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The mech I SHOULD'VE put more effort into..


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Atomus and Ampaz have officially upgraded to a full mythical setup with the exception of the Boilers legs. Considering all that they really need now for their weapons is for them to be upgraded to 50 and later on ascension; It's about time to start working on the third mech that I should have put effort into instead of Ampaz. Ill admit, energy drainers only go so far. Up until this point, Atomus and Ampaz's damage output consisted entirely on the mech they were fighting, and they have a myriad of mech builds that can easily destroy them. While on the other hand, they also have a myriad of mech builds they specialize in destroying.

Mid ladder boilers struggle heavily, I figured the drawback would become apparent soon. Just not this soon-

Point is, i'm tired of having my mechs survivability depend on what type of mech im facing. How about instead of worrying about energy or cooling, I just run into my oppositions with Brute force (get the joke..?)

When this mech finally gets upgraded enough to where it can fight and trust me, it will be soon. I'm making Atomus sit in the back. It's time for Atreyus to shine!






edit: After plugging the same items Atreyus has on him already into workshop unlimited- I found out this is what he will soon become


And that's just terrifyingimage.png.72f5227c724f77c4cbd31b5d2194c039.png

Edited by AtomusX (see edit history)

 Mech Status: In Shop

Current Status: Integrating my spotify playlist to my boiler.


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