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Everything posted by hasn

  1. Sorry if you didn't get the joke
  2. -10/10 because you didn't equip epic cyclone feet with it
  3. You will not find a lot some furries are hidden
  4. Yeah but by the time you unlock your base is already max level but yeah its good unless you get epic you can't items that wouldn't go mythcial.
  5. Both sliver boxes and the base has their downside Not a lot of people liked when the base update come around due being like most building city mobile games like clash of clans note:clash of clans isn't really bad mobile game The sliver box were like the daily boxes but costs a little coins also having chance of epic items Downside is really big but as stefix5000 said The base:is like mobile games: 1st upgrade 2nd wait 3rd comeback 4th upgrade 5th wait you get the idea It gives free coins thorough the gold miners The factory kinda suck especially the chance of epic item card but it takes forever so it's not worth like cheap but slow item production but some cards are great best example is power kits which is great for boosting items because power kits are hard to obtain from boxes The downside for the base is basically this (1st upgrade 2nd wait 3rd comeback 4th upgrade 5th wait) you can't really upgrade anything you without the other upgrading the base to lv15 will take month my base is currently level 13 today i upgrade it to level 14 but it will take 3 days to be finished the gold miners all are lv13 and 1 lv13 factory and the others are 10 and 4. Its up to you to decide what you prefer
  6. Second mech will need magma recoiler E-M item 1 knockback 1 pushes you backwards Also a better regeneration replace 1 heat engine with mass regeneration booster so you don't get energy breaked with no way to combat
  7. I believe i found clan of smurfers i want to report them most the members were having weak torso covered by pumpkin perk and legs and maxed weapons not all of them were like smurfers mech i fought one of them won i don't know if there was thread talking about them or not i just remember seeing old post about clan of smurfers Update:i found the old thread suspiciously the name of both clan are similar coincidence?
  8. What wins? I don't know what your talking about
  9. For close ranger rock polisher and 2 annihilation no drone work with this one For long ranger desolation and repulser since desolation damaging weapon flame spear better used with it
  10. @fordekash you cacan never get so much resistance because his are cheated Highest phsycial resistance you can get is 179 with arena buff without it its 128
  11. i think is post might be necroposting but lastet post made before this is 7 month after no one posted in the topic so if i should get warning i accept it this tier list might annoy you so please read before judging the NICHE list refer to torsos that has unique feature no other tosro has USE AT YOUR OWN RISK refer to torsos that can be good when used right so if you read this message you can see the tier list. the explaining for niche list: lighting and molten platinum vests:having high phsycial resistance makes phsycial mechs require damaged armor annihilator in same mech. nightmare: being light weghit is this torso whole niche. battery armors:yes i believe they can be great especially their many advantage is high capacity not requiring engine or stoarge unit with the backdrop low cooling and regeneration. ENERGY-FREE-ARMOR:the name says it that's it only works with weapons that need energy to use but the weapons are limited no drone works with expect heat drone without swoop swoop doesnt work also same for THE CLAW stuff i want to say: yes i put battery armor with molten and lighting platinum vests generally armor destroyers are basically used on any mech so what's your opinion?
  12. Frozen abyss 1vs1 side mission no.4 also works for whose don't have second mech Its takes 40 total fuels to do 8 times to play and frozen abyss side mission no.1 has 5 structures This takes longer but easier
  13. The hammers kinda work as the recoilers but they are limited to 1-1 range
  14. I found this picture while searching (supermechs god mode) Its not real seeable due the weapons covering it What do you think about it?
  15. Keep going Also nice mechs
  16. Purple used exist but it removed Orange sliver/grey are present but its limited Orange are only appear at lv40 item Sliver/grey at lv1 item appear once you upgrade them lv2 become white But if it different shade of color i kinda wanna see it
  17. I don't know if this can count but any META builds user Is cheap player Not hating on anyone who uses META builds on arena But its not easy to win against them also unrelated but if everyone uses META builds what's the point of arena if everyone you gonna fight against is literally same build as the other you fougt If this offended you well everyone has different opinion
  18. I don't know what to say because highest phsycial resistance you can reach is 128 without arena buff but with arena buff its 179 also you can equip 1 resistance moudle from each 1 So possibly he may be hacking or glitched system making think he only equipped 1 platinum fortress.
  19. As the title suggests how many of you have gotten or owned a one before? the normal charge engine not the superb one (premuim version) From fortune box or a premium pack or whatever box.
  20. I have lv25 legendary tonto and lv1 greedy drone which i should use?
  21. All of them were off topic but okay But best i can say the mechs from the shop could be good in the old undeveloped META like 2017 before the overpowered items platinum vests massive feet monkeys buffed overpowered items existed May they work
  22. If you are wondering they are 2 different players For the first picture i can't believe has only warhammer as weapon For second the player had bought the 3 physcial mechs from rock demoliser angry blacksmith and lumberjack Both resulted on me winning
  23. Ultrabright and night eagle
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