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Posts posted by MasterChief

  1. 1 hour ago, DragonsIayer said:

    For some reason, when I logged in today, I logged in to this instead of my main account.

    (I’ve never given anyone my current password)


    uh oh.... i think that means someone made an acct, somehow found your username and password, and used that acct to delete yours.... unless that was your last known level, gold, and token amt... idk what to say man :v

  2. 13 minutes ago, Typhon4273 said:

    Sad how no one remembers agar.io anymore 😕

    It was a popular browser game where you compete with other players for points, by eating them

    no  no, ik what agar is, i just dont understand a forum for it :v

  3. 1 hour ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

    I guess the absence of BestPlayer hit HTK very hard. That clan can survive without Gorgon and even Happy Poppers, but the lack of Betsy is too much

    wait, bestplayer and poppers dont play anymore?

  4. 4 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

    The interesting thing about that, it was not always a percentage bar.  It was a XP number bar. It let you know how much XP was needed to get to the next lvl, in numbers.  So, it was easier to math out. Then when it turn to a percentage bar, that messed it up.  What is funny about that is that a little before it turn into a percentage bar, Some of us TS members created a thread about how Much XP to each lvl.  I don't remember who created that thread, yet a lot of us pitched in with that thread.  So, I think TS didn't want others to know how much XP was needed to get to the next lvl. 

    yes thats what i want to be brought back... now im like... "is it 1.3 or 1.4%??"

  5. 2 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

    Nice... Now construct a heat hugger.

    And it's still a good drop, regardless, because I got my Burning Shower from a fortune box, making us even in that missile launching fortune box regard.

    lol. it just so happens that i have a good torso and some weapons for the heat-hugger. here is the main and secondary so far:


    the secondary's stats are too asinine to show

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