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The elephant in the room


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I'm going to say this about the elephant in the room due to recent events.  I am not trying to cause anyone harm, or spam the forum, so if this is out of place, please delete it or let me know and I'll delete it.

Trump attempted a coup, and Pence didn't go along with it.

Trump incited violence.

I did not serve in the military 20 years to defend a president who willfully violates the constitution.

I swore to defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Given that Trump attempted a coup and incited violence, he is an enemy of the Constitution.

I will never vote for any politician who does NOT sign the articles of impeachment.

I want you to know, loud and clear, both as a former military member and a Christian, Trump does NOT represent us.  He is NOT acting like a Christian should, nor as a politician should.

This type of bull krap really bothers me.  Please know that there are conservative Christians out there who did not vote for Trump and do not support him.  People like me.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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