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negative money balance???


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On 7/31/2022 at 10:23 AM, Yakir said:

it happened when i bought 5 boxes when i had like only 16k but ive never seen this

2022-07-31 (4).png

some different offer will appear as you rank up. When I was lower rank, great offers appeared when old owner was in the game but my acc was too low. As I ranked then those big boys offer appeared. I was not buying but is what happens in all my accounts.

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16 minutes ago, Yakir said:

oh the special offers for upgrading your whole mech overall?

do they all cost money the offers you got or also tokens

it has been too long to remember. sure, all is based on tokens or cash. Some of them can be obtained with tokens if you save your tokens from achievement during your early development. Check the achievement area and will show what you can get doing pvp etc. You can get easy 2-3k fast and if you use that properly, you can get good possibilities to move on faster with luck. 

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as you do achievement, that pay tokens and if you save them, you can balance with your daily plus commercials. 


fight always titan. even if you are solo player and low ranker, you can get some low clan tokens but will growth and can get some premium pack. I have 40 premium packs if I want to collect just playing titan every week. As solo player was low reward, but I accumulated enough to get premium and used them but now I am saving them.  



join a clan that play war regardless clan position. if fight you can get relics no matter is are common or rare to start but those rare will be in need for your early stage and will carry those weapons for middle ground pvp. 

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48 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

as you do achievement, that pay tokens and if you save them, you can balance with your daily plus commercials. 


fight always titan. even if you are solo player and low ranker, you can get some low clan tokens but will growth and can get some premium pack. I have 40 premium packs if I want to collect just playing titan every week. As solo player was low reward, but I accumulated enough to get premium and used them but now I am saving them.  



join a clan that play war regardless clan position. if fight you can get relics no matter is are common or rare to start but those rare will be in need for your early stage and will carry those weapons for middle ground pvp. 

wdym save achievements? once i do one its done no? and wdym balance with my daily plus commercials btw i cant watch any more commertials is there like a limit or something on how many i can watch in total because its been already an entire day and i cant watch commercials

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5 minutes ago, Yakir said:

wdym save achievements? once i do one its done no? and wdym balance with my daily plus commercials btw i cant watch any more commertials is there like a limit or something on how many i can watch in total because its been already an entire day and i cant watch commercials

you can complete achievements and save tokens as much you can for good enhancements. If you play every day, you can get daily 5 wins. With the 5 wins as minimal, you get 10 tokens plus silver coins to enhance your account arena items as caps, resistance, base etc. Saving tokens is something good if you are free to play. Now, if you will be a pay to play, so buy anytime plus doing daily will give you extra. commercials are limited. I think 30 per day equal to 60 tokens or used to be like that. Never worked in my accounts on tokens base commercial wise I do not know why. Sure, I get commercials all the time but can use 30 at any time then will go away and have to wait again. It will reset next day. My commercials are the same but based only on gold when I will or lose a pvp. I can choose to use it or not, I preserve 5 for the 5 wins to collect more gold and the silver tokens for fun. I can use those commercials to collect the extra card for possible epic when I craft parts using the base.

I can get 2 tokens commercial when I fight raid and lose one time a day per raid. So, 6 raid loses can give 12 tokens max per week in my account but normally because I am tired and want to be killed and move on and do not collect unless is a failure. 

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