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Heat build



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Welcome back.

I am busy now. If you are new again, it is about farming. 

If you want advice, then provide images of current account. 

IT is hard what to tell when people are new because when start all change every day of play because new parts might arrive farming and will need to change often to advance. 

There are some basic parts to move forward 

This torso can be use even for R1image.png.158890cc1cff0c54728177d34c47b9f0.png . It is a torso available for all players free to play and p2w.

If no other premium or epic that are good for it, that one is best.

You can use these image.png.ffc1133324f5b30773a779004e03ab73.png. The one circulated is use as top and the one blue can be used for energy but with lower HP. 

Also you can use this one that start as epic image.png.14528144172896b57fe3af0a8b05c742.png.

You need to understand that parts comes with different levels as starting point and limited to where can go on levels.

This example as maybe you should know already, start as EPIC with the purple circular range and can end up as Divine as it is now a white ball. This is an item that is good to max for the long run depending of the part in the long run.image.png.b5d945c905d92ff9a8f31ac80000fa19.png

Some does not advance. This one reach just epic range then die. We use those as food.image.png.b90b04d7f501a12bfeffce8703e676fe.png

Starting the game, some food become primary parts till can get premium or proper epic parts and have no choice because all depend on luck getting parts.

So, the torso showed, are the best to start and max them the first one is the best choice if no others starting, and it is not a waste. You can develop 3 of them if have too.

If to not have the FEET family legs image.png.c0423471506188feb6eeffe90f0577d8.png that all of them can be max out and should do, then it is by choice what legs can be use that allow you to progress with this family image.png.568125a2dbf0af3aed12f2343b1720ab.png. The physical version is the common in use but can be use the 3 of them according your mechs parts availability. It was one of the go to part in the past. 

Side weapons you can use those because can progress to divine and start in rare/epic so you will get them farming often in rare option. you can use all of them as starting point image.png.a5d1821daec02648e67378ad8e77d9bb.png,image.png.2edca3f77bfab4de0f6f991dd44acb0b.png the same for the inverse options. Those 2 are not a waste instead will need for the long run and as I mention, can get as rare farming very often. Use them. 

Thise family image.png.110f0ee2b464d3fe7776f0e18a236654.png in epic will stay in epic but it is important to max them if have them to help you out in resistance even no premium so do not dump them till get premium also this   image.png.22bb8710638aa13c0b4ceeb3e07318bc.pngit is essential. It does require farming or getting them in the buy option. Will need them and can get them for free farming a lot for heat and energy. Max them. Those come on common or rare.  image.png.fcc0a9ebf704d9ea57a294aa3d6e30ca.pngimage.png.b44430765d8da4d6d45c3e29039dfe95.png

It is just a basic starting point. FARM FARM FARM to advance and get those as free. 

As mentioned, when start you will use other's part and will change them often and it is hard to tell what to use because is what will be when started changing all the time. 




Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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