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Everything posted by iSwarky

  1. CMON ALEX!!! You are SO CLOSE to making those offers in premium packs! Idek if this is good or not. I mean it doesnt have an effect on the gameplay and stuff but like... I have been saving up for like 7 weeks to get 650 tokens ajd i seriously want to buy a 1000 token offer. So im not gonna buy this. Lets be real here, everyone wants a discount on premium boxes after seeing these two. CleverName would be very happy with this deal lol I dunno if i should put this in the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh post but i made a new one cuz why not. When i said idek what to say, i didnt mean to say "this offer is bad" i seriously dont know if this is a good deal or not.
  2. p a t i e n c e. Just sit and watch some tv. Dont forget claim the gold each 5 hours (roughly).
  3. I have seen enough players complain about base and be like "DiSaBlMe BSeA pLz" and everyone is getting annoyed by it. So whenever you see someone complainong about base, link them to this topic. Base is like a plant. If you take care of it and put effort into it, you are gonna get your resources back with even more resources. Base is like investment. When you spend gold to upgrade the gold miners, you will get the gold you spent right back in no time. Base isnt bad. It offers you MUCH more things than a single silver box. Just because purific/pavke said its bad like 11 months ago doesnt mean its bad now. We thought it was bad because we didnt even get to see its real power. Let me write the best things base offers you: -Getting ONLY power kits by spending COINS. -Getting legendaries by spending COINS. -Getting more and more gold each day. You literally get gold by doing nothing. This is why base is better than silver boxes. If you JUST started the game, the silver boxes is a better option. But if you made some progress, you need to get the base IMMIDIATELY. You might say "how am i gonna afford all those upgrades?" You can play the Overlord's Den 6th mission on auto play. Its the BEST mission for gold and xp. If you just farm that mission for a week, you can afford a lot of upgrades in the base. If you REALLY REALLY want it disabled, DONT make a topic. Click the "+" click "Request in base disable" and go to the game, go to settings, go to "info" and write your ID. You might get it disabled and it might take some time. If you get it disabled, you can always re-enable it if you want. Us experienced players dont want to see annoying meaningless topics in the forums. So PLEASE dont make a topic telling the devs to disable your base. Just request a base disable thats all you need.
  4. Alright this is enough. Im gonna make a topic explaining how base is good and you shouldnt disable it. The only purpose of that topic is gonna make these people shut. Whenever you see someone complaining about base, link them to my topic.
  5. The health is very low. And the energy would be really big problem when the other guy uses a malice beam. As afto said, the sword isnt really necessary. You can remove it and get some hp i guess.
  6. Try to replace the heat hammer with a energy pusher weapon (lightning recoiler would be the best option.) This is a good mech for rank 10 in the future. Try to get your heat improved FIRST and then upgrade your weapons one by one. Overtime when you get to like rank 13 you would need to upgrade the energy a little bit too.
  7. The first mech needs a lot of improvements on the mods. Because both the heat and the energy based mechs would be a pain to destroy. One emp and a malice beam and you are basically done. The mechs look good in general except for the modules. Right now, dont upgrade any weapons. Upgrade like maybe 8 mods.
  8. Im not saying its completely trash but a huge part of the community dont even need gold at all. Especially the pros like clevername etc. I complained a bit more because im saving up for a 1000 token offer and if this offer replaces the weekly token quest, im gonna be a bit upset.
  9. Dude i saved up tokens for like 6 weeks (roughly 650) and 1.5 million coins is 500 tokens. Like why would i waste a more useful currency when i can get the thing in just a few days without wasting any currency at all? I mean yeah i appreciate the offer but like no one is gonna buy this anyway.
  10. *cough* Ermmmm... Alex? w-would you mind making the same offer on premium packs? I-Im just saying like y'know?
  11. If you just keep the password/name private from people, there is no way you arw gonna get hacked. Altough i prefer you to use a somewhat safe password instead of just 123456789.
  12. Gotchu. This is the final product:
  13. Hot topics are when everyone is talking about that topic right now. I got it yesterday too. I dunno what i did but it says its rare soo.
  14. Try to get windigo. Its so much better than zark now. And upgrade the mods. The heat can stay like that for a bit more time but DEFINETILY go for the mods.
  15. First off im gonna clear that im not trying to insult anybody by any means. I wanted to do an experiment. So i drew some of the people's pfps in the forums. (Probably will do some more later i had to prepare for guests.) Spam : Aftokrator (the old one): OKI DOKI: Btw this app is called ibis paint x and the is whatever the hell you want in this map. Some people drew actual anima characters.
  16. But i gotta admit, it looked cool. Especially the premium pack. Btw i use an android device.
  17. Look at it in the inverted colors. It looks so cool.
  18. Wtf It was color inverted when i uploaded it Basically the prem pack was a really cool blue color (as well as the tokens and the coins) the fuel was purple and my mech looked like an energy mech.
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