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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Atomic441

  1. Nice, I used to play simulators in roblox but like 4 years ago lmao, they get boring once you grow up or played it too much. Tbh, making a game is more fun than playing a game for me. Unless it's chess, then I am down to it B) . Yeeting kids in roblox chess is even more fun I just go to roblox chess occasionally just to see how much I improved in chess by daily practice.
  2. Low iq to normal translator-> "Guys how to get legendary items? They seem to be so powerful. Wait to get them to mythical because they are good. But, divines are definitely the way to go."
  3. Yeah, this game is a game of patience, you should have patience and don't rush on mythical/upgrading torso, think about other stuff as well.
  4. If and only if you have good enough resistant module( a legendary/mythical defense matrix or explosive+physical resistance) try getting energy resistance module as well but you won't be fighting them as much as the other two types. If you are confident that you got good enough resistance then only you should upgrade if you have only explosive resistance like I can see in the picture then that's bad.
  5. Grave diggers is the best leg if you remove the massive feet variants, I do think massive feet variants are better but grave diggers recoils enemy enough to be hit by your mid-ranged weapons and does massive damage. It is definitely better than iron boots sure you sacrifice a bit of hp for damage and recoil but it is useful specially when you don't have recoiler.
  6. If you are gonna use energy free armor and go energy free then don't use energy modules at all, replace the quad cores for just heat module and replace overload preventor to mass cooling kit and replace your drone to a drone that uses only heat to attack.
  7. Got this from rank 12 box today, last week also I got 2 legendaries(electrical pizza cutter and electrical monke) whereas i got rank 10 box 5 times but no legendaries from it e.e Btw, nice overload preventor.
  8. From next time, try ur best to stay close to the enemy's mech and close to the center since if u stay close to the corner, they can teleport to the other pole and use the scopes and looking at your weapons, they are close-mid ranged so you should have tried being so close to him that he could neither teleport and use scopes or use repulser and use scope.
  9. Also, choose which type you are gonna go with wisely, physical is most common one while energy being the rarest one(energy main is not that bad tho cuz i am one xd), heat is also very popular since it is also very good in raids, bosses and normal missions. DO not play hybrid unless you 100% have no other way to play(you do not have enough same type weapons). I have seen some energy+heat hybrid but that's basically the worst thing you can be, you can neither successfully drain ur enemies' mech or shut them down u just gonna be stuck in the middle and die.
  10. I love how most of us got atleast 1 premium, this most probably means premium chances was increased as well in the easter box.
  11. I bought 4 Easter packs but forgot to screenshot 1 of them I am so happy I finally got LPV, the torso I wanted literally in the first pack. I am sad I got shadow wolf when I needed piercing fox it's alright still great I got alot of good legendary foods and energy fortress grim cobra doesn't suit my build but I will keep it the storage unit ain't great most probably gonna be food since I already got enough legendary storage units.
  12. Yeah, I am saving lightning cutter but rolling beast ain't good too much weight for the hp amount and that extra 1 movement range barely helps.
  13. But I am energy mech with energy not energy free and I don't have intentions of making another energy build but oh well I will keep it then.
  14. Wow didn't expect my rank 12 box to be better than my previous rank 10 box sadly both are useless for me maybe I will save rolling beasts but I am definitely fooding lightning cutter. Nevermind rolling beasts got not that good stats I think I should food both.
  15. Ye I agree naga is my favorite non-premium torso it's third best electrical torso beaten by the electrical monke and LPV, but if you got builds like mine then it is second best torso since u can easily switch from naga to LPV without a problem but if you try switching from naga to monke then you will have to get new modules and replace some heavier weapons due to huge weight and no res. Naga works really well till rank 9-10 atleast.
  16. If easter packs are just prem pack + paint then that's not worth it for me or anybody who doesn't care about paint , I don't care about paints cuz I think black(max myth and divine color) looks the best and no color looks cooler but ofcourse if you like to paint your mechs then that's better. Kinda sad cuz I thought it would have increased legendary/premium drop rates than normal, I will see how people respond on 17th April and if it is only paint then I rather save my tokens for a 3k deal lol.
  17. Damn I got my first monke torso from fortune box today 0.0 and that too the energy one! I now have a big decision to make whether I should use divine naga or the monke torso, I am personally not a big fan of monke torsos since they have high hp but high weight and no resistance I wanted to switch my naga for LPV but I guess I would get that later . Still not fooding this monke anytime soon XD.
  18. Ah, it's alright, welcome!
  19. Amazing work, but it's in wrong section? It should be in game discussion not questions. XD
  20. Naga rank C, seriously? It is literally LPV's non-premium counterpart, it exchanges 29 hp and 35 physical resistance for +9 cooling(but -8 capacity), +10 energy regen( and +6 energy cap), and 11 kg less weight no way that is C tier, that is definitely a solid A-A+ tier the -30 physical resistance might look bad but little light weight helps with it. Sorry for being late and reviving pretty old topic but for me- S+: lpv, mpv S: energy free armor, fractured heat armor, rusty energy armor A: hollow spectral armor, naga, nightmare, windigo B: zarkares, brutality, archimonde, all 3 battery armors, hpv(just disappointed ) C- avenger, sith E: interceptor(doesn't deserve D tier even the stats are just so awful low weight cannot compensate this)
  21. I was disappointed with my rank 10 box since it had all epics but it had 2 epic ascension relics which meant I could finally divine this bad boi. This is my third divine first being the malice beam and second being the massive shocker feet.
  22. Ye that's beauty of probability or (rng in this terms) you can never be certain about something unless it is 100% or 0%.
  23. Going by this video you have approximately 1 in (5-6) card to be legendary(11/60 in this video). So the legendary chance percentage must lie in range of (16.67%-20%) as 11/60 = 18.33%. Writing from past experience, I would say it is most likely 1 in 5 cards. Woah now that's interesting thing to note, I didn't really think chance of premium would vary for both base and premium packs but again, they are not known as Premium packs for no reason.
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