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    RON CANA reacted to Tirreggregars in TRADING POLL ::: Do YOU want trading?   
    The problem with trading is that it would be too stupidly easy to get maxed accounts without spending a single cent, effectively losing sm so much money.
    Imagine, alex makes a portal, total tokens earnt = 190
    You have 1 acc with good mechs, beat portal get 190 tokens, trade all ur items from ur mech to an alt, complete it from there, open a prem pack, send all items from the mech+the ones from prem pack to the main, and repeat with a new alt each time, so no, even tho I want to trade items, it's too easy to exploit.
    Unicorn portal would be great.
  2. Like
    RON CANA reacted to A Happy F4ce in TRADING POLL ::: Do YOU want trading?   
    just to clarify - I don't - but you might.
    are you tired of getting banned for duplication hacking? do you wish there was a way you could funnel items from one hacking account hidden from sight, launder them through a series of alts and let them end up resting happily in your main?
    then trading is the solution for you.
    please VOTE NOW
    on TRADING
    would you prefer a UNICORN PORTAL???? 😳👇
  3. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    I am tired for sure and sleepy. This is my day off and finally I was able to sleep some hours post a hell of week. I was too busy till this morning 26hrs working. 
    Anyway, let do an small week update.
    I was projecting to reach 100millions by Sunday and I was able to get it. This is the first time I reach that number ever on any account and I am happy to see breaking that barrier and controlling the desire to make myths parts one after another as I like. Hmm, I need the gold to max out parts crafting power kits and my goal still the same to make 8K power kits to max out parts. O.D. Farm does have less myth parts to go for so not changing strategy but delaying for another week to accumulate a bit more gold will not hurt. 👍
    I have not been playing at high rank. No time to focus on R1 mind set due to I feel tired to focus so I play at low rank to test parts not developed and changing set up. My basic is to be at R3 by last day for the box only. I think I need a real rest away from the game and from work. I need vacation just to sleep and spend time with family. 

    Portal grants. I think portal if not new weapons getting relics and some other weapons is good. 


  4. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    Well I am tired and trying to do some test at low rank and with undeveloped parts in my lunch time. I have my boss around and is been interrupting me and every time I will sneak in my own break to do some pvp he appears to give me more work to do. Jesus, not even on my breaks and constant phone calls and massive pages for issues to take care and projects to prepare and to work on and people off due to COVID or others conditions. Seems is a terrible week to get some wins and test or else. 
    Anyway, this is my short weekly progress report before the boss get angry at me.🤡
    I was targeting OKI like O.D FARM to get 100millions in gold and I was trying to get it by Sunday but I OKI was behind for 1million taking longer plus due to I was unable to do limited grind in both accounts the gold accumulation is been slower and limited pvp do not help much to increase it. I need to do more pvp and I want but sadly I can't. 
    Well, I got the 100millions but OKI does have many MYTH parts at L1 and I have to work on them to max out and clear the cluster I have then move to a more controlled myth creation. 
    My goal still the same about the intension to craft 8k power kits to max out some myth parts but not all due too it is not enough for it and gold reserve will drop a lot. I will have to go for some parts as batches of 6 or 7 parts then recover a bit then another batch etc. 
    There are some important parts at legend status I need to max out ASAP but I will hold for now. 
    This is my gold reserve. Finally 100millions in OKI first time. I think O.D FARM did many things before OKI. 🤣
    I will save gold for the rest of the week just to start 1k P.K. with that gold. Not a lot but I will control a bit. I have some mix boxes on reserve and I will drain a bit those with the IK craft and to make some max out and legend parts in need from epic stash.

    Clan war. Happy to see those gold in OKI. Normally OKI suffer a lot on grants from starting the acc. 

    Rank. So inspiring 🙂



  5. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    I am fine but really tired today. Terrible week at work but finally is over for few hours till tomorrow morning. 🥶
    There is no much to say this time just only the general status for this week. 
    OKI like his little brother O.D. FARM it is been under saving gold mode in order I can start to max out a bunch of myth parts around then to save again and start to make new ones. The gave keep morphing and I have been building parts as general needs to many combos for all 3 types as basic building blocks to be able to make different combos when I need and have desire to play with for fun regardless rank results. 
    Let see what I have...
    Gold reserve it is been increasing like O.D. FARM close to each other rate. Gold reserves increased to 93millions and it is OKI max record on savings. Tokens still on reserve for weapons deals if are attractive for the account. 
    The account it is not been growing as mentioned previously instead enhancing power and saving gold. Low pvp is been bad to progress faster but it is the best I can do with my busy life. Anyway, like in OD. FARM I am happy to see the gold stash growing making me feel like rich person. Just a bit selfish not making parts except the general basic of making some legends from epics for the future myth parts and consuming some epics to open space. 
    The game plan is to save gold for another week or till reach 100mill as O.D. FARM and then craft 8K power kits and max out myth parts around. 

    I was really luck this week opening a Fortune Box. Never expected but both parts I was hoping to get. Even account is not been growing on weapons this grant was in need so I will say the account grew a bit this week and I am happy with both parts.

    I think this was Rank Box reward. I really do not remember.


  6. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Roger. Yes, please check my new 3er mech for 2 parts combo enhancement. I have weight issues but I do not want to adjust to be close as counter. I want balanced and I might choose different weapon in the workshop team 9 second mech. Let me know. I tested with mom few times. 
  7. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Any update on OKI? I have now 50 millions. I maxed 1 part. 😃
  8. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hey. Mom told me to tell you she already reached 100mill. 🤑 
  9. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi pilots
    How are you? I am ok with a molar broken last night. I will have to fixed or remove it. Sad new for me. 
    This is a short update for OKI.
    I have been focus just only in grinding and increasing gold reserve. Little time to play and not trying to rank keeping low profile. It is been hard on me to play so I just grind when I can. 
    OKI and O.D. FARM joined back CANDELA INC CLAN. Back to home.  I still doing little to nothing pvp but it will improve a little in a few weeks trying to go a bit more to normal play as I can but getting a bit more wins not that many but sometimes I can go for more.
    Gold is moving up 86 millions and my plan is like O.D.FARM account to increase till reach 90 millions but maybe this account I will have to go for 100 millions due to the amount of myth parts to max out. Sure I need more gold in this one than O.D. FARM having less parts to max. 
    Tokens are under reserve for weapons sales at this point. 

    Rank box. Not played much just like 23 wins or so. 🤦‍♂️

    Rank box- I played jut 33 but was lucky to get R1. I am happy for the relics that OKI it is in desperado mode. 


  10. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you? 
    I hope all it is going well to all of you. 
    I have been too busy at work and my play time increased a bit testing undeveloped weapons at low rank. I have no time to play focus for top area keeping a max R3 when move up just for box. 
    My current status and mind set haven't change from last time. I have been focus only into save gold grinding due to the obvious reason of been unable to play much at arena. The account progress it is been slower and no new parts around just the same. Now, I am a bit happy with the gold stash moving up. I became a bit selfish to accumulate gold and not to enhance weapons just to see 100millions number in the account for first time and then I will craft power kits for 2 weeks if I decide not to change of mind set but for now it is my plan in order to finish Myth parts around to L50. 
    Post craft and max out I will move back to save and to make legendary parts and to L40 legends around in need. I will L30 many epics to make legends for transformation with a bit more controlled direction. My strategy from start was right and now stabilizing will be great to make parts a bit more focus to make mechs with more direction not like now just making parts without direction building up the basic parts foundation for configurations for future mechs for combat. 
    It does pay off to be relax and to enjoy the growth process little by little. The future of the account is looking pretty good. It is weak but will become good for sure. 
    Ok, this is the current status.
    No maxing parts. Just making some space and few legends for it to be use in the near future. Not now because saving the gold but I needed some space and making some legends from epics was good. Gold moved to 94millions. This is the top level of gold saved so far and I decided to grind for another week till next Sunday to get 100millions or till reach that number then I will start the Factories engine to craft kits. My plan is to craft maybe 8k power kits in 12 days not stopping factories. Normally it does takes for me 6 days to craft 4k and tons of gold. 
    Current gold and tokens around. 

    I forget id was war or rank. Anyway, nice to have those extra relics. I really need them.


  11. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    I fixed OKI. Seems to me it is yesterday offer
    Do not forget to add the offers. 

    For those clicking regular premium packs there is here an offer.
  12. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    I am finishing all your request.  Gold is moving up again. 👌
  13. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you? I know you are doing amazing
    Let see what the New England Patriot without Tom Brady brought the the stadium. 🤣
    Shall we 😉
    O.D. FARM it is been under saving gold as much is possible. Low pvp and missing the rest it is been painful to advance a bit faster as before but work is work and family and need to get stuff done before think in the game. 
    No much progress in the last week except to pushing up gold reserves. As OKI DOKI acc, I am updating the full acc in the thread progress for future reference. The account growth it is been stall referring about adding new weapons but it is been growing in raw power as OKI maxing out parts around on myth status.  
    Let see acc status. 
    OD. FARM is with his older brother OKI DOKI in the same solo clan for same reason that I can't play much for few months. 

    Gold stash is been growing back and tokens are ok for now for possible weapons deals if show up. 

    The base it is ideal at this point but having maybe around 400 power kits on reserves. I might keep saving more gold for future power kits craft. No rush into make new parts but just saving to max some around. 

    My little flags as I like to call them still growing but held back recently not doing titan.

    Arena shop coins still growing. Arena has been max out long ago

    Not many mix boxes but another week farming will be good to use some for weapons level up. Some premiums packs on reserve. I might start to use them in about 4-6 months then work on Base upgrade and craft legends option I think. 

    I have not been playing campaign in very long time so still incomplete. I am not interested in this moment to work on it. In the future for sure. 

    Ok, lets take a look of my weak account weapons. Too limited but getting a bit stronger week after week. It is younger than OKI DOKI account so there is less. 

    Rank box. 🙂


  14. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    sad bro.  Some people accounts are set to get good stuff an some others it is a no way Jose forever. 😡🤬 Maybe some grinding for base test if get luck there. 
    sorry. I was not able to answer on time. The offer can be good for noobs generally speaking. For your account if you want to be a pay to win to move faster the account the answer it is yes if you have the tokens and not saving for a particular weapon deal. For developed accounts and hopping to get a weapon from the boxes crossing fingers can be good for some accounts and some others not and it is a gamble. 
    For example, for my OKI DOKI account it is not a good choice due to I have weapons to develop that are currently in use as meta even game will change and it is morphing again the last 2 months. In my case it is not a need having reserves and weapons at disposition that will take me 8-12 months to develop according my calculations. 
    For my O.D. FARM account can be ok for the long run if want to add more weapons due to it is a younger account than OKI DOKI and with less weapons at disposition. Regardless I achieve R1 in all seasons in current environment if play for it I still some few others weapons to work on for 4-6 months then might buy some or will get focus on base and save gold for legend base option. 
    It is op to the player to save or to risk. Now, the 3000 price for the boxes if you already have the tokens is like getting 50% discount making it ok offer. If I was like you and can get it in my early development I will get it.  
    Do not forget to add the offers. 

    For those clicking regular premium packs there is here an offer.👍
    offer from 10/9.21 
  15. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi pilots
    Hi ladies and gentleman 
    How are you? I hope all is good for you all. 
    I am ok but tired with few hours of sleep time but I have to be up to finish weekend work issues to attend and trying to get just few wins if possible to complete daily. I have to study and do house work and having kids around me watching right now what I am doing. Oh lord, please mercy. They want me to check their accounts and fix few things there. 🤦‍♂️
    They just laughed at me and punched my bad shoulder. I need a doctor now.👨‍⚕️🤣
    Ok, lets go to business
    I want to announce a happy day for OKI DOKI account. OKI DOKI account it is my first account created together with my niece in a sad moment of our life with the loss of a family member and from that time for the child request my niece and I started to play this game due to it is an old player of this game from release time and still play time to time. To please them so I decided to give a try for them and my niece and I we started to play every single day together at home changing the turns to test and build. It was fun and sadly the time passed and she moved from STATE to keep her university education as we planed ahead. She is better player than me for sure but play less now due to education and work. 
    I want to announce OKI DOKI Happy Birthday. A day as today back on 10/3/2019 OKI DOKI was born and since that day OKI DOKI has been player every single day without missing a day with more or less play time but not missed so far. 
    So, say hi to OKI DOKI and wish a Happy Birthday with a comment or a like. 🤣😉🍺


    Ok, OKI in the making. 
    I have been focus from early this year into increase gold reserves balancing myth creation and catching up with so many parts transformed to myth even parts in that status for 1.5 years waiting to get max out. In other words, I am focus into increase gold and max out myth parts around as fast possible but during the recent months I slowed down due to a lot of work at work but the progress still going little by little as the thread indicate. To be honest it is been a ton of work to be here farming and I have no idea why I haven't quitted long ago due to the time does consume this. 
    It is been few months with out updating the account status in full so this time I will add a bit more info as normally do for full account after some months passed. The account it is not been growing instead it is been enhanced on raw power with current inventory not been able to develop previously due to no matter what I do in the limited time to play this game there is never enough gold and meat parts from farming to be able to develop those weapons.
    First I will add the weapons and transformation of this week then account full view even it does pale against old players around but the fruit of my hard honest work on it. Lets check this out.
     Weapons maxed or transformed this week. Due to I had some at mid level developed I used less power kits to max them out and stopped to make them and moved back to increase gold reserve for now.👍

    Now account full view. Weak but will become a decent account in 1.5 years from now. 🍺I am making the foundation at this point then will build mechs in the future to fight. No rush having fun making parts due to it is my game entertainment. 
    My gold stash moved to 82millions again because I cut power kits craft after few dais in the making not 6 days as I said in the previous update. Tokens wise still decent. Saving for future weapon deals that I do not see so far except boxes sales. No matter what I have weapons that will take long to get them done.

    OKI is back to play solo as well his little brother for a period of time due to no time to play the game pvp for few months passing days without doing pvp or just few of them on and off. Sad because losing a ton of gold, relics, titan flags, tokens etc but it is all what I can do because work and family it is first. 
    This is my current solo clan as was before before joining for first time a clan since account creation with CANDELA INC  great clan and nice friends there that I miss plus others I miss been in others clans. I want to say hi to all of you if you see this. 👋 The name of the clan it is the first name I used and no changed except adding farm and or 3.0. It is my original flag and I like the flag. It does look cool like having a smiling face with dark evil intentions. 🤡

    No playing titan it does hurt my little flags growth but will keep moving up

    Sure my arena shop is max out long ago and coins keeps growing

    As always the BASE still not been finished for all of this time when should be done since last year but I no need L20 option for now. I just need power kits to max parts faster. The BASA is idle saving gold as mentioned. I might save more gold for a week and then will decide what to do with gold and inventory.

    Not many mix boxes but with another 2 weeks will be ok to use some to max some parts and let gold increase without have to craft to level up weapons. Some premium boxes reserve for the future might open them in 8 months from now or later or on and off possibilities. Who knows but for sure I won't be opening as desire to do it or real need. No gold and room for it. Few gift items on reserve for the future not for now not in need except one item but I won't use it for now.  

    I still do not play campaign. It is been long without touched and no desire for now to work on it. Later will work on it.

    Ok, lets go for my limited weapons inventory

    CHEERS and Happy Birthday OKI 🎂

    forgot to add rank boxes just opened. Oh well. 😶

  16. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    to be honest when the account was growing I had same issue with the same weapons in OKI DOKI as yours. 😔 
    I wish I can give some weapons available since those are future meat to make legends meat to transform parts to myth status. I get those often and I won't mine to help if I could. 
  17. Like

  18. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    I know. mom told me not to spend.  I am saving as much I can with the part time. 
  19. Like
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi friendly pilots
    How are you?
    I am a bit tired to be honest. My first day off from work and catching up with some work at home at backyard, cleaning toilets "my lady hate to clean them so I have too", resting a bit because I am really sleepy not been able to sleep much due to work constant calls at night to help on issues plus training and study including regular job. 
    Oh well, I have to pay the bills and keep the family happy in some ways. 🤣
    Well, I have been too busy at work more than normal and of course my play time declined a lot. Sometimes do 5 wins or less maybe 3 just for the daily tokens or even missing days of pvp. No titan and forgetting sometimes raid and even farming.
    Sad ways to try to move account progress in a healthier way but that it is life for an old person with family. 
    My current focus still the same and I am based on farming for gold when I can during the day but sadly pvp is been really hard to do having my boss close to me on training etc. 
    Ok, back to a simple update.
    Gold progress is been slow but finally I crossed 80 millions to start some power kit craft. I was thinking to go for more gold and increase account o 90 millions as the new base on gold reserve and increase to 100 for the next batch of power kits but it is been a bit hard to go for it. I might should do it having already few mechs to sustain an R3 without focus to try to rank up because I do not have time and focus for it. 
    Anyway, I am writing now and at the same time I will be activating base factories. Let see current gold stash.

    Current factories status. This look really sad. Please close your eyes. All idle. 🙈🥶😔😭

    I will try to make the base a bit happier and I will crank up all factories for power kits. I will be making 4k power kits. I need those to max out some parts available even will hurt gold cash. I think will drop to 66-68 millions due to lack of pvp and sometimes missing a lot of farming. So WHAT THE HECK. LETS DO IT.
    OK, the BASE factories are happier🙃 now but sad to see so many days of farming for that gold to be erased. 😭🤦‍♂️

    What others things is been happening this week? To be honest nothing else except to use daily to increase few weapons level. Actually I have been saving mix boxes because I drained them recently and went too low less than 100. 
    I forget to mention I got one offer 2 weeks ago I think but still under reserve box as the others for a while. I do not have space, gold and parts to work on the few parts I got and I have to build tons of L30 epics to myth many parts. That will be a future challenge. I might get into get more storage space. Who knows...
    This is all what I have in boxes. No titan, no war, no ranking, missing raid etc looking terrible. 


    I will be crafting for the next 6 days and see what happen. 
    I hope all goes well for you guys. Cheering for you all. 🍺

  20. Haha
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Crazy. You still increasing some premiums boxes. I know you will need some in the future but still wow. 🤤  You will do the same again. I am doing what you are doing. It is working in my account.  My gold reserves increased to 48 millions and transformed few items. 🤑
  21. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    nice drawing. very colorful. Like in FARM you still saving gold. I do not see any other part upgraded. 🤔
    I have been saving too.  I need to increase reserves to move forward.  Last offer was too much for me to spend 4k tokens. I am saving tokens for now.
  22. Sad
    RON CANA reacted to The Lurking Legend in Issue   
    I requested base disable few days ago and my request still hasn't been fulfilled. I don't know how i can survive with base. I don't like it at all. I rather get silver boxes and disable base than spending months makingit level 20. So please any admin or mod that reads my request please disable base for me so i can start having fun again. Having base really makes it hard for me to upgrade and do other types of thing. My name is The Lurking Legend
    (Pretty cringe name i will admit)
    But will really appreciate if someone can get help and disable my base.  My id is 40728566
    I am sorry if i seem like i am being impatient but i really need to disable it. 
    And I also aplogize if i didn't put this kind of thing in the right category on forums.
    I also know it takes a while to go through all the requests for supermechs but that's why i am physically making a forums post.
  23. Sad
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    I like your R1 box. 🤐
  24. Like
    RON CANA got a reaction from OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    I am free to play and it is hard for sure but if you work hard your account will pay off. Up to you. 
  25. Haha
    RON CANA reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI-O.D. FARM New alliance with MECH CHUNKS FARM   
    Funny. I am actually MECH CHUNKS 3.0 🤭😂

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