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All hacking and cheating in Supermechs is known and endorsed by Tacticsoft

SM player


The developers have the progression history of any player. That way they can easily detect any hacker, anyone who gets too much or develops too quickly.

They also have the playing time logs, the joining/exiting clans, etc. In conclusion, they collect all game data, operate a simple game which does not consume much servers, and there exist the analytics tools so they can generate aggregates and detect any abnormality.

So, why are there hackers and cheaters, lots of them by all accounts? There are exploits in the game mechanics, some unsavory tactics also; but those are not properly hacking or cheating. I mean:

- Why do they allow hackers to get infinite items if with their logs they can instantly know who gets too much of them too soon?

- Why do they allow smurfing if they can detect the patterns in the ranking changes of any player and so detect smurfers?

- Why do they allow boosting and multi accounts if by IP, and even without IP, you can detect the regularity in arena matches between those accounts?

- Lagging software to crash an arena match, bullying in the  texts, etc, etc.; can all be so easily detected and erradicated by pattern recognition

The answers to all these questions goes to the genesis and purpose of the game. It is a great well detailed and well tuned game designed to make money for the company by microtransactions and pay to win. So to induce 1/1000 players to spend money the game is designed to an slow progression, but you will see that any and all of the cheating and hacking strategies benefits the pay to win induction in normal players.

Like politics, it is not only they are working at other games, or that they do not care, or they think the improvements are difficult or costly (which we have seen are really easy with today cheap automated data analysis technologies); it is INTENTIONALLY DESIGNED.

So we players must be realistic in our expectatives and enjoyment of this game. We adapt to the strategies required to neutralize, diminish the effect, of those who hack/cheat. We enjoy the farming and campaign and perhaps not the arena. We set ourselves a rank X goal, perhaps 1-3 rank definitively not as we do not hack/cheat/pay to win. etc, etc.

In my case, I enjoy this game not any less when denouncing it. With realism we adopt the style, goals and strategies we conceive.

This post is a profound critic to realize the truth of this game and the better possibilities of it. As one knows the 'metagame', one must also know the 'real game' or the real foundations of the game since it is bigger and determines large part of the 'metagame'.

In short words, in this game hacking/cheating/pay to win is the real metagame, so we must play it accordingly, which is not doing the same but reaching realistic, functional, effective compromises aligned to our goals and ethics.


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there are some limitations on data. For example, you can use same video code and pass the season and use same code and will be different video. 

Some data still save for some time then require erasing. 

Hacker's watch is related to players normally in the industry. The game developers work on it, but the players are the one that normally provide tips. This game does have limitations on personal doing many things even players think it is not true. 

Sure, takes time to check players. Not easy task to do having just few employees dedicated to issues and basic updates on servers and extras having more than one game to manage. 

Sure, there are few things around to work on and I think it is about to change some gears on attitudes.  

I just play the way it is. The day can't play or get bored, I just move on like any other played in the past. It is just an entertainment no life to get upset for a silly thing.  

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