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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Thank you. I am collecting gold in reality as part of my fun when I can do something in the game. I do not have real plan with the use of the gold at this point but someday I will use the gold for the BASE factory for EPIC/Legend option and push up gold back to 100million easy to do but I doubt I will push more up and will stay making parts. I did this just for the fun to reach the gold number. You know, having fun in the game as I feel in the moment. It is just a game to play and have fun not to get stressed out instead to relax thing I do. I will stay in the 400 bouncing up and down in the 390's and 400+ leveling up parts to finish the few remaining MYTH parts not yet at L50.I will finish them for the fun to have all fully maxed even some parts do not require to do it and should be better to eat them, but I will max them. After I finish to max the parts guessing by the end of the year or before depending on how much I can farm, I will then divine some epic parts around and that cost a lot of gold and of course I have to farm a lot for it to no drop on gold current reserves. My intention in this game have never change. When I started with my niece and her nephew a current old early game player till now, it was just to make parts never intended to rank up. I wanted to have parts and test them and see what they do in my account. I have never changed in the purpose how I play the game. Just my own personal fun. It just I can't play now due to work. Well, it was similar been just a basic 5-win player not having much time to play. Now is even less and I am fully out of pvp just farming. My kids are inconsistent on play and sometimes play and sometimes nothing in a season. It is hard to join a clan because they have no agree to do basics and they have been normally solo players and prefer that way like me. I play without attachments, and I hate drama to play my relax time. My kids joined before other clans, but they had bad experiences with the clans been such.... players and then remained solo getting their R1 status with their accounts. They played OKI and O.D with top clans and had no issues with them or doing their basics till last year I was out of communication on a long vacation, and we did not play the accounts. In my way back I had job changes by boss and the little time to time play time went gone and retired. My kids so far said to me nothing into really will join a clan and do at least 5 wins or so with maybe titan or a particular rank. I do what only I can do alone right now, and it is farming because the way it is in my personal life. I gave my accounts to my kids, but I am the one who farm and level up. My daughter owns OKI DOKI, and my son owns O.D.FARM. They play both accounts and switch time to time if wants. They do not care that much and play other games. So, if people see the accounts in the arena, is not me but them and recently their cousin learning who stayed at home this summer and started to play the game and use the accounts time to time to learn in meantime develop their new accounts. The old trick. A bit annoying in the arena when too many did at the same time.
  3. I don't farm FB because I have bad luck to get Legend farming them and also reduce a lot the grant of regular boxes to level up parts and takes longer. Sure, I recommend doing it if you have time and look for the luck having an account that gives a bit of goodies. Good to see you got something. 10/5/23
  4. I do not know. I do not use Workshop. It is good though. I opened few times and looks good.
  5. Oh... cool I wish I can do something like that.
  6. well, I play just for fun. If I think in the bad things of the game, then I won't be happy. Every game does have ups and down stuff that I like and hate since the early 1970's when I started to play video games. If you have a goal in the game, sometimes takes time to achieve but also luck. I play for fun in the way I can enjoy a game because in the end it is just a game. Play for the fun not for what others do or have.
  7. Seems that the damage was low against the other player using your phys weapons?
  8. Did you tried using a PC? Very strange. It should work. If you tried to go to the account previously opening like new, that will screw up the account. The account it is linked to your e-mail. For example, I downloaded the SUPERMECHS program to the PC. If I try to open as new, that will erase my account. You need to be careful.
  9. -352 Oh, had no idea my kids played that much. Hmm, maybe that was the R3 box I saw. I normally collect R7 box and barely R5 from them. They normally don't play now. At least they know I want to go to the 400million. Sad that Chaos is not with the clan. Nice. I never tried that. When I used to go there was by Car from New England. Normally like 8hrs driving sure crossing to Canada side. Now I just go to Vancouver BC rarely not having time to drive. It takes me 5-6hrs depending on speed and if I decide to stop more often. I like to go to CAPILANO Suspension Bridge Park area and downtown. I have to cross Washington.
  10. I have the best TIP to get free gold. STEPS 1- FARM 2- FARM 3- KEEP FARMING
  11. try to log on different device. The other alternative is to remove game from the device and download again the game. That won't erase the account. I had same issue many times. What I do is to remove game from the PC or phone and download again. If you try to open again as indicate, the account can be overwritten and will start from zero. or maybe it is the game server issue. I have problem farming today at work with the game losing connection due to server issues.
  12. you are doing great work, and the assistance is good too. Having a new account, it does takes time to develop depending on time to play, and luck getting parts. Looks this video from an old player who started playing this game when 7-8 years was old and was R1 just in a year or so as free player. It is a video making a new recent account from zero. Looks her decisions using parts, pay attention carefully how the account level is moving day by day showing that she really grinds her account and using free tokens wisely. Join a clan that make some wins regardless it is a low rank clan but is active. Normally those clans are open. Fight TITAN and use the coins properly. Fight 5 wins or more every day and collect silver coins and enhance arena power properly. Result it is not the same normally but basic parts grant that she selected are the game base to progress when start. Just in 15 days she was level 100 in her account. That is the way I did my progress" grinding". Everyone can do it.
  13. cool mechs. Lets make them to fight with OKI best mech
  14. I will but I am busy now work related. I have to replay to another person earlier this week or end of last week. Just been too busy but I will respond by this week. Imposible today and tomorrow.
  15. Seraph Blame sometimes can be get but sometimes never. I have only one and I got that one back in Summer 2020 in a forum offer when used to have forum members exclusive offers during TS ownership. It was a forum base in their system if not wrong but this one it is not, and we are not going to get them. This was the offer. Premium boxes can keep you waiting for ever and never get the part you need. I still waiting for many weapons and no hope.
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