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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Finished this yesterday in OKI DOKI. Took me long with daily but got done finally. Next goal is to finish some remaining parts not maxed for very long time like 3 years waiting post myth transformation. An eye sore to see them since then. CHEERS
  2. Well, in some way, I kept the clan alive because I compromised as best I could regardless my personal limitations as player. I really sacrificed trying the best for all of us not for personal selfish gains. I am solo player by default in this game and was my intentions to play like that always just a game for relax time with my niece together at my home having fun together till she left back to the East Coast where she is belonged. She finished University this year and moving to her Master. You should remember her been the OKI owner in full for 4 months. Playing as clan member it does require to work together and selfish minds can't work in clans. Because I wasn't, many were stable, and the formula worked. Players like Kitty, Diablodder and so on real R1 top gunners that can get solo stars and been on top 3 clans for medals never were selfish on it not looking for medals but rewards like Hell, Mary, Ayron, yourself before losing the account then now, 18-016, Scorpion-the real one, SHABBA, Titania, Kratos-the real one, Papelonaitor, Chaos Saber, Swastika as stable players. Sure, I can mention many others that were there before but sadly were on and off including clan original members. As you know, SHABBA was asking me to join his clan since I was a beginner powerless, and I always rejected to join any clan been solo player and no looking for clan drama. After asking me for close to 1.5 years every time he saw my niece or me in the Spanish chat, I decided to help temporally. I remember when the clan was growing, then lose people then got back into stability then pushed hard for top 10 then fall and changed to then play for rewards and became stable for some time then have trouble again on and of having problem to stay stable with 24 then the clan got in trouble again and to I decided then to help him to give some stability and attraction to get more people been more in the clan. You and I mean Star Lord back then and the current players in the clan back then, I told SHABBA that my help with be jut for a few to get the clan stable then I will go back to solo, and I was accepted to play 36 wins and to keep at least an R4 to have positions and I asked to SHABBA to talk to the clan my conditions because I was unable to do more than that which was and still real till today. The clan accepted me as the only one with those terms and no others had those terms. Thinking about it, I was always the only one in that way but I did the best I could and tried to match the clan basis for the 5K and 2k weeks plus pushed for ranks even I was week plus joining WAR I was too week for current environment at war set ups against top clans having ton of power slicing my mechs but I became really good at war attack regardless my mechs were trash and incomplete back then. You may remember this when I joined. Modules were incomplete and by the way, I never finished them and started to work on new others because the game changed and started to release the new modules screwing me up after so heavy investment on farming and else to try to make those and then the buff to VEST screwing me double time and the Frantics and spartan and the heat huggers mess then snipers jumping all over. Those members mentioned are very important because in the end, they were and some still the core and heart of the clan. Thx to their loyalty and desire to be a team and play together always, I have to thank them a ton. Sure I can mention Xinorman, Fenix, The King, Greenhell, Super Khalel, Maxi, GREGORY-Original member and many others back then and stable like Pink when I asked to accept him been weak and became a top player farming a lot and compromised like I has been week and still there, I think. Yes, there are many there and the current around I can say thx for stay together regardless the ups and down. Sad some retired or semi-retired. What days, I had the clan nemesis against me every day I played full loaded of WLgang, CANDELA INC and U.S.S.R. between few others that were there all the time against me as solo players and hard to win and when I used to push up for R3 then RF, LLYL, HTK and RR were there to push me down. Very strange that I got into TF that often but yeah. Sure, other clans that were there at TOP that push up hard but CANDELA and WLgang and U.S.S.R. were in almost every fight against me. Annoying Then a nemesis came to the surface tired of abuses and said enough it is enough and became the favorite nemesis of all clans trying to kill SUPER OKI DOKI as before and things went wrong for them. They decided to keep pushing to much till hell broke lose. They were like you know and I was polite telling them please don't push it is not nice and kept reminding them till they did too much Then thing went sour for them After that few months of fun showing off skill not been a sassy player, then went back to my real purpose in the game to have my real fun.
  3. oh, cool. got it. now time to go to sleep. Just finished my work.
  4. Ah, my old days. Oops, never played back then. That mech looks cool. Time to kill
  5. 6k wins are related to 1v1 plays. It is possible if all players play enough. CANDELA INC. was a clan that played for 5K all the time 1v1 and 2k for 2X2 and 3V3 currently ACE is the leader. Some other clans like WLgang used to be 5k-6k all the time and some clans even made 10k. Sure, I guess those 10k were not that normal. There are not that many players in the game playing enough wins as used to be. I am not included, I have been 35 wins because family and work, but I did my share during CANDELA pushing the numbers required. Was not easy for me to be honest been too busy. I will day that it is nice to be able to reach 5k and get the goodies. I progressed a lot thx to my teammates. I miss to play with them. Sadly, it is work and family reality. When I am writing here, I am resting a bit from work but acutally normally working day and night like now it is midnight and I need to finish a report in 30min and go to sleep and be up at 5am for the boss meeting.
  6. Well, I am not an old player here neither a brand-new kid on the block. There is a lot of interesting histories like yours where we can learn as players. In my short time I can say just a few things and very limited. Been a new player who started in reloaded times passing already few years been stablished, I adapted for the environment already in place. For newer players, it is a different thing, or a bit of different mindset already stablished or stablishing on it and it is hard to change that. Sure, many brand-new players provide some contributions related to other games bringing some light of things that the game needs and also some matching of the old style of this game. During the time I have been playing here because a family member asked me to play with, I saw few limited changes that for one way or another, it changed a lot of what it is today as you mentioned. The person it is an original SM player who joined by the time had access in the USA servers. Maybe or better say you might encounter the person many times in battles. Still playing time to time. I won't tell the original name. Told me one time. 1- The change of the forum affected a lot on participation due to the lay out. Even me I was confused. 2- Just limited players continue from the old forum and stayed making contributions "intelligent contributions" to the game like Sawall just to mention one now retired. Sure, I am not one of them making those great contributions that for some reason, I miss that from the old forum. I still a goofier around. 3- The loss of such valuable information from the old forum. 4- Forum members special offers regardless how can be seen but was in my time as new player and I can't see it in a different way. 5- No weapons sales. Yeah, I know from you and others old timers was better but like I mentioned, just related to my time and how was and adaptation of that time before Gato. 6- The cheating issues, frantic issue, tokens issues and game glitches were insane. Some still around like war reward etc. 7- Like it or not, people grew up been minors and became adults getting education and work so retirement was something to happen and will. 8- Missing the competition at top or better say, not real competition in the game as I knew when started having decent constructive rivalry. Even I was new, I saw some of it as it was in my beginning, and I miss that and clan loyalty. Now everything is a mess, not loyalty, no competition or motivation from the best players around been semi-retired, retired or just a reader. Where are those clans and the clan spirits. 9- Portals, WTH. That it is already a Myth tale. 10- No new weapons release. Sure, I agreed in some ways because the game owners do not compensate the percentage lost in order can receive a weapon possibility. It was adding but not adjusting making harder to get a weapon in need. Not even with premium packs can get them. 11- I will say that the clan reward should be a lot better. 12- Relics grants should be better and or to set proper sales because not all fight war or are solo players and those relics can be added also on regular bases in portals as few times did at GATO beginning. 13- Match maker it is a bit crazy because less players so the match is becoming ridiculous with extreme match to superpower against weak. 14- Sure, inventory and limits to hold parts around. To get more inventory space, it is very expensive and to keep infinite number of parts to keep around in mix boxes farmed or others. 15- Auto pilot for farming, I think it is ok and functional and I remember when I started with OKI DOKI, it wasn't not automatic till passed beyond or around level 145 because still showing the old space for extra mech or so. I had to play the mech farming. When I opened O.D FARM, then was auto and was better for lack of time on players to be able to progress at least farming like I do right now. If that change to manual, I walk away faster than flash. 16- There are more for sure, but I will stop here. Let check your list nviting people to battles in chat still doesnt work --It does but have glitches. I agree. Mech order changing is still limited (whereas it previously wasn’t)--Not sure what do you mean. Quad Core Booster should be called Quad Core Engine as it is an ENGINE module-- Yes, they never changed for the mistake the did when released. The game frequently loses connection and needs to restart (sometimes mid battle)--Every day any time and worse when pvp or titan making you lose often. Also, changing from campaign to pvp always froze each time. The mass select function is poorly designed and therefore useless--It works for me. Replay codes often don’t work--Sometimes yes. The chat often censors words which aren’t obscene because they contain a string which is on its own obscene (think Pass being made P***)--Anoying for sure. The battle starts zoomed in when everyone prefers zoomed out adding an extra button click--Yeah It won’t let you change parts in a convenient order because “X requires jump” or mech is overweight- it should allow any combo the player wants. If wants a claw hugger to jump with a space invader it should allow etc. The outcomes of battles are often dictated by pads--I have thousands of collected fights information, yes it does but it is more than that, trust me. There are no reminders for the many chores- Now that you mention, other games always do. You get a ridiculously restrictive inventory limit as well as a box limit that leads to a death spiral of stagnation- true in particular for me as everyone knows well. The game is really ugly- To be honest, graphic is cool and the design it is fine. Much better than thousands of games around. Constant popups--Yes, sometimes Ever present ! If you didn’t enable base--Reality Its formatted upside down on mobile--I think so. It scrolls far left when you enter campaign and you have to manually drag to the right--true Worskshop stats don’t reflect actual arena stats--someone can change that. some people have access. You can accidentally buy arena slots when opening boxes--yes, happens to me 3 times The animations are uninteresting and too long-- I do not know what do you mean Given the massive growth in player base its hard to believe that inv limit is necessary--true It takes a long time for reports or help requests to be actioned if at all--I got answers to my own request in time I will say. I do not know about the others according to what type of request. My request has been solved. Seriously. Does ANYONE honestly enjoy this game’s “campaign”. Chores, chores, chores.--Yes, I like to farm like an idiot but adapted to farm from earlier games when released since the 70's so I am adapted as basic to do on game like this reason of my own personal progress that still going strong regardless my current early game retirement. I do not do pvp since last year and just 4 months I did competition to get full R1 stars for fun never again since was not my thing just test, farm, test, farm and level up parts. Just relax time for fun play nothing else. It is very interesting to read your comments as always. You have heart for this game as some others from your era and many that came later at different stages of the game lime me to. I hope they read and can understand and do some from there. I consider this game that have potential but has been tarnished in some ways with not proper administration but also sadly I have to say by some players talking too bad of the game. I am not referring to you, I am talking in general because it does escalate to many eyes reading at the side and negative comments it does affect the game base. Very refreshing to read your thoughts. it is time for some
  7. Interesting. Sadly, I have no talent neither time but many here does have talent. You might have some interest.
  8. If you want to remove the BASE, there used to be an option that I can't see now. I do not know if BASE removal is happening any longer.
  9. yes, it is a cool video. He is basically retired busy at university. He spent a lot for sure and progressed fast and great player. Cool person.
  10. I love fish. Living with my father jumping around countries due to military service I used to live close to coastline and go to the weekends 4 o'clock in the morning to get the recent catch then remove the scales open bely remove the stuff and clean it then for lunch or dinner go to the backyard and eat fried fish or soup etc. I miss that I bit. Sure, not the smell in my hands or the house cleaning the fish.
  11. I am having now a BLT and orange juice. Yeah, break time.
  12. some are fortune boxes or from portals and daily premium box. has been accumulated for long. the game give to the account a lot of modules and drones but it has been bad in granting weapons to make a complete mech in the sense of what we call meta and there are many parts not granted so far with premium packs. At least modules have been decent to give ability to combat. some weapons I do have are coming way back from previous game owner weapon sales to the old forum and regular sales, but I was new, so I got just few then were gone with the new owner. I will say that the account it is strong account generally speaking but if I were to think in money spent it is trash account with so poor weapons grants. If people pay attention, I have been making epic parts all over because of that. Just making sets for the future and or just collection just to make a part for fun. This is related to O.D. FARM account. that include making premium weapons that no longer work in the top side to get R1 on basics unless a full dedicated crazy player playing very serious to get there but current arena mechs are the same one after another with poor diversity because players have become lazy to think and test and make something different making the game a bit boring in the sense of pvp. I was playing for test and fun not for an R1 now I just farm nothing else. too busy at work
  13. always running out of room. just eating what I do not need. See ya old friends.
  14. my lunch was an apple juice, a fried chicken burger with potatoes tarter tots.
  15. Well, when I was playing, I used to get sometimes R1 against R7 but some months ago, my kid in R8 got into R1 player and lose goofing around but got into another R1 and decided to play serious with the R7 mech and won. Depending on player in the arena now days you can get different because I see fewer top players playing, and they do not have enough players to be match at those ranks so the system match with what it is available around. Also, at R7 they play against R5-R2 all the time or with R3 plus mechs. I just watch my kids play to collect data not as before but sometimes and make changes to the mechs for it.
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