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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. tokens day. I want them but I am tired, and my kids do not play. Oh well.
  2. interesting. some should join and make funny videos.
  3. About Super Tramp, I like them too. Never seen them in person.


    sounds like a hack to me when player boost gaining unfair gold and abusing the system for ranks. Just saying according to your comment. Boosting it is no legal. always check their replay. if replay is lock out, then sometimes something is fishy.
  5. no time for it. I do not even do pvp in this one. raid also miss, titian etc. Just farm during the day. when is possible depending on what I am doing for work and with who because with my boss I can't.
  6. Hi Pilots It is me again whishing the best for you in life. Hope all is going well for you all. I am trying to recover myself today at home. I am taking the opportunity to add a bit of the current progress in O.D.FARM. The account has been played less getting focused in my OKI DOKI account and if I can work in this one then I add some progress to it. I will not add full account just the basics of this past month Let see..... The main goal of the account is to increase gold reserves and to finish leveling up parts around because I had too many in L1 myth taking months just in the level up to clean up house. Still few more months to get it done. Sadly, I had to myth few more parts because too many legends and getting some legends parts this month with eggs and few from fortune boxes and premium box free ones. In mean time, my second goal will be to increase premium packs to 500 a lot less than used to be before my kids messed up my accounts with their cousins during last summer which I am currently fixing this mess. Because the bad luck with boxes, it might be my last increase and opening in the account. Sad for O.D.FARM. Sure, the account will be in constant progress and when I open those boxes will be enough time under development just for collection if no luck with few parts in need. I have purchase 1 offer of 4k according to my records. I have decided out of my goal to add 40 Eggs. I opened 10 of them and the free one. The gold reserve increased last month from 508 million to not that bad. I was expecting to have a lot less. The BASE has been idle since 2022 not in use for now. I have 441 premium packs on reserve going up to 500. I just need few 4k offers and a regular one around. I will not increase more instead to eat them. I am keeping for now 30 eggs on reserve I still managing properly the mix boxes leveling up parts slowly I still have a good reserve with clan coins The total of current boxes possibilities is 532 premiums pack around. Not that bad for maybe last opening. Sad egg opening I maxed few parts around for collection because no weapons for combat available for R1 in need. Oh well, just doing collections. I added few modules for extravaganza ridiculous mechs for fun. Some of them were waiting for years to be maxed. Bad luck as always with relics. CHEERS
  7. I was fortunate to see them in concert.
  8. hmm, I remember that for some reason. maybe when I was very young. can't time the place.
  9. Hi Survivor Pilots How are you? I am doing ok but today I am at home taking take of some medical's things. You know, I am old so what do you expect. There is very nice temperature outside at 12c degrees. Inside the house at 60F as I like. It was a nice to sleep but sadly did not materialize. My kids are back from school but today I was doing some level ups and has been farming as usual. I hope all goes well for you all. About the account, I will add just few things for this month. I won't be adding the full list today leaving that for next month or so. I have been focusing in to increase gold reserves and slowly making parts not as I used to do. I still do not use the BASE to craft power kits trying to accumulate enough gold. My plan on going, is to increase to 1000 premium boxes collection and as the goal to reach that number by next December before Christmas time. I have purchased 1 offer in March of 4K and out of the goal not looking for it, I decided to buy 50 EGG's and opened just 10 of them. My expectation is to buy 1 offer every month of 4k to reach that number. According to the math will be in December. It will take the next 8 months including this one to get the 1000. I will need 32k tokens to get that which I do have on tokens reserves. I will get few others tokens to keep some around for some weapons offers I would like to see and get but will be maybe impossible in the way it is now. Anyway, I like to have some reserves. Since the last time I updated on March 4, I have increased some premiums packs. I moved from 765 to now 792, Not a lot but just slow planned increase. Because the goal is 1000 packs, I do not include the others on reserve. I do have now 41 Eggs around as reserve. Also, I do have some goodies with clan coins around Currently I can say I do have 897 packs if sum what it is right now in accumulation. Not bad for a slow add. By the time I get into 1000 premium packs, I will have some extra around that number. The current progress it is slow. I keep the mix parts in balance maxing parts slowly to avoid going to a negative week reserve keeping every week in the positive side adding gold. I have a total of Divine/Myth= 324 including 2 under progress to go to L50. Legendary= 132 and decreasing because I need room so eating what I do not need EPIC= 66 and reducing to make room after work with part as collection. Room Capacity-= 615 Let see Maxed parts since last post. Those are just for collection no weapons in need for ranks. And divined Increase gold from 529 million to not that bad. Because low rank and no matter if the account was played in R3 or R5 recently, the rewards are a sad thing to watch as always. I opened 10 Eggs. Looks like I am missing a file. OPPs. I think it is not a bad progress in the last month. Iam currently working with the Spartan and the Terror Blade. CHEERS
  10. actually, I have played this game just 2 times serious. 1- When I was R10 I pushed myself to reach the best possible rank in a week with my original trash mix mechs, I got R2 because it was full of counters and top players had not much idea how to counter my mix mechs. Many then figure out I was really a trash player and hunted me, but I played hundreds close to 1000 fights or more. I forgot the number, but I got 450 wins, so I guess was a lot more than 1000 because constant kills against my mechs. I forgot what was. 2- Back in 2021 before summer and during summertime I played 4 months serious with limited not divined mechs but good enough to push hard to get R1 all stars and high AP in every season. After that, I moved back to just make parts and never tried again. I accomplished everything I wanted to test if I was capable to win against the best in this game and did. Now that is behind in history and just do what I like to do and is farming and level up parts as my game fun to start with. My first introduction was clear on that in the old forum back in 2020, my goal was to make friends and make parts not to be a top player. Sure, my accounts are good enough to be R1 in every season if I was to play for it.
  11. well, you can look for OKI and kill him. I do not know when my kids play the accounts during the day if play any, but you can stay looking for them and have the satisfaction that you killed OKI or O.D. They just play goofing taking loses for fun. They do not have motivations to play serious, so they fool around with players thinking they play to win against them. They give wins all the time. They hope to get some top players with super-duper powers at lower ranks and lose then sometimes they change mechs to hunt them down for their fun. Sure, they do not play much just few days max 3 when please.
  12. another game weapon to make. I will place my order to this one too.
  13. there is no game that it is not the same thing. even it is improved in something, in the end still the same. Some people stay playing for decades and some play for a few then change like the old tv channel hoppers like me to other games. it is a game; people should look for the fun side and do not have to play every day and play others. I just play this one and no other just when have time farming for my entertainment and never set my goal to be a top rather to have fun making parts for collection. It is no sense to do that and no go for combat right, but in the end, it is for my personal fun in the way I want to play this game. To me it is not a loss to have those weapons and the investment made having some relax personal time. Some of my friends they go for bars and dinners, some like to buy old cars and restore them, some are gun collectors and spend money shooting bullets and clean the weapons, some actually play games the new ones or some that play for some years and play with other co-workers those you maybe are playing now in the sideline and you can see them farming killing monsters or else. They have families and others still single old as me without family and some looking for a girl to marry but no luck. Some are saving to buy a house been younger but cast out or better say priced out because too expensive now to buy locally with local salaries even they make good money, but prices went to high even with decent pay. Just find the fun of the game to relax not to get stress out. Cheaters, I do not care and play that this is it. Today I am off with some medical condition to take care and resting a bit, but I do some work that I can in the sideline from company computer and farm this game and level up some parts. Just have fun on your terms and do not look the others and their progress maybe faster than you, everyone can play according to personal life conditions.
  14. Yes/No You do not have to feel bad. Everyone does have a limited time to play the game or access to internet or phones functions etc so that create differences. Your amount of gold it is based on your own personal sacrifices that are hard on you to get that. Now, starting account and having the base mines making some gold now and just 5 wins, yes.. 2 million it is basic base. Normally can be 500k per day as target. Sure, do not get crazy because you can get tired or bored doing that. Do a level that won't hurt your life etc. Let me put it in my own numbers not as full as used to be in the past but in 4 months I accumulated 100 million making that a 25 million per month and spending making parts. The basic to make around it is just let say around 14 million in a month. So, for normal grinding your number it is good number. You can craft 400 power kits that will cost around 2.3 million using the 4 factories in 1 day and 5 hours 100 per factory. Now, you already spent 2.3 million but also will have to spend around 1 million only from L1-L50 a myth part already in myth L1 making the cost of 3,3 million just to make 1 part already at L1 myth and to add some level to a second part. The mix boxes farmed will be the balance because you will have to stop to craft to increase gold reserve to do the same again and not drop dead at zero reserve. In resume, good job on 4 days.
  15. Well, with honesty it is about the player choice. Both gave to you a good answer. This is mine. As new account, it is hard to get gold and build the BASE and parts. The gold is hard to get. I always say that the BASE is great even from start. The cost can be balanced. People are so focus on the miracle of possible legendries but to do that, you need to be a super grinder just for saying like an OKI level. The BASE should be built in a way till get the 4 mines then stop any progress in the HQ. The factories should be just L2 at a beginner account not beyond that. That level is close to a SILVER Account without the BASE. A tiny bit more expensive but can simulate very close to old account. I built my O.D.FARM in that way then started OKI. O.D.FARM account it is a BASE acc and was created to figure out the BASE and no risk OKI on those days. You can level up the mines to L20 as fast you can. Those are the more important. Level the mines to L20 the 4 of them then hold back in leveling up anything else and get focus in your mech modules. Do not use the BASE if you do not farm enough. The cost will be high. The L15 factory for Power Kits it is a level for people with some degree of development ready in their accounts let say advanced enough to risk some gold leveling up fast with the power kit. You need to understand that the cost to make power kit is high even for a grinder like me and have to balance using grinded mix parts so can get back some level of gold reserve that will take for sure few weeks even farming at high level with poor wins. This is my current account and having base from start. As you see. I have a factory at L20 only one. I did it because wanted to see it and test. The cost to make parts at legendary it is high and have to be for real grinder not a onetime grinder player per day. I have not used the BASE since 2022 but I grind to get mix parts and gold. You can see the account it is not in use because I am trying to save gold as you can see there but grinding, I get many parts and gold for it to be always positive and making parts. When you play in a rush, you can lose a big deal of gold but at start point gold reserve will be normally low because maxing parts available. So, as Star mentioned, yes to have legendries but that cost a hell of gold to get an EPIC as will be the majority of the grant As Jam mentioned, it is yes/no. He also made the table of every part etc but lost in the old forum. So.... you know well how you farm and according to your risk tolerance you are the only one can determinate the answer. I can't tell you yes or no.
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