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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. OLD SCHOOL.... Popped in my head, felt like sharing... And here is another and more
  2. Damm... That is crazy....
  3. If you pick up two repair kits, you can do it with 2 revivals.
  4. So, no lvl 20 eh.... Yea, I probably do the same... I should have left 3 at lvl 15.
  5. Yea, though I had to revive it 3 times. I still cashed out on it. On my main, I had to revive it 4 times.
  6. Let me guess, you have all the mines maxed, 3 factories at lvl 15, and one factory at 20?
  7. Only one alternate acct, that I forget to go on to rack up tokens. I only go on my main, just to check for portals or special missions. This alternate I rarely go on. I barely made today's portal. I also forget to go on it to collect Gold in the base, every three days.
  8. Because I have not been on this acct, in a while...
  9. You guys should have just upped it. lmao. You would be done by now... lol
  10. Dude it's not a bug... more than 90% of players get perfect score within the 1st 3 day raid. Then after that, things change. You will loose that position, in 3 days.
  11. I don't know, for sure. Yet, after TS sold it to Alex, it kinda went down. That's when the game stopped getting new items. I don't know if TS, was planning on adding more, if they didn't sell. Of course there will be new players. That is what keeps the game a live. This deal, more for p2w new players.
  12. It's actually a good offer, yet there is no point with the way the game is going. I guess if you are a new player, than it is good.
  13. And I'm not in it.... And that is how poorly active that clan is.
  14. Haven't been on this account for 52 days. I was not going to do the special event, yet I say why not.
  15. Hmm... New leg idea, BUNNY LEGS. They jump far, at any range.
  16. The best weapon is no weapon.
  17. Question in the title. I am looking for the 6 tank Mission. Please let me know. I forgot the whole layout...
  18. That reminds me of what happen to a family when their Child was playing a game and he/she was milking the parents credit card, when they didn't know until they got the bill. The credit card was linked to the phone I guess. All you had to do is click yes.... New question, What is 1+1+ I don't know what else to ask=????
  19. lol.... I didn't finish it... I did about half of it, then left the game for a whyle and came back to another campaign... A new campaign would be awesome.... Next question,,,,, Are you a pay to win?
  20. This is what the campaign looked like when I started. The game went through so many transformations...
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