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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Atomic441

  1. I tried remaking supermech in roblox it turned out really badly 0.0. ( Being trash in model creating be like)
  2. O same, I eat dosa every saturday :o.
  3. I choose railgun for this- Pros- 1- Best electric drone for me, as it does most damage out of all the other drones even beating unreliable guardian. 2- Also has highest electric resist drain than other drones(-7 when compared to other drone's -5 or -6). 3- Like most electric drones, doesn't require backfire to work. 4- Works well with mid-ranged weapons like malice beam, hysteria, valiant sniper. Cons- 1- Pretty hard to get. 2- Weak against melee weapons since it can't hit in 1-2 range. 3- Has a blind spot in contrast to other drones.
  4. Any legendary you get from fortune box is free food so always be grateful :P.
  5. Whatever it is, I got my tokens ready from 2 months of saving >:) I just hope it is good stuff I need alot of legendary food for my stuff having patience to put all your legendary to lvl 40 and stare at them without having any "food" for 2 months is about to pay off I hope.
  6. Just need to point this out but, spartan being premium is actually a negative point since it is a lot harder to get and divine than epic tier.
  7. Oh 1 more thing, most people should stop attacking the devs for lack of content/ updates. Here's why- 1- They are humans they need rest sure there may not have been major update in more than 1 years but that doesn't give you right to scream at them. 2- You don't understand how hard is it to make and maintain game unless you successfully make your own game which is when you realize the amount of work put into sprites, strings of codes(scripts), animations, creativity( storyline, concept etc). 3- The things I mentioned in point 2 is rather difficult for an individual game dev or a small dev team so learn to be happy with what you get and respect the efforts of others.
  8. We can't do anything about it, most players are leaving due to them getting bored because of lack of updates and doing same stuff repeatedly. (But it's alright if you have patience then you can still be happy with this much content) Bye, have fun and always do what makes you happy [Keep your future in mind as well, cuz if playing games all day makes you happy, as much as I will like to admit, it would most probably ruin your other activities and could possible ruin your future].
  9. Same, strangely I get more premiums from legendary fortune boxes than premium packs(although i opened only 5 premium packs before I started hoarding my tokens) but like just 1 week ago I got a fortune box which landed on legendary I got happy but even happier when I saw the legendary was my first flaming scope!
  10. I have 1200 tokens saved up for Easter but I will wait for sometime to see how others react with Easter event boxes and then only spend my tokens cuz getting 1200 tokens for me was hard not gonna spend it on bad items XD.
  11. Super mech 2022 goals- Get all my first mech items to max mythical (4 items left), try replacing hysteria with valiant sniper(both 2 valiant snipers required) start working on second mech when done and third mech can be taken care of later XP. Out of game goals- Chess- Reach rating of 1650+ in blitz(1578 rn) shouldn't be that hard. Coding- Just continue with basic game development we will work on actually developing game later. School and Studies- Get 97+% in final exams of school in term 2 ( our exams are separated in 2 terms, term 1 was done on january and I got 98% with 100% in maths and science and rest were 96+. And continue with medals spree for competitive exams :P. Yeah pretty busy schedule with tons of goals honestly really hoping I can achieve all of them my parents and teachers have high expectations too!
  12. Atomic441


    Not me, I am rank 10 and I got 4 item factories to lvl 15 and base level 15 and gold mines to lvl 15.
  13. Atomic441


    For real though, are bases really that bad for so many people? Just make your base level 15 for power kits and it becomes worth it, get more coins from gold mines and missions and upgrade your item factories patiently to 20 level and then it becomes fully worth it [chance of legendary is pretty expensive but it is worth it every time u see premium B) ].
  14. Yeah, backstabbing protector is nice heat damage drone, if you are gonna go for a boiler heat mech then you should probably keep and upgrade swoop or nemo if you have either but if you are gonna make a heat damage mech then backstabbing protector is amazing drone.
  15. You should always keep your eyes open in internet anyways who doesn't know that what is posted in internet is never technically deleted so be careful with it ( elementary school lesson for modern kids now I suppose).
  16. Bro... you know how hacking works right? You making me question that- Well, assuming you got no idea about what hacking means due to your old messages, here is the definition with bold letter for importance- A security hacker is someone who explores methods for breaching defenses and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network. Now why did I bold this phrase? Cuz that means a hacker is a person who tries finding fault in strings of code and security and manipulates it in such a way that they can breach into other people's information and privacy, this means that they won't come and annoy you with "PlS tRaDe AcCoUnTs :(" but instead they will gain access to your account without your knowledge so don't be so paranoid unless and until you don't blindly trust anyone online, you are fine because hacking isn't easy or simple at all and only a very advanced and dedicated programmer can pull it off so don't worry just don't trust anyone and don't think somebody will magically hack your account or your info it ain't that easy. Not to mention the fact that hacking is illegal in most countries irrespective of the fact that you hacked a game or hacked somebody's bank account, both are punishable offenses so not many people dare to hack due to that as well. (Unless you play games with .io in the end those games are easily hacked because - 1- they are just easily made in comparison to other types of games like mobile game or downloadable games. 2- they are easy to manipulate due to reason 1. 3- the devs are more casual of .io games and most of them don't take hackers seriously but the ones who do, make sure the hacker will get punished.)
  17. Oh wow alright didn't realize that thanks...
  18. I do see resist drain but isn't there supposed to be resistance provided as well? Or do you get it once you level it to max mythical/divine?
  19. To make things worse, some keys written together are very far on the keyboard for example, they wrote W and K together in BVEGHJWKMNSBVDG when W is very far from K on the keyboard so assuming their keyboard isn't very tiny, that's pretty giant head ngl.
  20. Right now I don't have lightning recoiler but I do have last words so I will start leveling that up then, thanks.
  21. Okay thanks, yeah in my current build hysterias aren't doing much work so better remove them you are right and the legs are fine right? I will remove the malice too in second build thanks
  22. Hey guys! Hope you all have been doing well, so I am energy main and I was just going through how to improve my mech later on and I need a little bit help in increasing hp and resistance of my mech as the other stats(cooling, regen, energy & heat cap) are fine. So first pic is my mech right now and the second one is the one version I want ( oh and i do have defense matrix I just can't replace it with anything else in my current setup due to either I will have to sacrifice heat or energy or if i replace it with the last cooling mass booster then it would lead to massive overweight) .
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