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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Keithon

  1. How can I change my nickname in the forum? Please tell me how I can change my nickname in the forum because I don't really like it. I will appreciate your help.
  2. Where to throw 1000 hours of your life into the air?
  3. When you have 2000 hp but you have 200 heat. P.S.: Relax the thermal and life will be wonderful.
  4. I love round numbers. Hooray after many mix-boxes I got a fortune-box and there is a LEGEND! Hooray now I have a drone for the third mech!
  5. 429 How many calories do I eat per day 430
  6. I don’t think that additional resistance will somehow help in the campaign. You know that one point of resistance is equal to one damage protection. Even if they give 2 additional resistances, how can they save you from losing?
  7. Damn won the 5th battle in the arena and got again a mix box with an epic. Well, so-so.
  8. Cool I won 3 arena battle Although I rejoice early ...
  9. Чтобы получить токены, посмотрите этот метод Вам нужно перейти на сайт www.receivetokensforfree.com, получить свои паспортные данные, пароль и имя учетной записи, и вы получите 10 000 токенов. PS: Это шутка, но смешная. Those who play roblox will understand my joke.
  10. My card after passing That feeling when you came to your neighbor and saw this.
  11. That at least against the main boss 3 by 3 on a normal one, leaving at least 2 mechs is already considered an incredible courtesy, and you offer such a thing. I don’t know that some people will be able to, but this is the same as when you are of some 10-11 rank and you are offered to win mechs of rank 1, then understand that this is like an idea for yourself and you really will be on the plane to give a bake to some Asian. (You can both Europeans and Afrikans. (I have no objection to some kind of nationality, I just cited it as an example.)) This is an obscenity.
  12. Thanks for the hint, I just went to the site https://ezXXX.com, so I converted 16 pictures to .gif and converted to .mp4 in the same place, here you can also choose the speed, but there is a limit on the weight that thanks again for this site.
  13. I made a simple animation of 16 frames and here the flying dude hits the pyramid drones, although this is 1 slick animation, I'm still proud of it. I meant drawing .pdn pictures that support layers and then when I made 16 frames I converted to .png and then converted to .gif and immediately converted to .mp4. ezgif.com-gif-maker.mp4
  14. I am back and continue to develop BETA version 1.2.0 so check out the first build.
  15. Why didn't the developers fix such a small jamb in the texture of the object, although it has been around for several years and even the new company Gato has not fixed it?
  16. If you want to chat with someone on the topic of this game, then follow the link. Discord : https://discord.gg/PkvN5cVhZS Fandom : https://super-mechs-scratch-edition.fandom.com/f
  17. Banned for not playing Super Mechs Scratch Edition If you want to be unbanned then follow this link :
  18. Banned for wanting to ban someone above us.
  19. Guys, a new update BETA 1.1.2 has been released link : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/472086608/
  20. When I make Beta 1.1.2 and I start to do beta 1.2.0 and I'll make it a major update "the Company" And what beta version did you play?
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