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    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Bro, because from rank 17 to 15 there are mechs with frantic brutes, it makes me feel bad and you can't even beat them but why?   
    Idk, malice beams and energy in general seem like a nice answer here. lmao
  2. Haha
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from noㅤ in omg accused of hax   
    you'll get used to it. people find the dumbest reasons to throw hackusations as if they're in the middle of a call of duty match 😂
  3. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from GORGONA in Gambling mecha   
    Insert the "This design is very human" meme
  4. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Gambling mecha   
    Insert the "This design is very human" meme
  5. Haha
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in omg accused of hax   
    you'll get used to it. people find the dumbest reasons to throw hackusations as if they're in the middle of a call of duty match 😂
  6. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    OKI- Collection for fun



  7. Thanks
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from D4RK in Bro, because from rank 17 to 15 there are mechs with frantic brutes, it makes me feel bad and you can't even beat them but why?   
    Idk, malice beams and energy in general seem like a nice answer here. lmao
  8. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from LORD CHAOS in could someone with resources test this on arena and show me results ?   
    I promise you that it won't get to r5.
  9. Haha
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Idk where to report these accs.   
    Both from Love Is War smfh. Can the mods ban these ppl too? Or are they gonna do em all in a wave like last time?

  10. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in could someone with resources test this on arena and show me results ?   
    Thank you. 🙂
    but I don't plan on staying for very much longer...
  11. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in is energy fortress a good defense module?   
    All Fortesses are essential for all purposes, being:
    Clan War
    and Arena
    A lot of people get all three ene forts last, so lucky you. 🙂
  12. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to noㅤ in Look at this wacky rank 3 build   
    petal_20230812_133207.mp4 Replays.
  13. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Neon Goliath in An Introduction to Supermechs   
    quick rundown for beginners:
    step 1 
    resource management
    be efficient on your resources since they are limited
    you will get powerkits, items, gold, tokens, and fuel

    -powerkits you will want to level up to max but not transform
    -items you will only want to level up ones that go to mythic. items that dont go to mythic that are worth keeping are repulsors iron plates and savior resistance module
    A common torso to start out with is nightmare if you have wendigo, you can start with that. premium items you always keep. NEVER FOOD PREMIUM ITEMS
    another note when leveling up items is to level them up all at the same speed. generally speaking maxing a single item at a time is inefficent due to 
    diminishing gains; ie the great amount of power you use to level up an item as it reaches its max level isnt improving the item as much as it could
    improve another item. That power would be better spent on that other item and you can level them all up gradually.

    - spend gold to upgrade transform and work on your base
    -tokens should be saved for offers. ideally 2k offers in the beginning, eventually moving to maybe 3k offers for
    specific items
    -fuel you should use often, spend on campaign

    try to farm campaign highest level you can but ideally overlord den 8 insane eventually
    you need a mech for that. you got options depending on what items you have

    double malice (good for arena and campaign)
    boiler (ideally flaminator + savagery) (great for campaign and raid)
    double frantic (good for arena, moderately good for campaign)

    step 2 level up your base!
    base is incredibly important, especially in the long run.
    level up your gold mines as high as you can then level up HQ. Don't
    worry about leveling up your item factories, the most efficientitem to craft
    is commons at level 1 anyways

    (next step could be arena or raid but arena is where we have fun mostly)
    step 3 arena!
    in arena depending on the items you have you can build different mech setups
    some solid ones are as follows

    double malice (minimal epic items needed 1 for shotgun 1 for drone 6-7 for mods)
            8-9 epics total *could use 1 more epic for an emp eventually*
        due to poor mods on most other mechs it will do well
    double desolation (minimal epic needed 2 for desolations 1 for drone 4 for mods needed)
            7 epics total *could use 1 more for a res drainer*
        due to only heat stats really needed great for minimal arena shop bonuses
    supreme cannon desolation (moderate epics needed 1 for desolation 1 for supreme cannon 1 for shotgun 1 for drone 6 for mods)
            10 epics total *could use 1 more for res drainer*
        great for pushing most mechs out of the comfortable 3-6 range
    double brute (moderate epics 2 for brute 1 for shotgun 1 for drone 6 for mods)
            10 epics total
        great high damage due to terrible resistance for beginners

    *notable exclusion*
    flaminator dawnblaze (although it only requires 3 epics for dawnblaze shotgun and drone the mods needed for it to work in higher ranks
    are mostly premium mods)

    for arena shop just focus on your element damage of your mech and resistance and hp
    also dont worry about dropping ranks. good arena rewards dont come until much later so the rewards for upt to rank 10
    are all pretty bland. just worry about the arena shop coins for your daily 5 wins.
    step 4 raid:
    coming towards the end of the game not much depth will be provided for this since this is for beginning
    keep your 7 heatbombs heat engines flamethrowers*premium* cooling boosters heat drones 
    flaminator and savagery.
    2 heatbomb flaminator and savagery will get you decent scores for low raid anyways
  14. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to Lockrus228 in I created a new weapon!   
    Thx ! )))
    There is a legendary variation and myth

    Here she is

  15. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to OKI DOKI in Is there any guidelines we can follow when designing a mech?   
    The answer is both.
     There are different types of mechs. I will not mention all of them but basic:
    1- Attack to resistance
    2- Attack to HP caps
    Those have subdivisions and some of them are. 
    1- Overheating
    2- Draining
    3- Explosive 
    For example
    This one does have few categories. 
     1- It is a drainer over heater. It is use based to overheat the opponent.  The differences are the use of what type of weapons can help to make the condition faster and keep the opponent close to you. We call this a heat hugger. 
    2- The top weapon does not affect directly to the resistance but damage to the heat cap and to the HP is high. The parts it is excellent to help overheat and to keep close your opponent.
    3- To help the effect of overheat, it uses a side weapon to damage the heat cap available and will reduce it permanently per attack.
    4- Use a side weapon that will help reduce the resistance and that resistance damage is combined with 1-2 heat drainers and the drone that also help to damage resistance. 
       Why resistance drain it is important? Simple, if does not have the attack to do so, it is like hit a wall with your hands so other attacks can work the magic. 
        So, sometimes I call this a resistance over heater hugger. 🤡 Just me 😉. The others will call heat hugger as standard name. 

    This other it is a jumper based to damage resistance in order can penetrate and start to damage HP. It is hard to destroy this one in the physical way. A bit weaker in energy attack and middle of the ground vs heat mechs different types but it is a good one to use against the first mech if know how to use it. 
    1- The 3 side weapons are based on resistance drain in order can start to damage HP faster. To make the attack even more effective, the drone and jumper weapons also helps to damage drain. 
    It is an overall resistance drainer sniper. 

     When you build a mech, you are looking normally to maximize a particular effect on damage. Sure, every mech does have a counter mech meaning there is not a perfect mech because all of them can be destroy.  
    Those are basics mechs that can give a bit of ideas.
    Now, not all mechs will be set in that way as the super Dupper beast mech to annihilate everyone. Some mechs are designed to work on pair or for a triple attack. 
    In the 2 mechs illustrated, a player with luck can make 3 of those. Sure, those 2 types of mechs that you might like to have all the parts for 3 of them but is hard to get for the majorities. 
    So, some people build mechs to complement the others in ways that can provide that help. 
    The order of mechs set ups are important when go to do pvp. 
    For example, this mech below, as solo mech it is easy to be bitten if do not know how to use it. Sure, in the hands of Warrmachine is lethal just for saying. Now, as you can see, use different elements making this mech a mix mechs sniper. It is functional, yes does work but the right function per season. It is not good for 1V1 but can be use on 2v2 and 3v3 according to how you will support the other mech. I used and bitten top players for fun. It is grate mech, nope, but the support can be great if know the reason why was built in first place to complement the other mech. 

    When you build a first mech, you put the best assets there that can be combined in a way that will be functional for the type of attack you would like to have maximizing that effect like in the first 2 top mechs above. 
    Another example is this test mech. It does works? Sure, for low ranks maybe till R5 but it is a mech based for R7-R6. 
    I use this one in a cripple way for test on purpose to see damage, match maker and few others. Can help a player to rank up having just limited parts? Yes, it does. All parts are available farming and can be fun to use and I won against top players R1 mechs many times in the pass and my kids I saw many fights against R1 mechs winning against them. Now, for some top players, will be easy to kill like a fly. The things for this one, was based more for explosive damage and chicken out covering almost all ranges. 

    In the end, all elements do have similar effects and we combine weapons to maximize the effect as combo attack reason top players always will tell you that you need to build an element mech in full and how much damage can create based on stats. 
    Build with logic. Observe properly the weapon functionality with the item description below as example. 
    It weights ok at 37 but heat damage cap is low but can help overheat some. It works when the opponents it is away from you one step to 3 meaning if the mech is faced to face it won't work but if is too far it won't work.  It jumps back one space but require having energy to function and will create heat on your mech using the item plus it will eat the HP per attack. 
    That information it is crucial to understand because it is the way to control your loss of Hp using the weapon, or how fast will overheat your mech etc. 

    I hope I answered your question. 
  16. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Look at this wacky rank 3 build   
  17. Haha
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What idk means? (Wrong answers only)   
    @icarus doesnt know
  18. Haha
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to luCyfer in The sheer audacity   
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    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to bestplayeroftheworld in things I need to think about   
    A few things to say about the current state of the game ...
    - it looks like developers are only taking the income money and having 0 motivation to change anything of the game and it's current status
    ... which opens every door for hackers and cheater as it is now and as it was the last two / few years ❗
    This leads to think about to leave this game once and for all ...
    - would / will save a lot of wasted time ✅
    - would / will take no need to think about investing any money anymore ✅
    - would / will give us a lot of time to play other great games ✅
    ... AND it still stays that I won most of players and of all time at SuperMechs ❗
    Without any cheating, without any boosting, without using important itmes no other player had access to it ❗
  20. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from NeoPrism in I will join your clan if   
    I gotchu just lemme win the lottery rq 😈
  21. Haha
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in I will join your clan if   
    I gotchu just lemme win the lottery rq 😈
  22. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 reacted to OKI DOKI in Super Mechs Procrastination Thread   
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    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from FLOKI in Super Mechs Procrastination Thread   
    LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND OTHER PEOPLE, POST YOUR LEVEL 1 MYTHICAL ITEMS THAT YOU GO "Hmmm, eventually I'll max this out..." FOR. I'll go first. 🙂

  25. Like
    Cole_Since_2012 got a reaction from FLOKI in Super Mechs Procrastination Thread   
    Honorable Mention:

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