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hello How do you see my heat mech?


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I would say you should remove your dual storage modules and replace them with the Energy Engine and the Heat Engine. You really don't need the Savagery if you already have two unlimited use items with about the same range, I would say keep it on there but focus on upgrading the other stuff first. Other than that, your mech composition looks good!

Make sure your torso is the best item on the mech in terms of rarity, because a good torso can solve many problems (like overheating and energy drain).

That's all!

9 minutes ago, kn,n, said:

And with everything maxed out, how far could it go?

For a beginners mech, it looks good, but this type of mech really doesn't make it that far into the game. If you get a Hybrid Heat Cannon, use it instead of the Flaminator or Corrupt Light.

I think I should rename myself to Immaculate, that would be a much better name, wouldn't it?

Scorpions are also very cool.

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8 minutes ago, Flawed said:

Diría que debe eliminar sus módulos de almacenamiento dual y reemplazarlos con el motor de energía y el motor térmico. Realmente no necesitas el Savagery si ya tienes dos elementos de uso ilimitado con aproximadamente el mismo rango, diría que mantenlo ahí, pero concéntrate en actualizar las otras cosas primero. Aparte de eso, ¡tu composición mech se ve bien!

Asegúrese de que su torso sea el mejor elemento en el mech en términos de rareza, porque un buen torso puede resolver muchos problemas ( como sobrecalentamiento y drenaje de energía ).

¡Eso es todo!

Para un principiante mech, se ve bien, pero este tipo de mech realmente no llega tan lejos en el juego. Si obtiene un cañón de calor híbrido, úselo en lugar del laminador o la luz corrupta.

thank you

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