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I made this mech in the sandbox website for super mechs, is it worth it?



I made this mech:


And I want to know if it's even possible to make it with full divine/mythical and if it is even worth it

Tell me please



On 8/15/2023 at 12:50 PM, SPECIMENZERO said:

I made this mech:


And I want to know if it's even possible to make it with full divine/mythical and if it is even worth it

Tell me please



And what should l change in it

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2 answers to this question

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Your original design had 2 hammers which only works against titans. It also had no way to attack at 2 range, and a lack of cooling and resistance.

Owlton modified your design to fix these issues while keeping your same vibe but my only suggestion is removing the teleporter to raise your hp.

Not having a teleporter is ok in this build because being pushed into a wall is not dangerous with that hammer and missle combo. Also, your mech easily overheats so only snipers with amazing cooling will be able to use two turns to 1. push you into sniping range and 2. shoot.

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