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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. It is your personal decision. and I wish you good luck making the Frantic.
  2. wow. tremendo. Me alegro mucho que puedas hacer cosas asi. Nota: Hmm, entoces eres de Colombia usando vale.
  3. There are differences between them like you said as HP. Now, you have to take in consideration the weight between them. Nightmare will allow you use more weapons or better module set up. Do not spend in things you are not sure. Just think. Don't do what I said. Do what do you think will be best for you and your preferences that you might like. Nothing is perfect. Just pick desire type of mechs or combos. The important is to think before eating and do dummy movements harming the account progress. Also, when we start, it is hard to have the right things and we use what we have to keep moving on.
  4. we do not know when will get a desire part. As an example for me, I was unable to get a Windigo in the freeway until I spend some tokens from savings them during free development and that included had to buy with free tokens the old offers for old modules deal of 500 tokens to get them. It can pass a year or more and no luck. All accounts work differently. Luck it is different. Basic is farm a lot and get luck farming to get the part. The other option is to farm a lot and enhance a factory until reach the EPIC craft area for possible drop, but it is expensive. The other option, it is to save the tokens earned until now and beyond to get a decent offer. You can ask about it. Max this until reach EPIC level 30 all of them. Will need transformation but have to happen Farm a lot to get that locked space. Focus in your primary mech all best parts. Do not share them for now. Best to your best possible mech. You can get Nightmare easy. Just farm. Do not use the other torsos. Just focus in your first mech. You can l40 the torso if need in "Flame Battery" been at Legend status but not more than L40 for now. In the sideline go for Nightmare if no other torso appear. You can make 2 of this. Are good for heat mechs and physical mechs. Can work for energy but it is less good. If you will go for energy and nothing else is good, you can use the same torso energy version if have too to go for. Just show your progress time to time and careful making parts or eating parts.
  5. do not eat those 2 legendary parts next to the frantic. the heat work for pvp but important for raid. The energy one is important for energy mechs for some configurations and sometimes it is hard to get. Make legends with epics that won't be needed. you can ask. preserve some epics that are important for the future. Manage properly the inventory.
  6. We do not know the configurations. Sure, energy mech will destroy both mechs. The heat mechs will destroy you too because that torso provides more protection against energy phys attack and lesser in heat shield reason we do not use it often because there are more heat/phys mechs around. The regen and cooling for both are low. Ok to take a lose vs energy mechs. Ok with both for now. Sure, dual frantic can win a bit faster if luck it is in your side, but it does generate heat. Try both configurations and play with them as practice. go to chat and learn to use it or check farming what will do
  7. And your mech current set up? We need to know full mech set up. Now, just to start.. 1- Those legs and the siblings are the best in town. You can max that leg all the way. 2- This torso it is a torso that require a lot of cooling and energy regeneration to make it work properly and for that, normally will need decent modules. Having very lack of modules and modules that you are showing, those does not help in cooling and regen. The difference is that provide ok HP and the energy and heat caps are the best in the game at natural state and help also a bit in output power of heat weapon. Few pictures on differences. As the mech progress to Myth status, the cooling and regen did not improved. If compare with WINDIGO torso as an example, regen and cooling went up a lot. Sure, the energy cap and heat cap went very high. 313/401 and WINDIGO is less. The tradeoff is the energy and heat natural in the torso vs regen and cooling compensations. Both torsos are close in weight so can be exchange without issues. Other factors are resistance. The resistance is much lower and balanced and Windigo is stronger to be killed having better resistance and HP are close to each other just in this case my Battery it is not divined which will add a few more. Below, it is my test mech set up for data collection to see what the game does as one of my game fun. As you can see, it does have same legs and torso. I use that drone for test, and I change modules after some data to make it weaker or stronger and check capacities. This is one particular set up. The heat and energy caps are easy to reach and cooling and regen required a lot to be in average. Changing to Nightmare it is different. or NAGA all with the same set up. In other words, Battery torso is less useful in the long run in combat having a lot more to compensate but useful to some degree starting. It was my second torso go to and use it because was a new release and wanted to test when I was a new player maybe a month ahead of you. It is more difficult to use the torso but can work a bit later on with better modules. Using some of your modules showed but not knowing what you are currently using, That put the mech in a bad shape related to regen and cooling. You have a bit more but way low. Any energy attack and heat attack with drain you and will paralyze you. You won't be able to use side weapons because killed your energy and can't recover and or overheated attacked or using your own weapons because generate heat during the use. You can work in the sideline with this torso and enhanced to myth if you want. It is a torso that can help you out maybe better in the long run. Even though, you can use current torso and get into L40 and keep it at that level for now. Legs can move forward in full, and heat and energy side weapons can go in full but if you have 2 similar in energy or the mix one for energy, go for energy dual attack. Those can be obtained in rare or epic farming. Those basic modules will need to be enhanced and transformed to EPIC L30 because not having basic ones that can go to myth. The investment has to happen there in full even are trash parts for meat but for now, it is the way to go. You can keep asking questions to the forum, they can help but sometimes takes time to respond. Just use the information to Analize. Don't do what I am telling you. Just think carefully and do not rush. Players are always rushing damaging their progress. Relax, think through and remember, it is a game for your fun and use what makes you feel the fun. Ah, you can max this one too for now to L40 until can get ideas and will help in different areas for now. Max the drone if is compatible for the combination to max one side type of mech
  8. There are different spots around. I use OD7 insane because I can kill 7 enemies in one shot and keep gold around the same. Now, you can go to lower places and use normal etc to get more shots and use less fuel if your fuel is low and do not farm a lot during the day This is enemies, not structures. The structure of 75 it is a different quest for 100 tokens. Today quest, you need to search for mechs to destroy I use that one if I want to finish fast but normally, I stay in OD6. The reason I stay in OD6 99.9% of the time, it is because I farm all the time and I have not need to change it because with less of 2 full fuel day consumption, I will be complete the quest.
  9. False Next person likes cod
  10. they can remove BASE without issue or fix the bug. Normally will be to delete base and reactivate if want.
  11. OKI DOKI


    those parts "Power Kits" can be use as come and directly level up the parts interested. Power kits are items for storage management in some ways people control their space or plan on it. For example, when a player does not have a desire part to max, then use power kit to build up fast level up when get the part and not level up parts not in need. Also, the player style and how often farm can function or not. In my case, those does not have function only as direct meat to the weapons based on my play style. The power kits are storage of power, and you store the power converted of used weapons to level up the kit as you level up a regular weapon. It is not wise to transform them, but it is ok to level up at their current status. If transform them, it is a waste of gold. What you are showing there, it is ok to do. Remember, do not transform them.
  12. OKI DOKI


    Do not do what others tell you. You have to observe carefully the weapons stats and think about it. We provide ideas but you need to think. Example of leg Your leg maxed at mythical. Weight 138. Your HP right now in your mech it is 641. Those legs at myth just alone are 478. A lot for sure not that bad. Physical damage is 213 not that bad and can push one step away. Do not do what others tell you. You have to observe carefully the weapons stats and think about it. We provide ideas but you need to think. Example of leg Your leg maxed at mythical. Weight 138. Your HP right now in your mech it is 641. Those legs at myth just alone are 478. A lot for sure not that bad. Physical damage is 213 not that bad and can push one step away. If you get other parts farming. show them Maybe they will tell you what is good or bad to use now. we have some basics to cross ranks as normal parts to move forward
  13. OKI DOKI


    Ok, be low there is a lock to unlock when reach level 32 then will have more space. Max to L30 , When you farm, those parts will show up in different stages. Those there, are basic modules that can reach maximum level of L30. The gray edged are the common parts and will need transformation to RARE "blue edge corners" and the blue ones will need to go to purple transformation to get the L30 spot as you have the blue torso. There is no more remedy than to max them for now. When you farm, try to observe carefully for those parts and do not eat everything to level up a part. Need to check what can help for now. The one in the center can go from L1 to L40 as it is. Do not enhance beyond L40 for now. The other 2 go for L30 unless you farm and get shield in the rare state then from rare transform to epic. Below there is not much remedy than to go to L30with the side weapons. The top weapon can go to L40. That will help a lot to pass campaign few more. In resume, farm in a place you can use auto farming. Ok to farm in step 3 if auto farm work. Gold it is not super or XP but I can see that side fights will be too strong for extra fuel and XP. Ok to farm there for now until get more gold and possibility of 0-1 box to level up or use as weapon . You need drone L30 that red one for now. Will help That weapon maybe soon will be useful. just the current set up for close combat won't be that good but maybe for campaign can help. It can go to L40 if go for it in the sideline.
  14. OKI DOKI


    Not all is shown. All inventory Go first with the red torso I am showing. Do not advance for now the blue one you have at L30. Keep it like that for now for lower farming in this moment. In the side. Go with the red one and level to L30 and beyond. Legs are ok to go L30 to increase HP and also can go to Legend L40 then hold back if any other leg is better to change. Just keep asking but for now according to what I can see, those legs are the good to go to L40. Shoe the rest of the account.
  15. wow, that it is really nice mech there. Getting scary. WOW, 13millions and all free. You have better account than other players around for 5 years in the making. Look those gold mines.
  16. OKI DOKI


    It is normal to hit the wall in the campaign. When that happen, it does mean that the power level it is low now vs campaign position aiming to win. You should back down to a spot that the auto farm can work with a good gold average per fuel and XP. You need to strength mech for now farming and advancing the account. Basics 1- Get 5 wins in pvp every day. You need to collect silver coins from those 5 wins. a- The coins are to enhance the account extra power. b- With the coins, go to Arena shop and enhance part in need to enhance. "You can ask about it" 2- Save tokens for now for better offer. You can ask during offer time if is good for you or not. 3- time to time will have to wait to get power to pass next stage. That it is normal and ok to happen. 4- Do not frustrate because will have to pass maybe few days before do something except farming. 5- Keep farming to collect gold, mix boxes to level up parts or get parts to enhance from the farming itself and farming will enhance account because XP will move up attacking campaign in a spot that you can win without have to click to make the fight. 6- Show the players where at you at campaign, inventory and current mechs set ups and players might help you
  17. anyone here can answer the question?
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