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Everything posted by hasn

  1. Trying to shutdown a titan requires corrcet build mostly on god mode titan 2 divine flamming hammer 1 divine vandal rage or maybe 2 Drone being murmur to help decrease his cooling And on claw legs For torso either winidigo or molten platinum vest
  2. Sorry i done spelling mistake
  3. Keep nightfall in the mech also can i see your inventory so i could know if there that helps your mech and Drone
  4. Awsome mech Recommend replacing 1 iron plate with cooling module and replace heat capsule with heat engine and switch nightfall for other heat weapon Also what's your drone If you don't have epic heat modules keep your currently modules unitl you get heat modules also don't food your epic items right away
  5. Okay i gonna host the next game 5 letters Thw winner is solarisHK416 congratulations WARIO Correct letters:A.O.I.R.W Incorrect letters:T.E.H.B.V
  6. I want to know if there some sort build or setup that uses Electrolyte Drone I know that Tonto (the phsycial counterpart) and Fire fly (the heat counterpart) are used commonly for a lot of builds. Like close ranger phsycial mech that uses 1 nightfall 1 night eagle 1 rock recoiler 1 Spartan carnage on the claw with any torso commonly monkey armor and platinum vests Or energy free magma blaster 3 magma blast 1 burning shower on energy-free-armor on sparked runners
  7. When Alexander and his team are finished with battle dawn 2
  8. Okay it's matter what game you play unless you have fun with it
  9. I am unable to participate i got too much work going on
  10. Well i can't blame you because its true All of the items got overly buffed making any other item unusable For update only thing you can update is (RNG system,balance items that needs a buff,fix most torsos
  11. Common thing in the forums when someone ask for tips or and help
  12. Is this like the old lightning or energy tournament hosted years ago? Because the rules similar to old tournament rules but heat only
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