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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. yeah, thats true :V but you can never really go back and look at past messages on game/clan chat :V
  2. why not guys? i have it, and i finally get to talk to ppl :V
  3. ye..... ngl, i used to think heatbombs were ass, but now that my second mech has 570 heat and 285 cooling... that heatbomb is lit :V
  4. yeah i have one max legy, and i always cool down after using it. yeah Sawz, i have to admit, you do put people down a lot :V
  5. tbh, i dont think you even need the deso. while it is energy free, i think you woild be better with a savagery on top, and a dawnblaze above the dissolver.
  6. actually im not. im just a commander, which means im better than you on here -_-
  7. :V yeah, good. im a commander, so i believe i have the authority to help get you banned, so....behave.
  8. okay, unless your of african american descent, change your name before you get banned
  9. persian, i think your next myth should be your drone. lately, drones have been my savior in arena.
  10. in my first few months of playing, i was a heat/phys hybrid, and i encountered a shield user before they were banned from arena. they used a heat shield that blocked half my damage, but not the heat, and they quit after they shutdowned a few times. the sheild cost them 500 heat...
  11. use heat, makes u resistant to other things. like, immune to heat/energy/phys for a high energy/heat cost
  12. you mean Update? not updape lol :V
  13. not to be a spelling nazi, but, uh, its spelled crapping :V
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