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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Both previous comments are good advice. About that mech 1- The torso provides a bit more energy and heat cap. Sadly, it is bad in cooling and energy regeneration post use weapons and attacks against you. Don't use that torso or keep it not enhancing. You can get Nightmare easy to get in rare and common status as free and can be use all the way to the top. That torso won't be good at top. It is hard to set and require proper modules. I was user. 2- Legs are ok for now till get something better 3- Hammer it is a good weapon with proper set up. Keep. 4- Top weapon Frantic Phys keep and develop. 5- Heat shield drainer is useful. Keep. As you mentioned, you will wait for some offer, try to farm gold as much you can. and be ready for it. Do not spend gold and farmed parts in the wrong parts to develop.
  2. yes. Also, good to see you around.
  3. The most expensive offer it is the one that cost 4000 tokens. Click below and check the offers since 2021. Some repeat and some others not. You need to spend wisely and have to understand it is about luck. GOOD LUCK and have fun. Do not complain having bad luck. Everyone has gone through the same thing including me.
  4. excellent. I saw this yesterday. I can see you have other parts I was unable to see there in the inventory and maxed.
  5. now we know why we get kill. dual secret attack. cheating tactic


    Where are you?
  7. nope. Some issues with the system. You can close the game and open again. just give a time and might work.
  8. Hey awesome Pilots! How are you? Time to time I will add few things about me very simple as routine and you can make fun about it. No, it is not those thread about asking me anything. Sure, can ask for curiosity of the post. I live in Oregon USA. If you do not know where it is, you have to be kidding me. With internet available and not knowing? Just kidding. People might know New York or California or maybe Washington DC. but to know about Oregon is not common. It is like "what it is that?" "Can we eat it?". It is a place above California. Sure, I have to mention California to make you locate yourself. This cool guy His is guilty of charge to make me join the Forum when I was starting to play of course he was talking more to my niece in those days. I live here because work, but I am not from here instead from Even I am from the East Coast, I spend many years offshore with my family around the world. And few others. That was long ago now I am an old person. I have traveled to many countries when was possible but no more except if is in need due to work or training. No personal trips. I hate to be in an airplane like a sausage. I do not like for vacation been in a cruise hotel. I consider that boring except trip of a day and back. I hope that take a way some questions. Now, I was talking about stuff to do here around. Like farming in the game or something in particular. Maybe one time a week. Ok, today I will say that I was eating m&m when I was farming in the game, and I was with my daughter watching her doing some pvp after some months not touching the account. My son was playing by moments maybe 1 or two times a week for 3 wins or five goofing with players. Have fun L&G.
  9. Hey any progress is welcome. keep alive the showoff. Click and keep having fun. Show to the rest how soon you will destroy them or how much harder you will punish them now or else. This is for everyone fun regardless anything.
  10. Hi players keep updating the Exclusive Limited Time Offer for every single day. Click below and update. Every day there is an event. Thx
  11. they will not sell the items; they want you to farm. just follow my lead
  12. 1- First, do not use that torso. The reason it is base in the property of the torsos. The properties are based in the grant of better attributes against the current type. For example, in this case the shields are a big effect. 2- The game is based more in shields use specially the recent last 3 years. Sure, always was a bit like that but with the new shiels and a buff to few parts around, it is very important phys resist to be at max. It is better for you to not use that torso at all and use the heat or energy version according to your modules available. 3- In this case people use more heat but can be energy to enhance energy cap been a phys mech. Just preferences depending on modules availability. The problem that you face right now is the lack of a decent phys shield creating a big limitation for the defence. In this case you can still improve a bit. You can use this but that does not mean it is the right thing to use but can help a bit. It will still have limitations to stay in mid rank R10-R8 but that area is full of smurf's powerful mechs belong to higher grounds. It is not great but will improve a bit as it is and what I can see. Sure, at lower ranks energy mechs are around in bunch so can suffer often against them. For heat mechs, can be average not a super duper-trooper but can manage a bit. For phys encounters will be base more in luck and smart play. The shiels won't be the best but can play around at higher spot. You can modify a lot. Focus on your primary. What you utilize best options for the mech, then remaining resources can be used for a second mech and can then figure out what can be best altering your primary to have average fights or else. This can be an option or "no modules changes" or "no modules changed. or dual tele " no modules changed or Namy options around. you can use any you preffer as ideas come. Do not limit to this. Remeber, you need to use parts for a second mech but can be modified. like .hope this help a bit for a primary. You can make others primary with what you have around.
  13. I totally forgot of this. I do not play war in long. Sure, I love the percentage advantage.
  14. I think this was during Tactic Soft time. I remember but I was new, and I saw not enough offers back then.
  15. Hope you stay but you have to do what you have to do. It is a game and there are thousands out there and ride a bike. Maybe become a sugar daddy. I focus into farming for gold having limitations during the week. I do not play pvp but keep the progress even it is slower. I focus on my own fun. Maybe pvp it is your fun and sure some current issues take away the fun, but I think it is the same as was long ago. Also, the other games have cheating and hacking too and smufs'. This is not the only one with the issue.
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