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A Few Suggestions


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Every now and then, I like to make trial runs through the beginning of the game. Here are a few suggestions, from these trial runs, I would like to pass along:

1. Swap out the Epic Iron Boots, for the Epic Massive Stone Feet, in the first Fortune Box, from the Dry Lands Boss, in Normal.

2. 1 Item Box per Mission, rather than " 0 - 1 "

3. While I believe the C -R Dual Heat / Energy modules are useless, as their individual C -R / C -E counterparts, are better, it has been pointed out to me, that they are a necessity for new players, so I concede defeat on this matter.

4. The " Improve Your Mech " Limited Time Offer, would be nicer as a SHOP option, as some of us cannot get what we need, to make a half-decent Mech, in the allotted time frame. It also has a tendency to move on to the next offer, if you log off for awhile, even if the timer shouldn't have run out.

5. Stop forcing players to build a base or allow them to "opt out" of the tutorial.  It doesn't let you.

6. The beginning of the game, item wise, is quite antiquated. Yes, eventually you get better, newer items. Maybe it's just that some of the initial drones and weapons look outdated. Rapid Destruction, in its' Epic form, looks like an old salt/pepper shaker. Maybe we could ask some of the artists out there, to re-imagine these older items?

Anyhow, that's it.

Edited by Canucklehead (see edit history)
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17 minutes ago, Canucklehead said:

Every now and then, I like to make trial runs through the beginning of the game. Here are a few suggestions, from these trial runs, I would like to pass along:

1. Swap out the Epic Iron Boots, for the Epic Massive Stone Paws, in the first Fortune Box, from the Dry Lands Boss, in Normal.

2. 1 Item Box per Mission, rather than " 0 - 1 "

3. Get rid of the C - R Dual Heat / Energy Module. A useless item, in my opinion, that has made a resurgence, as of late.

4. The " Improve Your Mech " Limited Time Offer, would be nicer as a Store option, as some of us cannot get what we need, to make a half-decent Mech, in that time frame, due to work, school, eating, sleeping, sex lives etc.. Quite often, during gaming sessions, I am ' interrupted ', by a very lovely female, and, well.... bye bye gaming, if you know what I mean.

Anyhow, that's it.


The c-r modules are a necessity, newbies wouldn't be able to complete mechs without them. 0-1 is more profitable for the developers, and will therefore remain as it is.

The epic iron boots are there because they were from among the first items released, and one of the only common to mythic items, and will therefore also remain as one of the first items obtained.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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2 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

Yeah, Alex does. I was just wondering, as Tirreggregars seemed to think that a few things I mentioned, were set in stone, and would never change. 

Well, you have to put yourself in Alex's shoes and consider, why would he use his time and money, on a project that loses him money and has the most insignificant changes. Especially considering stone feet for example do not even have their stats written on them (it does not show that they add resistance). You must also consider that a newbie will most likely have 0-3 epic modules for around 3 months of playing, how are they supposed to build a mech in that time. And, of course the same reason I mentioned at the beginning applies to the 0-1 boxes.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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That's interesting, as I have spoken with quite a few noobs, who have figured out the game quite quickly. As for Alex, one never knows. Developers, much like engineers, like to tinker with things. TS quite a few times, messed around with items, in the Campaign modes. As for modules, ...they don't take that long. I am in a low level clan, with many newer players, who have been playing a month, or less, and many have 10+ epic modules already. Nothing is always as cut and dry, as you may think. Over 30 years in the work force, in the real world, has taught me that many things change.

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On 2/21/2021 at 4:28 AM, Canucklehead said:

3. Get rid of the C - R Dual Heat / Energy Module. A useless item, in my opinion, that has made a resurgence, as of late.

4. The " Improve Your Mech " Limited Time Offer, would be nicer as a Store option, as some of us cannot get what we need, to make a half-decent Mech, in that time frame, due to work, school, eating, sleeping, sex lives etc.. Quite often, during gaming sessions, I am ' interrupted ', by a very lovely female, and, well.... bye bye gaming, if you know what I mean.

Anyhow, that's it.


Pretty good stuff.

I can't agree with #3 only because when it's all you got, those dual heat/energy modules get put on your mech.

I like #4.

I'd add to this: stop forcing players to build a base or allow them to "opt out" of the tutorial.  It doesn't let you.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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