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Uma ideia talvez boa


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Seria bom se vinhesse uma nova mecânica de estratégia ou de batalha,e tmb novas peças e categorias de mechs,e tmb novas fazes no jogo tmb,pq assim,trará jogadores antigos ,pq essa ideia quebrará a repetição no game e tmb novidades pros jogadores antigos ,isso seria MT bom

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8 hours ago, felca said:

It would be nice if there was a new strategy or battle mechanic, and tmb new parts and categories of mechs, and tmb new makes in the game tmb, because this way, it will bring old players, because this idea will break the repetition in the game and tmb news for old players, that would be good MT

sadly, no news about new parts or changes. 🤔

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