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Posts posted by shockwave333

  1. 53 minutes ago, Flawed said:

    Frantic Brutes need a big nerf or just be removed because the outcome of their hits can change the game. Their damages range from a bit underpowered to game ending (especially at Mythical and Divine). Of course, all of these complaints are for mostly on the non-top ranks.

    i agree i hate frantics they sgred me in 2 rounds especially at divine level 

    1 hour ago, RaymondL1747 said:

    range 2 can easily be exploited by duel frantic builds, since frantics tend to hit from 200-700(crazy ikr)

    Something we can agree on, rng is either a hit or miss, there are no inbetweens

    he has the same hp as me some of these smurfs are 2500 hp some times more i ran into one at over 3k wtf are we meant to do against that where they have double the hp

  2. 1 hour ago, SUSSYMOGUS said:

    @shockwave333  to make it short after reloaded everything changed,like 90% of it .but after geto took over welp you can see where it went...

    no updates (i really dont care)

    CRAZY AMOUNT OF SMURFS (come on devs pls fix this)

    grinding (its not bad if you have silver boxes base is not bad either other than some prices)


    the smurfs are crazy i am not even kidding i barely can pass 15 and when i do another dam smurf...

    my mech

    Screenshot 2023-06-25 152238.png

    i totally agree with you about the smurd problem not only smurfs they is an entire clan of bots hanging around 16 and 15  the issue has been raised managements and the dont wanna lnow the mods answer was for us to play at a different time and it was a skill issue which shows how out of touch they really are 


    the prices are crazy 50 and 100 buckd for a flash game #### no!!!

  3. On 8/17/2022 at 8:54 AM, Zylok said:

    This describes your whole youth, doesn't it OKI? 😉

    ahhhhhh those were the days

    is the gaming dying idk they are problems with it which management refuse to acknowledge yeah they new players but with the problems in the low ranks in the arena and the v

    campaign and supermechs as a whole being a grind fest how long they will stick around for is anyones guess 

    it become the case the only ones playing are smurfs bots and the whales who keep throwing money at it


  4. i have evidence lord findexi is using bots when in match they act very weirdly  this is how you beat his bots


    1 move to far left of the screen he will use his turbo to crash into you and the a repeller use your telepoer to move the far right he will not follow

    instead he sits there does nothing apart from deploy and undeploy his drobe which does not fire its reaaly weird to watch just sit in the far corner and fire do not approach him 

    i tried to report him but i cant find either his clan or his players id number if abyone knows how let me know 


    he has several bots

    i have a screen shot 







  5. is that why they  are banned in belguim  the netherlands and germany are taking alook at this also no matter how they dress it up it gambling


    • Access to loot boxes is made either via payment (real or virtual
    • currency) or by playing a video game;
  6. 8 hours ago, Flawed said:

    To be honest, I think there really isn't Pay 2 Win mechanics, at least SuperMechs doesn't have really OP items locked behind a paywall. Smurfs are a really huge problem though. As I type this, I am playing SuperMechs, and my first 2 opponents are smurfs. Yeah, it's stupid. SuperMechs also needs an update. Unfortunately, it's "finished" (according to Gato Games developers).

    ah ok so no more updates despite what they say  I want to like this game and despite the crap show that is the arena i do kinda i am hrinding at the moment for the 4 k token deal if things don't improve for me then i will accept i am done  with the game 

    the problem has been raised time and time again the mods and the game management as seen with previous answers have their heads up their ass pretending they id no problem 

  7. 27 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I agree in some ways there is abuse in the low ranks. I can see my kids and when I was playing there was a lot. The problem is if they lock let say with parts power level, the game will distort too much with the normal 2 ranks up or down match maker. Sure, I agree it is annoying as happen to me when I started. About prices, hmm, a bit lower will be better for players and might have more buyers. 

    the out touch post wasnt meant as a reply to you bro it was to mod

    i am gonna make a prediction here if things dont change the game is going to lose the newbies you will have the same whales keeping it barely afloat if no update i think the game will stagnate and die a slow death 

  8. 4 hours ago, hasn said:

    A lot of problems can be solved if they try to do something to prevent people from smurfing on low ranks

    For the prices of 50$ offer kinda seem ridiculous for a old flash game i am not saying they're overly expensive but if you drop it at least 25-35$ its reasonable 

    Half if not all of them is pure RNG and luck really stop from progressing normally and the term skill issue doesn't actually do anything because its not like shooter or platform games

    Its more like RPG with RNG based system in shooter or platform games if you lose you actually don't know to how to play unlike RPG or RNG games like Pokémons or final fantasy its fully RNG if you miss attack or get effect that is random its RNG because the game RNG decided to make you or oppoent to miss or hit the attack its something you CAN'T CONTROL its always random RNG no matter what also the game IS PAY TO WIN meaning if you pay money you get items and win? NO its more gambling because you say payed 20$ you might win and get great items or lose everything with no useful gain

    To be honest alexander the owner is some what of shady guy?

    He is lazy or very busy with game that only gets 70 players daily🙄 but i think he is more happy with those 70 players then the over 4M+ who play supermechs if i not mistaken he promised a balance change to buff energy items only from 2 YEARS but where is it? Even the guy who suggested it @SawzAll asked where is it? Is canceled? Moved to happen in the every future?

    What will happen to supermechs

    only time can tell


    The low ranks lets be honest are a complete shit show given the response here from a mod tells you how much they want new players  The only reason I havent quit the game is Iam stubborn lol 

    The store prices for a flash game are insnae they shpuld be at most $30 

    the loot boxes any way you look at it is gambling even certain countrires in Europe are taking a long hard look at banning which I hope to god they do EA got their ass fined just for this very thing 


    I dont Alex so I cant comment on his character if he is shady or not i dont know 

    i will say this if things dont chance especiall onthe bottom ranks newbies will quit they is no incentive for them to continue grinding  especially when they see the stuff the smurfs have and they no chance in hell in getting it 






  9. On 6/23/2021 at 8:27 PM, Asther said:

    Considering that the sole person actively working on SuperMechs at this given time is Alexander, he's doing great.

    As for the "dull" rewards and "meta" mechs:

    The rewards for quests/portals have gone up, we now have 100%/200%/300% Arena gold as well.

    The meta part is up to you, honestly, nobody is forcing you to run a META mech, take @Lord Gorgon, for example, he's always tinkering mechs out of the meta, and several people are copying them notbecause they're good per say, but they're fun.

    Conclusion: give the game some time, nothing is instant.

    i have given the game  almost 4 months its boring grinding every day for the same stuff fighting bot players in the arena as well as smurfs where is the fun i am still looking for it

  10. @alex this will probably get me banned but you know what I don't give a damn this needs to be said 


    I started playing SM in march I expected to grind I expected a challenge what I found was the worse in pau to win mechanics in the game I thought EA was bad

    being matched with bots and player who should be in a totally different level 

    When the matter was raised the admin said newbies can play at different times when i have a job and family to see to 

    life doesnt exist around a flash game 


    The problem is an easy fix put a lock where high level players can only drop to say level 10 

    give newbies a chance  I know you wont cos these high end players are whales dumb enough to drop hundreds on a mobile game something i am unwilling to do 

    Another suggestion drop the prices $50 to say $25 $30 more will go for it 

    if i am spebding $50 on a game it will be on steam not for a mobile game 


    I thank you in advance for your time if you want to ban cos of what I said i really dont care i have only told you what needs to be said about the state of the game 


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