a slight buff, maybe a little more than Mortal Bullet. But people still use it. Seen it quite often in higher ranks. 

    Abomination. L-M. Used quite a lot in past META builds. Good dmg. Decent (in comparison to current META)

    Reckoning. L-M. Weight is a little bit of a problem. Energy free which means it can be used for Heat META build. The one with shotgun, 2x res drain, and space invader. 

    Savagery. E-M. Decent to low dmg. Other than Sorrow, it's got pretty good boiler stats. Long range. Infinite uses. Easy to get. Very useful in multiple situations and builds. Seen sometimes in higher ranks. I would give it an A+. 

    Vandal Rage. E-M. Strange range spacing. Not useful in most cases, but still good for cooling drain. Just think about it. How many weapons in the game can drain cooling. How many of them are E-M and super easy to get and upgrade. (Backbreaker don't count)

    Terror Cry. Pure dmg in mid-range similar to Reckless Beam. Have 1 push so can be matched with far ranged weapons. Decent. 

    Bloodweep. You know why people don't use it often, because it doesn't drop that often. Duh. Even if they do get it, you don't get that instant gratification sort of thing like you do when you use a real res drainer. It doesn't matter if it can do better in the long run, people's patience have a limit. Plus, the point of a phys mech is to KILL. Preferably as quickly as possible. I'd still give this one a B+ tho. (I would want one. 90% for fun. 10% because i'm actually interested in using it in battle)

    Night Eagle. E-M. Basically the only weapon that can pull and do decent dmg. Might Cannon is too hard to get. Backstabber doesn't do much dmg. 

    Purifier. Not saying it's good in any way. I just like the fact that something like this exists. 

    THE END. I might add more. 

    Good dmg? The ultrabright does less damage resist drain than the dawnblaze the weapon  is pretty bad

  4. On 2/26/2022 at 10:15 PM, Spoon said:

    I do agree on the part with the heat, I've used dual crimpson flames and it was good in r9-7 but after that not too much because of how much heat it costs you. Honestly if you get them drained, big daddy does like 450-550 dmg plus the 200 energy drain. Like I said it all depends on what items u have to go with it. Thank you for not being an ass and over reacting, it is good to share our thoughts so we can bring them to the admins (even tho they wont do squat)



  5. 15 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    Omg I just witnessed the greatest English of all time. "You are most stubborn I have ever meet"
    Bro please teach me 😂

    Your grammar sucks too in your other post. You miss spelled "Chaos bringer" with "deem bringer"

     Your comments gets stupider and stupider everytime.

    Please just stop posting this comment... just... please stop... you are making my brain hurt.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    I'm the idiot? You're the one who replied to me! Holy crap can I get a witness?! I don't really care if you reported me. I don't care if I hurt your feelings, I don't care if you think its rude. Once again, I didn't ask. 

    I'm done trying to correct you. You are the most stubborn I have ever meet. And please don't waste my time thank you.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    You dyslexic mother fu*ker..there was no bad comment I made until you stuck your nose in where it doesn't belong. There was no misinformation said. I'm no kid, you'd know that instantly if you checked my profile. What part of stop don't you understand?! I don't give 2 fu*ks whos right and who's wrong, I didn't even ask. I'm not sending shit to my friends, there's nothing jaw dropping to be sent. Shut the fu*k up already (i only put in the * cus it wouldn't let me send it with the full word)

    You idiot you said to him he don't know what he's talking about which is rude to say to anyone and also swearing does not make you sound smart 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    I'm not being a piece of crap, I did nothing wrong. You started this and stuck your nose in where it didn't belong lol. Desert can be an alt for burning shower depending on the build, UPC only has 1 use while daddy has 3 while still doing good drain and damage. Mighty cannon can go with dual shotgun, it can be used with night eagle, it can be used with frantic and it can make ANK's build. Mortal bullet is a decent item but it could do better damage for sure. And by the way next time you wanna start shit with someone, know your place. Any of my friends will tell you how bad I flame people, ffs I bet I leave those 8 year olds in chat in tears 😂
    Seriously tho, stop. This is super unnecessary. 

    This is the internet kid if you posted a bad comment with flase information of course people going to respond.  You going to send it to your friends because I know i won the argument and also mighty cannon is heavy af with no resistance drain to help it.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    Not luck at all I did with with like 40 wins. First off, stop being immature. You're making mountains out of molehills.
    Honestly, I think its crazy that I'm gonna have to type all this out but here we go. 
    Mortalbullet, ash creator, big daddy and stormweaver are all very good items. Andernut gets top 10 with his ash creator and big daddy build. Ene frantic sucks obviously, overcooking oven, deem bringer and the heat ash creator are good items if you use them wisely and with the right build. Desert snake is a good item but once again, you must use it on the right build. Disintegration is a decent item. funny enough, Void drafter got #1 with dual pufier. Mighty cannon is an insane item with the right build. You too, have clearly no idea what you're saying. Cut the bullshit dude, I make 1 comment stating a fact which I think other people can agree with and you start putting words in my mouth and basically calling me a shit player. 

    Those weapon are outclassed by something better barely nobody use those weapons because they're heavy does not work with some build they have inferior stats and also big daddy is useless because upc exist. Disintegration is barely no different than the annihilation with little bit of damage and backfire ruins it. Might cannon is replaced by spartan carnage  mortalbullet is worse than the malice beam because it has bad damage and short range and desert snake is pointless when burning shower exist also  you're the real Immature one here buddy being a arrogant and having a smartmouth here.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    My best account has reached rank 3. My account I use the most, spoon gets r4. Obviously, he did point out some absolute shit, useless items. Sadly, you're dyslexia is kicking in, therefore I must inform you that I said a lot of items he crossed out are good. I never said I know everything so lets not start making shit up 🙂

    What's the good item he crossed out? I can't find the one that are useful and reliable for the Meta and don't try to pretend to be a "good top rank" if you don't know what you talking.  🙄

  11. 22 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    You have no idea what you're talking about, a lot of the items you crossed out are good. Please dont post something if you have no idea what ur talking about

    So the iron frenzy desert Fury,  cracked cannon, and other useless weapons is good? By your logic so what's your rank again?  Since you think you know "everything".

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