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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. He-he, who does not know this one. Again, I was so young.
  2. I used to play with this the old game boy in the 1970's. Yes, I know, it is not food but nostalgic. When I was young back in the early 70's' or 70's sure some of the 80's included, I loved RC planes. My dad been in the military service used to fight bombers and few other things. In his days, he used to make RC planes when he was young and played with them on different fields. He is now 93 years old so think about it. He was a kid flying and making them back in the late 1940's. He sold them but I remember few of his originals and I was able to fly them. He had one B17 untouched original box 6 feet's long and wings. We needed to assemble with the 4 original engines in the box for many years and was made of Balsa like used to be back then. He got it long before met my mother. We spend countless hours days, weeks etc till got ready. We look at RC radio controls to fit and make it work from my times back in the early 70's. We painted green and was looking awesome. That was a good time with my dad. We flew that one few time but we had to move to another place "again" and there was no room for it. I was a kid and heart broken. We moved to the new location, and we made a Cessna 150 and painted blue Air Force color insignias. We put it to fly only one time then we hanged in my brother room ceiling and never again tried. We wanted to preserve that one been Balsa model and not wanted to be smashed as sometimes happen landing. It was like this one but military look. Then I got my own working. I got my Spitfire close to this one. Got a P-38 Yes, Orange color similar to that one below. Loved a lot. Then I got a biplane, but I forgot the model close to that one. Then I got this one. Was made of plastic and with string hand manual control to fly it. It was a trainer airplane. How used to work was fun in some ways. The engine was real and needed gas like the others. Just no RC but your own hand. You needed a flat road or area like a park or in the street. Will extend the strings to reach the maximum distance and at the end there was a plastic manual control with 2 fingers. Needed to set up the speed ahead if you can see it next to the engine black color. Someone else needed to release for you then you needed to rotate yourself controlling the plane to lifted and stay going in circle till gas was gone. WOW. I was 9 years old. Sadly, we moved to another place and my mother was pissed at me flying the damn thing all the time and when we moved my special boxes were gone. She sold them without my permit and was my own money worked. I still remembering that to her till today. I still angry at her for it. I was so pissed that 6 months later when I was able to work again and make my own money, I got more RC planes just to make her angry. Then I got a Messerschmitt and following the line I got a Corsair. I wanted this one because back then I used to watch Pappy Boyington TV show at 1975 or so. Ha-ha. Was fun show but short. Sad. Then I got like this one a P-51 In mean time I used to have few RC boats unable to see similar images. Sadly, I can't remember well the manufacturer even I remember looks. Had few small Helicopters. like them
  3. try to open in different device with the right user and pass. If does not work, sometimes the account stays in a loop. Happens to me 1 time and got fixed. Try to contact support or STAFF members.
  4. Sometimes administration should do something about it. I hope they do in some ways. Now, you have to understand that every player can play as can and wish and there is no rule to punish in that way for those guys as they prefer to play. Check their wins in the clan or independent account. Maybe can give you an idea if they are a real smurf. Also, some players develop some parts before others and stay in the same rank not progressing.


    at this point, focus into grind for gold. as much you can during the day. The torso it is fine. The side weapons also are fine. The leg it is a heat leg called Scorching Feet. That it is one of the basic legs to use when start and can be max out if no others preferred legs. The leg is normally granted as common or rare status and can be transformed till reach divine status. You can enhance leg to a point where you can get another. You can keep farming till get part as rare. You can get it very often farming. You will need modules to enhance your mech and need that farming. You need to administrate properly the tokens grants trying to get into the achievements quest, campaign and raid. Do 5 wins every day as minimum. Join a clan and do titan and join war to help on relics
  6. This is a song for you PILOTS. I love this song and was a time where I used to play to win many things and played this song many times. ENJOY
  7. Have you reached the 800 marks already? I know you play before me this game and have seen you there since I started playing. To get 800, it is insane farming and if you are making parts at the same time even more. I have been few times fully retired, and my farming have dropped a lot and not playing pvp missing daily and else unless my kids do some pvp. I guess you were one of the first 5 reaching L250 in the game. I was in the first 20 or so but I was new. I still make weapons and farming some daily if possible.
  8. yep, there is a person or was one doing that. Tho, not the first one.
  9. Ah the early 70's. We needed one. So many others to have fun with friends out there. Now people waiting for Christmas gift that the game can start again. Ok, I will grant to you the wish. Presto. Now is back. Start your engines and farm like there is no tomorrow.
  10. do not know. I can't see the forum game announcement when things happen.
  11. server issue---hackers etc Ok. As reward for the wait, at least some Legend Max out power kits. I need 25 just for the basic and at least some 5 in OKI.
  12. Hmm, I do remember many people buying Premium Box and Packs from the old players when I started.
  13. New Tactic to keep you hooked to the game. I hope you stay for long. I will need someone to talk too.
  14. Hi Pilots I came up with a new Super game. I call the game SM MERRY GO ROUND Let's play shall we.
  15. Nice. You can go for 40 but you can still make parts advancing. Oh, I saw those mechs not long ago in my kids fights. They just test and goof around. if you need wins, ask them.
  16. maybe he is the CEO of the company testing something.
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